
Jupiter Trial Work Groups: Post Vote Thoughts

<p>1/ JWGs are focking important for extending the capability and scope of the Jupiverse, and I am committed to spending as much time/effort as needed to figure out both the creation and accountability processes alongside the community and other WGs.</p>
<p>2/ Like 99% of things we do, JWGs are experiments. There are lots we need to figure out as a community across the entire stack - from formation, figuring out emergent talents, how to do community level assessments, best operational practises for the dao, etc.</p>
<p>We will continue to scope experiments such that potential harm is low, learn rapidly from them, apply the lessons, and move forward fast. We will not be a community that is stuck in ideas or philosophy or quagmire.</p>
<p>3/ JWGs do wayyyyy more than just moderators - they are in essence political startups - expected to rally the community towards collaborating with them in initiatives and content creation, commit substantial amounts of time to working in public, generate strong value for the ecosystem via their efforts, and stand up for themselves and their work in public.</p>
<p>We need leaders, not moderators. A big part of the process is in emerging new leaders, assessing them as a community, and empowering them in terms of capital, legitimacy and support. We need to nail this process, not just for Jupiter, but as a new working model for the decentralized world.</p>
<p>4/ The team did not personally know any of the candidates this time round, current candidates emerged via active participation from the community. For future trial workgroups, aspiring work groups should have a history of doing great work together, as well as clear broad support from the community and a focused scope before going on trial.</p>
<p>To be clear, i don’t think there is anything wrong with this particular process, we had to move forward given that we have been talking about it for a couple of months, and this exact process was needed to figure out how to further improve it and make future trial cycles more community driven.</p>
<p>4/ For now, we need to move past the differences and move on with a united front towards growing the Jupiverse - there is so much to do together as a community. As one of the leading communities and platforms in the decentralized world, we cannot be bogged down and get stuck via infighting.</p>
<p>At the same time, obviously - the differences are very real, some of the critiques very correct, and some of the improvements suggested very much needed.</p>
<p>So we will do both - move on while addressing the key concerns that many have floated.</p>
<p>5/ Let’s give the new trial working groups a big congrats for being passed by the DAO, and give them the time and opportunity to do the work they were voted to do. We will have 3-5 months to work with them before they are eligible to be part of the full vote.</p>
<p>It’s crucial that we collaborate with them to the best of our ability, otherwise we are just setting them up to fail, which is the exact opposite from what we should be doing.</p>
<p>6/ There were some key areas of concern, including trial work group formation, cost to DAO in terms of failure, voter effort in voting, prior work in terms of contribution, high pay for individuals as well as some key scandals in terms of background.</p>
<p>These are very important topics that are impossible to address here in a way that does justice to them, so we will work on these over the course of the next few weeks and months.</p>
<p>7/ Last but not least, working and standing up for yourself in public is hard. Your entire self worth, work history and sometimes even how you look and various parts of identity is often put on trial.</p>
<p>Of course, it is all par for the course, but i would encourage everyone to be kind, not to spread half baked information, and give people time to prove themselves and their intentions.</p>
<p>Time is the best teacher, and we need to set ourselves up well to receive the lessons.</p>
<p>Summary/ JWGs are experimental models for decentralized leadership. Figuring out the trial process is one of the crucial aspects of this experiment. We will work on figuring it out, but in the meantime, we will respect the vote, give a massive congrats to the candidates, and support them fully in the next few months.</p>
<p>In the meantime, we will gather all the feedback in one place, execute on improvements where necessary, encourage new areas of leadership together - and improve as a Jupiverse community together <img src="" title=":wink:" class="emoji" alt=":wink:" loading="lazy" width="20" height="20"></p>
<p>And who knows? With some luck, we might even end up pioneering a new working model for the decentralized economy. But luck never goes to the fearful - it goes to the brave ones. So brave we will be, and take every division, debate, detractor as a chance and opportunity to learn and get better.</p>


JUP DAO Newsletter #4

<h1>JUP DAO Newsletter #4</h1>
<p><strong>October 14, 2024</strong></p>

<img src="" alt="Cat in a space suit illustration">

<p>JM, Catdets!! It's time for another exciting update on all things Jupiter. Let's dive into the highlights of the last week!</p>

<h2>📱 Jupiter Mobile launched in Apple App Store</h2>
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<p>Jupiter Mobile has finally arrived: <a href=""></a></p>
<li><a href="">Download the app</a></li>
<li><a href="">Leave a review to win 50 JUP</a></li>
<li><a href="">Onboarding popup bounty for up to 300 USDC</a></li>

<h2>💡 Simplified Grants Process</h2>
<img src="" alt="Infographic of Grants Process">
<p>Apply for mentorship or join discussions in the <a href="">#grants channel</a>.</p>

<h2>🗳️ Governance Updates: Voting Page Enhancements</h2>
<img src="" alt="Voting Page Screenshot">
<p>Visit <a href=""></a> and subscribe to the newsletter!</p>

<h2>🪐 Planetary Call #30</h2>
<img src="" alt="Planetary Call">
<p>Watch the recording here: <a href="">Planetary Call #30 Recording</a></p>

<h2>🚀 Upcoming $DBR Launch on LFG Launchpad</h2>
<p>More details: <a href="">deBridge LFG Launchpad</a></p>

<h2>🧃 JUP & Juice Time</h2>
<img src="" alt="Astronaut Cats">
<li><a href="">Episode 20 Recording</a></li>
<li><a href="">Episode 21 Recording</a></li>

<h2>🦧 APE.PRO AMA</h2>
<img src="" alt="APE.PRO AMA">
<p>Read the full AMA: <a href="">Product AMA on Reddit</a></p>

<h2>🐱 Community Highlights</h2>
<img src="" alt="Community Astronaut Cats">
<li><a href="">Catdet Spotlight: OG</a></li>
<li><a href="">Port Harcourt Meetup Sneak Peek</a></li>

<h2>🌟 Final Thoughts</h2>
<p>As we wrap up another stellar week, thank you for your contributions to the Jupiverse. Stay pawsitive and keep your claws sharp for the next exciting update! J4J! 🐱🚀</p>

<h3>🔗 Stay Connected:</h3>
<li><a href="">JUP DAO Discord</a></li>
<li><a href="">JUP Research</a></li>
<li><a href="">Jupiter Uplink Link Tree</a></li>

Organized General

JUP DAO Newsletter #3

<h1>JUP DAO Newsletter #3</h1>
<p><strong>October 7, 2024</strong></p>

<img src="" alt="Astronaut Cat Illustration">

<p>JM Catdets! J4J#2 Vote has concluded and the majority of JUP DAO voted for extending Active Staking Rewards for one more year!</p>

<h2>ASR Extended Until October 2025</h2>
<img src="" alt="ASR Extension Screenshot">
<p>A record 307,483,434 votes were cast, with 69% supporting ASR extension, 27% for burning unclaimed tokens, and 5% for returning them to the community multi-sig wallet.</p>
<p>With new initiatives such as LFG Launchpad V2 and CAT, the next twelve months are set to be exciting!</p>

<h2>Jupiter Working Groups Updates</h2>

<h3>Core Working Group</h3>
<img src="" alt="Core Working Group Image">
<p>Winners of the "Ideate on the DAO C.A.R.E. Goals" bounty:</p>
<li><a href="">@Mirea_bp</a></li>
<li><a href="">Harvesto Orlando</a></li>
<li><a href="">@Opacksx</a></li>

<h3>Uplink Working Group</h3>
<img src="" alt="Uplink Working Group Image">
<p>Uplink celebrates 10,000 YouTube subscribers! Subscribe here: <a href="">Jupiter Exchange on YouTube</a></p>
<p>Also, check out their new music account on <a href="">Spotify</a>.</p>

<h3>Catdet Working Group</h3>
<img src="" alt="Catdet Working Group Image">
<p>Join the next Reddit AMA with @joedoe_ on October 9 at 2:30 PM UTC: <a href="">Reddit AMA</a></p>

<h3>JUP & Juice Working Group</h3>
<img src="" alt="JUP & Juice Image">
<p>Relive Breakpoint 2024 adventures: <a href="">Watch Episode</a></p>

<h2>Jupiter Product Updates</h2>
<img src="" alt="Jupiter Product Updates Image">
<p>New Jupiter Portfolio feature is live! <a href="">Learn More</a></p>

<h2>Community Highlights</h2>
<img src="" alt="Community Highlights Image">
<p>This week's Catdet Spotlight features @_WTP123_: <a href="">Read Spotlight</a></p>

<h2>Thank You for Reading!</h2>
<p>See you next week! J4J! 🚀🐱</p>

<h3>Stay Connected:</h3>
<li><a href="">Join JUP DAO Discord</a></li>
<li><a href="">Jupiter Uplink Link Tree</a></li>

Organized General

JUP DAO Newsletter #2

<h1>JUP DAO Newsletter #2</h1>
<p><strong>September 30, 2024</strong></p>

<p>JM catdets! Hope you had a chance to cast your vote in the J4J#2 Vote, if not – go ahead and do that now!</p>

<h2>J4J#2 Vote</h2>
<img src="" alt="J4J Proposal Image">
<p><strong>J4J Proposal #2</strong> requests the DAO to decide the fate of 215M unclaimed JUP tokens from Jupuary 2024:</p>
<li>Fund Active Staking Rewards for 12 months (50M per quarter, 15M for future initiatives).</li>
<li>Burn the tokens (2.15% of total supply).</li>
<li>Return tokens to the community multi-sig for future initiatives.</li>
<p>Learn more and cast your vote by October 1 at 15:30 UTC:</p>
<li><a href="">Proposal and Discussions</a></li>
<li><a href="">Proposal Discussion Segment</a></li>
<li><a href="">ASR Vote Talk</a></li>
<li><a href="">Vote Now</a></li>

<h2>JUP DAO Grants System</h2>
<img src="" alt="Grants System">
<p>The Grants System is soft-launched and will be fully operational soon! It rewards members for contributions and helps aspiring Working Groups.</p>
<li><a href="">Grants Discussion Segment</a></li>
<li><a href="">Grant Application Process</a></li>
<li><a href="">C.A.R.E. Pillars Bounty</a></li>
<li><a href="">#grants Channel on Discord</a></li>

<h2>Product Updates</h2>
<img src="" alt="Metropolis Banner">
<p>Metropolis API suite, powering Jupiter, is now available:</p>
<li>Swap API: Dynamic Slippage and Instant Routing</li>
<li>Price V2 API: Smoothed derived price</li>
<li>Token API: Enhanced token metadata</li>
<p>Learn more about Metropolis:</p>
<a href="">Presentation by @0x_Malc</a>

<h2> Early Access</h2>
<p>Test out before the public release. Reach out to <a href="">JoeDoe on X</a> to join!</p>

<h2>Community Highlights</h2>
<li><a href="">Infographic on Jupiter’s Product Keynote</a></li>
<li><a href="">Multi-lingual Accessibility Initiative</a></li>
<li><a href="">@MessiasMorten's JUP DAO Journey</a></li>

<h2>Thank You for Reading!</h2>
<p>See you next week, catdets! J4J! 🐱🚀</p>

<h3>Stay Connected:</h3>
<li><a href="">Join JUP DAO Discord</a></li>
<li><a href="">Jupiter Uplink Link Tree</a></li>

Organized General

JUP DAO Newsletter #1

<h1>JUP DAO Newsletter #1</h1>
<p><strong>September 23, 2024</strong></p>

<p>JM catdets! What a week, huh? Only one out of 52 this year, yet it was packed with so many news and updates.</p>

<h2>J.U.P. RALLY</h2>
<p>First of all, we had a special J.U.P. RALLY Planetary Call last Wednesday:</p>
<p><a href="">Watch the Call on YouTube</a></p>
<p>There's a 10 SOL bounty budget for the top 3 X threads summarizing the call. Submit by September 24:</p>
<li><a href="">Thread by exotickarlo</a></li>
<li><a href="">Thread by lochiejarvis201</a></li>
<li><a href="">Thread by bossdenxy</a></li>
<li><a href="">Thread by ozgsol</a></li>
<li><a href="">Thread by silhouettehq</a></li>

<h2>Solana Breakpoint Updates</h2>
<p><strong>@sssionggg</strong> delivered a keynote at Solana Breakpoint 2024. Watch the summary:</p>
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<p>Read more: <a href="">Full Keynote on X</a></p>

<img src="" alt="$VIN Launch">
<p>dVIN has launched their $VIN token with 1.5% allocated to JUP DAO! Learn more and participate here: <a href=""></a></p>

<p>Don't miss the JUP DAO vote on September 27. Read all the details:</p>
<p><a href="">Proposal on X</a></p>

<h2>Jupiter Work Groups Updates</h2>
<p>The latest episode of DeFi JUP JAM is out:</p>
<p><a href="">Watch DeFi JUP JAM</a></p>

<h2>Community Highlights</h2>
<p>This week, pictures speak louder than words. Here’s the Jupiverse family in action:</p>
<img src="" alt="Jupiverse Family 1">
<img src="" alt="Jupiverse Family 2">
<img src="" alt="Jupiverse Family 3">

<h2>Thanks for Reading!</h2>
<p>Thanks for reading, catdets! See you next week. J4J! 🚀</p>

<h3>Stay Connected:</h3>
<li><a href="">Join JUP DAO Discord</a></li>

Organized General
DAO Processes

JUP DAO Grant Application Process

<p>This is the system that you will use to apply for grants, specifically as the first step towards a potential Workgroup.</p>
<p>Other types of grants will come at a later date.</p>
<p>Below are 2 sections: The <strong>Grants Checklist</strong> which includes the 4 steps to attain a grant &amp; The <strong>Proposal Standard</strong> which you’ll need when writing the proposal in step 1 of the process.</p>
<p>We also highly recommend that prior to starting you read the <a href="">JUP &amp; JUICE Case-study</a> to help understand some of the expectations and social elements of the process.</p>
<h1><a name="p-39582-grants-checklist-1" class="anchor" href="#p-39582-grants-checklist-1"></a>Grants Checklist</h1>
<p>Create a Draft proposal on Jupresearch using the Proposal Standard below</p>
<p>Solicit feedback from multiple community sources (The <span class="hashtag-raw">#grants</span> channel in Discord, DAO meetings, conversations, posting to twitter, etc). Have this culminate in an appearance on JUP &amp; JUICE, and use all of this feedback to make any edits to your Draft.</p>
<p>Create an account on the <a href="">Grants Portal</a> and copy-paste in your finalized Draft that will be immutable.</p>
<p><strong>Note: The ORG will be spun up early this week. However, since this is step 3 in the process, you may get started on the first 2 now</strong></p>
<p>Present your final proposal at a CWG Office Hours, or schedule a session with the Grants council if it’s not possible to attend. This will be the last step before determination. If your grant is accepted, regularly update its status on the original jupresearch post.</p>
<h1><a name="p-39582-proposal-standard-2" class="anchor" href="#p-39582-proposal-standard-2"></a>Proposal Standard</h1>
<p>Please answer all of the following sections in at least 1-2 paragraphs of detail when making your proposal on the Grants Portal. Some will require less, and some more, but use your best judgement.</p>
Short introduction of your idea. Provide a few sentences that capture exactly what you are wanting to do.</p>
<p><strong>DAO GOALS</strong><br>
What issues does your grant solve?</p>
<p>Read the following essay posted by Slorg: <a href="" class="inline-onebox"></a></p>
<p>Will any of the 4 C.A.R.E(cohesion, activation, reach, education) goals of the DAO be achieved by this proposal? Additionally, how does this grant or group intend to scale over time if it reaches the WorkGroup stage?</p>
Explain the people involved, their roles, and their qualifications for being a part of this grant. Additionally comment on their prior interactions with the Jupiter community(are they active in discord, on twitter, on the forum, etc).</p>
<p>Post any proof of prior work in public, things which demonstrate your skillset in the relevant area including things like: web3 history, web3 CV(or web2), past deliverables, etc.</p>
<p><strong>MEASURING SUCCESS</strong><br>
By which metrics, if any would you consider the grant successfully completed? Briefly describe the proposals’ success metrics.</p>
Describe the cost and how it would be distributed. By default, grants are distributed after completion of them. If your proposal requires partial or full distribution in advance you need to explain why in this section. Note, that this will require a compelling reason and will not be the norm.</p>
<p>Also describe the timeline over which this will take place and how much time you will dedicate to achieving it.</p>


JUP DAO Newsletter #0

<p>JM, fellow catdets!</p>
<p>Hope you've had a stellar week. Now, let's dive into the Jupiverse and catch you up on all the good stuff from the past seven days!</p>

<h2>🎉 JUP & JUICE Trial Work Group Becomes Official!</h2>
<img src="" alt="Screenshot of JUP & JUICE Trial Announcement">
<p>There were quite a few heated discussions, but the DAO voted "For." We look forward to seeing the quartet take the podcast to new heights!</p>

<h2>✨ Breakpoint 2024 is Here!</h2>
<p>No Planetary Call last week, but this week brings more alpha than ever with <strong>Breakpoint 2024</strong>! Co-founder <strong>@sssionggg</strong> will deliver a keynote speech on September 20, and Jupiter will host side events, including <strong>Meow's Standup Comedy gig</strong>.</p>
<p>Follow updates here: <a href=""></a></p>

<h2>📢 Special Pre-Breakpoint Planetary Call</h2>
<p>Don't miss the special pre-Breakpoint Planetary Call this Wednesday at 15:30 UTC. RSVP here: <a href=""></a></p>

<h2>🌌 Work Group Updates</h2>

<h3>Core Work Group</h3>
<p>Published JUP DAO WG Proposal Guidelines: <a href="">Read Guidelines</a></p>
<p>Also, stay tuned for updates on <a href=""></a>.</p>

<h3>Uplink Work Group</h3>
<img src="" alt="Uplink Delivering Results">
<p>Follow Uplink on X: <a href=""></a></p>
<p>Check out results for <a href="">Uplink Bounty Mission #7</a>.</p>

<h3>Catdet Work Group</h3>
<p>Hosted sessions on the PPP-list and activities at Breakpoint 2024:</p>
<li><a href="">Event 1</a></li>
<li><a href="">Event 2</a></li>
<li><a href="">Event 3</a></li>

<h3>JUP & JUICE Work Group</h3>
<p>Listen to last week's podcast episodes:</p>
<li><a href="">Episode 13 with dVIN</a></li>
<li><a href="">Episode 14 with Ambient Network</a></li>
<p>Don't miss <a href="">DeFi JUP Jam</a> for expert insights on Jupiter Exchange!</p>

<h2>🌟 Community Highlights</h2>
<h3>Jupresearch Post of the Week</h3>
<p><a href="">Use Unclaimed Jupuary Tokens Proposal</a></p>

<h3>Appurciations of the Week</h3>
<li><strong>wtp123</strong> appreciated <strong>skn941</strong> for being welcoming and helpful.</li>
<li><strong>irish.ftw</strong> appreciated <strong>easy.e</strong> for inspiring others with epic J&J gifs.</li>
<li><strong>rolexgoldtweets</strong> appreciated <strong>opacks</strong> for working hard in CAWG.</li>
<p>Learn more about the Appurciation Bot here: <a href="">Appurciation Bot Guide</a></p>

<h2>Thank You for Tuning In!</h2>
<p>Thanks for catching up with the Jupiverse. J4J! 🐱🚀</p>

<h3>Stay Connected:</h3>
<li><a href="">Join JUP DAO Discord</a></li>

<img src="" alt="Farewell Image">

Organized General

Jupiter DAO WG Proposal Guidelines

<p>This is meant to serve as a guide, not law. It is made as a reference to help future WG applicants and aspirants to know where to get started when drafting a proposal.</p>
<p>However, they are at liberty to use this as a reference piece, although generally it is a good idea to touch on everything included in here.</p>
<p>The sections are as follows:</p>
<p>This is where you introduce your proposal in short form. Give the readers an idea what the proposal is about, who it affects and why the proposal is needed. Also include any necessary background or historical information about the group. Link to any retrospectives or former work here.</p>
<p><strong>PURPOSE / PROBLEM</strong></p>
<p>The purpose of your proposal in expanded form. Explain why there is an issue and how it affects the Jupiverse. Explaining the problem and/or purpose of your proposal helps the reader to form their own opinion on whether or not this proposal is needed. Defining your purpose or problem will help put your solution and/or deliverables into context.</p>
<p><strong>SOLUTION / DELIVERABLES</strong></p>
<p>The core of your proposal. This is where you describe your solution and/or deliverables for the proposal. A well formulated solution with deliverables will give the reader a concrete impression of how your proposal will solve the problem or purpose you defined in the above section.</p>
<p><strong>ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT:</strong></p>
<p>What is the global state of comparable items to your proposal like at the moment? IE if doing a podcast, what is the trend for podcasts? What about web3 specific podcasts? Is there a vacuum? Is there a niche?</p>
<p><strong>RISK / CHALLENGES</strong></p>
<p>Any potential risk or challenges in relation to executing the proposal. Alternatively, if no risks or challenges exist this section can be skipped.</p>
<p><strong>TEAM STRUCTURE / QUALIFICATIONS</strong></p>
<p>If your proposal is in relation to a grant, trial or workgroup it is encouraged to present the team members responsible for carrying out the tasks described within your proposal. Explain who they are, what they will be responsible for and how you will work together as a team. It is also important to highlight the qualifications of the workgroup members to attest to their ability to perform the tasks.</p>
<p><strong>FINANCIALS / COST</strong></p>
<p>Any potential costs or benefits from your proposal must be described in detail. Examples include salaries, operating budgets, reserves, purchases such as software, licensing and external services.</p>
<p><strong>POTENTIAL DAO IMPACT</strong></p>
<p>If this works, how will the DAO and Jupiter benefit? What kind of impact can you project going into the future? We achieved XYZ with the grants amount, we believe we can achieve XYZ with the trial.</p>
<p><strong>CONCLUSION / SUMMARY</strong></p>
<p>Summarize by highlighting the flow of your proposal. What’s the problem? How are you going to solve it? Who’s going to solve it? What are the risks involved? What are the challenges to overcome? What does it cost? Summarize in short form to further imprint the message of your proposal on the reader’s mind.</p>


Decentralisation is the abundance of leaders, not the absence of them

<p>original tweet: <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a><br>
title of post is based off a tweet from <a class="mention" href="/u/kemosabe">@kemosabe</a>: <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<p>while it is tempting to have a single point of decision making, it’s way, way more fun to do it all together as a J.U.P community, even if it looks like painful haggling at times.</p>
<p>these early votes and debate might look relatively trivial, but they are extremely important as training wheels, trust earning, public leadership and joint learning for the entire community. In addition, they are important for the same reason why a supreme court decision is important - precedence for future instances.</p>
<p>also, if a team cannot get public buy in for a 50k budget - how are they going to help to rally and fight when shit hits the roof?</p>
<p>the dao is just a piece of software, it is the community that is behind it that counts, and we are in the very early stages of forming a community that knows each other well enough, has sufficient trust in each other, and has shown an ability to overcome shit together.</p>
<p>99.99999% of all daos fail because they think the polling machine is more important than the entire machinery that goes into education, activating, debating and fucking up together.</p>
<p>i cannot overstate how important it is that more and more community leaders emerge to represent Jupiter in different ways - and they, like myself, have to earn that right/trust via raw investment in time, energy, blood and tears*</p>
<p>and that’s the way it should be. when working in public - it is crucially important that the entire process was observed and learnt by everyone - that’s how the entire learning cycle propagates and why i chose to give the previous feedback as publicly as i did.</p>
<p>PPP is not easy, given that the default state that we have towards anyone requesting anything is suspicion and doubt - it takes a ton of trust in each other to pull off a true PPP environment, even within the community.</p>
<p>so yes, it is my dream and hope that we have hundreds (if not thousands) leaders trusted by the community that are able to showcase and highlight the wonderful people, product and philosophies we have here at Jup.</p>
<p>and the only way they get that trust?</p>
<p>sweat, blood and tears.</p>
<p>in public.</p>
<p><img src="" title=":cat2:" class="emoji only-emoji" alt=":cat2:" loading="lazy" width="20" height="20"></p>
<p>*tears: haha, got you there, cats don’t cry</p>

DAO Processes

Why Holding $JUP, $JLP, and $JUPSOL Should Be Part of Jupuary Criteria

<p>As Jupuary approaches and the possibility of a token snapshot in November looms (see attached pic from discord ), it’s essential that the criteria for eligibility in the airdrop properly reflect the loyalty and commitment of Jupiter’s most dedicated users. (Us lol) <img src="" title=":rofl:" class="emoji" alt=":rofl:" loading="lazy" width="20" height="20"></p><p>This isn’t just about rewarding those who hold $JUP, $JLP, and $JUPSOL in their wallets—it’s about recognising the full breadth of support for the ecosystem, including tokens held in decentralised finance platforms like <strong>Meteora</strong> and <strong>Kamino Finance</strong>.</p><p>Presuming holding $JLP, $JUPSOL and $JUP is considered as a part of airdrop criteria. Lets discuss what is meant by “held” - i.e. not just in snapshotted wallet.</p><p>Here’s why it’s crucial that $JUP, $JLP, and $JUPSOL held in these platforms are counted as “held” for Jupuary purposes.</p><h3><a name="p-38478-h-1-recognizing-true-loyalty-1" class="anchor" href="#p-38478-h-1-recognizing-true-loyalty-1"></a>1. <strong>Recognizing True Loyalty:</strong></h3><p>Holding tokens within vaults or liquidity pools is no less a sign of commitment than holding them directly in a wallet.<br>Those using platforms like <strong>Meteora</strong> and <strong>Kamino Financial</strong> are still firmly committed to Jupiter—they haven’t sold their tokens, but are instead optimising their holdings to support the ecosystem through DeFi strategies.<br><strong>These holders should not be penalizsed simply because their tokens aren’t sitting in their normal day trading/ regular wallet.</strong></p><p>For example:</p><h3><a name="p-38478-h-2-meteora-jupiters-sister-company-2" class="anchor" href="#p-38478-h-2-meteora-jupiters-sister-company-2"></a>2. <strong>Meteora (Jupiter’s Sister Company):</strong></h3><p><strong>Meteora</strong>, as Jupiter’s sister company, offers users the ability to deposit $JUPSOL, $JUP, and $JLP into its <strong>vaults,</strong><strong>Dynamic Liquidity Market Maker (DLMM)</strong>, and l<strong>iquidity pools</strong> ect… These vaults and pools help stabilise the ecosystem, increase liquidity, and contribute to the overall growth of the platform.<br>While the tokens may not be in the user’s official wallet, they are still being <em>held</em> in the truest sense and should be counted in the Jupuary snapshot. This should be considered by the team when undertaking the snapshot.</p><p>If the Jupuary snapshot were to disregard tokens held in these platforms, it would unfairly disadvantage users who are providing essential liquidity and engaging with advanced DeFi tools—users who are, in fact, <em>more</em> committed to the project than passive holders.</p><h3><a name="p-38478-h-3-kamino-finance-3" class="anchor" href="#p-38478-h-3-kamino-finance-3"></a>3. <strong>Kamino Finance:</strong></h3><p>Similarly, <strong>Kamino Finance</strong> offers innovative DeFi tools where $JUPSOL, $JUP, and $JLP can be deposited into <strong>multiple liquidity pools, borrow and supply functions</strong>, and other DeFi instruments.<br>Just like with Meteora, these tokens should also be considered “held” when determining Jupuary eligibility.<br>The tokens are still in use to support the ecosystem, even if they’re not visible in a traditional wallet.</p><p>By including these holdings in the snapshot, Jupuary will more accurately reflect the contributions of those who are actively working to strengthen Jupiter through liquidity provision and decentralized finance.</p><h3><a name="p-38478-h-4-creating-a-fair-and-inclusive-jupuary-4" class="anchor" href="#p-38478-h-4-creating-a-fair-and-inclusive-jupuary-4"></a>4. <strong>Creating a Fair and Inclusive Jupuary:</strong></h3><p>If the snapshot for the Jupuary airdrop focuses only on tokens held in personal wallets, it risks alienating some of Jupiter’s most valuable community members—those who use platforms like Meteora and Kamino Finance to enhance the project’s liquidity and stability. T<br>hese platforms are essential to Jupiter’s growth, and the users who engage with them should be rewarded, not overlooked. However, in away they are <em>both Jupiters Homies</em></p><p>By including $JUP, $JLP, and $JUPSOL held in vaults, DLMMs, and liquidity pools in the Jupuary snapshot, we can ensure that the airdrop reflects the full scope of support for Jupiter’s ecosystem.<br>I think this method recognises the real value of all our supporters. Bc lets be honest, who just lets these tokens “sit” in their wallet?</p><p>I would love if someone from the team acknowledged this. (No need to confirm that this will be apart of criteria, lets talk theoretically <a class="mention" href="/u/0xsoju">@0xSoju</a><a class="mention" href="/u/meow">@meow</a>).</p><p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/nyGdp6X4OvlvfagjQsQIDjsPeWc.png?dl=1" title="Screenshot 2024-09-07 at 2.20.36 PM"><img src="" alt="Screenshot 2024-09-07 at 2.20.36 PM" data-base62-sha1="nyGdp6X4OvlvfagjQsQIDjsPeWc" width="689" height="113" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="3F4145"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">Screenshot 2024-09-07 at 2.20.36 PM</span><span class="informations">1344×222 40.3 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>

DAO Processes

Continuing to deliver on Jupiter's Best UX Promise

<p>Tweet: <a href="" class="inline-onebox" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<p>At Jupiter, we are relentlessly focused on both figuring out the best trading experience and also protecting our users.</p>
<p>In Solana, sandwich attacks are a massive problem due to the low txn cost making it extremely efficient for bad actors to perform them. It increases volume, but saps a ton of value from the most important group of people - the users.</p>
<p>These can be mitigated in 2 major ways - lower slippage and preventing the attackers from finding the transaction.</p>
<p>We have been working relentlessly on these, but at many times been criticized for since sometimes it comes at a cost to the user experience. So finding a balance is absolutely crucial.</p>
<p>For the former, we have been constantly improving dynamic slippage, with most swaps happening at wayyyyy less than the industry norm of 0.5% (and wayyyy lower than the crazy 20% that some users set), and with absolutely zero input needed from the user as they go from trading anything from SOL to USDC to the most degen coins.</p>
<p>There’s still a lot to improve, particularly for high volatile tokens, but we are working on it constantly it such that slippage settings become completely a thing of the past, much like how most people drives on auto these days (soon FSD lol)</p>
<p>For the latter, we have been working on a number of things, including sending txns to only trusted validators, but even that’s not foolproof. So today, we also introduced a MEV protect mode, which will only send txns directly to jito block engines, minimizing the risk of sandwiches even more.</p>
<p>Balancing user convenience and protection is a never ending game, and at times a really hard one, but I’m constantly impressed with our team’s commitment to always trying to figure it out, led by the relentless <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@worlddlck</a>, <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@PierreArowana</a>, <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@0xSoju</a>, <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@0xYankee</a> and others.</p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<p>Once again, let us know if there’s anything we can do better, good or bad!</p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a></p>


JUP & JUICE Casestudy

<h3><a name="p-37922-introduction-1" class="anchor" href="#p-37922-introduction-1"></a>Introduction</h3>
<p><strong>This case study outlines how JUP &amp; JUICE successfully:</strong></p>
<li>Obtained 3 grants prior to formalizing the grants system</li>
<li>Took autonomous action to further the Jupiverse</li>
<li>Served as an ideal template for how to work with the Jupiter DAO and Web3 as a whole.</li>
<p>Through example, people will better understand how to orient themselves and become contributing members of the Jupiter DAO; potentially becoming more aligned towards the skillsets needed to become a work group.</p>
<p>Over the last 5 months, JUP &amp; JUICE, formerly known as the proposed “Voter Empowerment Work Group” has soft-pivoted, hard-pivoted, and re-focused themselves time and time again.</p>
<p>The went from initially being skeptics of the DAO &amp; the existing work groups to being among the most valuable and active members of the Jupiter DAO. They now have their sights set on becoming a trial work group.</p>
<p>JUP &amp; JUICE are the first major case study in the work group evolution process: unintentionally leading by example. Many of the learnings and processes that they experienced have influenced the design of the formal grants process hypothesis, which was voted and ratified by the DAO a week ago.</p>
<p>Wake, Sax, &amp; Irish have remained consistent in their productions with the JUP &amp; JUICE podcast in addition to broadcasting other JupDAO events to Twitter with the JUICECAST, allowing formerly Discord-siloed events such as the CWG Office Hours to reach a broader and more diverse audience.</p>
<p>The group which has now relabeled itself as the JUP &amp; JUICE Work Group (JJWG) plays a key role in amplifying the DAO’s presence and does so with excitement, flair, and attention to detail.</p>
<p>By serving as ambassadors to the wider community, the JJWG aims to facilitate a stronger ‘middle of the funnel’ effect to get more DAO members acquainted with the ongoing DAO processes that tend to take place mostly on Discord.</p>
<h3><a name="p-37922-background-2" class="anchor" href="#p-37922-background-2"></a>Background</h3>
Chapter 1: Origins</summary>
<p>Wake and Sax, the founding members of the JJWG, joined the DAO after the initial Jupuary Airdrop of 2024.</p>
<p>Although initially vocal opponents of some of the DAO processes, instead of just voicing their disagreements they began the process of dissecting where and how they could contribute, before settling on a proposal termed the “Voter Empowerment Working Group”. Their ideation around the Voter Empowerment Work Group would serve as a prototype for what they would ultimately become.</p>
<p>It was here that they devised ways to get not only more active voter participation but more active voter education. The majority of their proposal revolved around supporting voters, verifying voter knowledge and addressing potential FUD vectors prior to votes.</p>
<p>The frustration they felt and publicly vocalized about votes &amp; budgets, though some of it misinformed, drove them to want to make a change.</p>
<p>They proposed UI changes, created wireframes and prototypes, and suggested implementations such as Live Support and AI chatbots to assist voters. Though these ideas received a lukewarm response and were left largely unimplemented, they did not give up.</p>
<p>It is from there which they spent hours every day in voice chats, which allowed them to rapidly connect and foster relationships with a large cohort within the DAO, becoming almost household names within the Discord.</p>
<p>They worked to become Cats of Culture, feeling that this would help them garner the trust in the community and gain exposure to their ideas.</p>
<p>It is from there which they caught the attention of the CWG, the Jupiter Team, and the majority of active catdets.</p>
<p>This vocal surfacing of their passion, work ethic, and commitment to the DAO is what led them to finding Irish, as well as becoming extremely valuable community members.</p>
<p>They were quick to offer constructive opinions and solutions, and did not hesitate to voice counterpoints when they felt was necessary.</p>
<p><em>Meow: “…disagreement is the lifeblood of the DAO.”</em></p>
Chapter 2: Pivoting Amongst Problems</summary>
<p>This journey however was not a simple or straight road. They encountered many issues and disappointments along the way.</p>
<p>In hindsight, for example, their initial proposal was not as well received as they had hoped.</p>
<p>Some of their proposed changes were far too ambitious and intrusive. They invested a lot of time in ideas that were simply not feasible on a meaningful timeframe and required too much lift from the existing Work Groups and Core Team.</p>
<p>Following these realization, the difficult decision to pivot to a more viable idea took place. Their goal was to create a more realistic proposal that could gain traction and have an impact without requiring major changes like altering the Jupiter voter UI.</p>
<p>Through experimentation, public work, and attending DAO events, Wake and Sax built strong connections within the DAO and were able to add Irish to the team at this time.</p>
<p>Wake and Sax then met up with KEMOSABE in London to chat JupDAO over pizza and tea. This was followed up by Planetary Call 19 in which Wake, Sax, and Irish attended an in-person event and Wake was pulled up on stage by Meow.</p>
<p>The event connected them with key people like Meow and Kash, which played a massive role in their future. Networking and understanding who your potential co-workers are is key to the DAO and also working in web3.</p>
<p>The group was then able to identify more obvious and pressing opportunities that were manageable in scope and promising in impact. An idea for a feasible WG that utilized their existing skills and personalities began to take shape.</p>
Chapter 3: Juiced Up</summary>
<p>Sax and Wake identified a gap in expanding the DAO’s reach beyond Discord.</p>
<p>At the time, DAO events were limited to Discord, and so was the internal culture. Not only that but most proposals were siloed to the Jup Research Forum.</p>
<p>There was a massive gap here that needed to be addressed.</p>
<p>While working publicly, the group learned that the Catdet WorkGroup planned on making a podcast themselves, but lacked the ability to proceed. After discussions, the JJWG decided that this task would be worth its own individuated pursuit.</p>
<p>The Catdet Group awarded the JJWG a $500 grant for equipment, which the JJWG supplemented with their own funds to purchase Shure MV7+ Microphones.</p>
<p>Although ready, there was still a hesitancy.</p>
<p>“What if we only have 8 people watching and they’re all just friends of the DAO?”</p>
<p>Despite this, they decided to move forward with their plan.</p>
<p>The aim was to create an engaging brand that resonated with the values of the DAO, which reflected the DAO, and furthermore delivered high quality content which would be distinct from Uplink and the Planetary call.</p>
<p>After a successful pilot, Jup &amp; Juice became a regular podcast which engaged the community and informed a broader audience about more of the ongoings within the DAO.</p>
<p>Although the podcast industry itself is booming, they are rarely utilized in the context of DAOs. Jup &amp; Juice desired to put themselves at the forefront of this blatant opportunity to become a leader in the niche of DAO related podcast content.</p>
<p>Their streams to date have covered topics such as WG proposals, LFG proposals, Jupiter Product updates, Dao member stories and other crypto communities.</p>
<p>But one of the significant differences from uplink style content is the degree of intimacy. They will spend an entire hour long episode on 1 topic or proposal.</p>
<p>During the same time, they also launched JUICECAST, a broadcasting service that streams and records DAO events without needing the syncing and input form organizers, and further delivers upon the goal of informing voters within the DAO.</p>
<h3><a name="p-37922-evaluation-of-the-case-3" class="anchor" href="#p-37922-evaluation-of-the-case-3"></a>Evaluation of the Case</h3>
<p>Success can be measured by the quality and consistency of the streams, the level of community engagement surrounding them and the impact these streams had on the communication and understanding within the DAO.</p>
<p>Another indicator of success is the ability to attract other communities to participate in streams, to allow the JJWG to serve as DAO ambassadors and help bring communities together.</p>
<p>The JJWG team has demonstrated an unusually high aptitude for public work, willingness to take risks and make sacrifices whilst also being self-starters that were receptive to feedback, embodying the principle of iterating for success.</p>
<p>Working within a DAO presents the unique challenge of answering to more than 1 boss, in fact, over 200,000 bosses. The dynamic of working in public, recognizing that you work not for a company, but a large body of DAO members did not dissuade them. JJWG demonstrated that they are comfortable, moreover thrive in this environment.</p>
<p>Following some successful JUP &amp; JUICE episodes, the JJWG received their second grant; $1500 from the CWG. This was also used for important equipment and subscriptions. This grant helped secure a higher quality in the steams, and further allowed the team to build other products, such as JuiceCast. The grants given to the Jup&amp;Juice team throughout their tenure of working for the DAO have been crucial for continued operations and improvements in quality and feel, while also serving as an important recognition from the DAO in regards to their efforts.</p>
<p>To date, the JJWG has received a total of 3 grants, 2 $500 grants from the CAWG and 1 $1500 grant from the CWG. They did not ask for these grants.</p>
<h3><a name="p-37922-conclusion-4" class="anchor" href="#p-37922-conclusion-4"></a>Conclusion</h3>
<p>Although a ROI to the DAO is difficult to quantify, the JJWG feels that workgroups should have provable advantages — numerical or otherwise.</p>
<p>After extensive experimentation, the group identified several key outcomes they wish to pursue.</p>
<p>First: To keep DAO members informed, particularly those who are not Discord regulars. This involves several aspects of the DAO from events to culture to news.</p>
<p>Second: The group seeks to help mitigate, address and resolve any FUD that can arise from the fast-paced nature of the Jupiverse and play a role in ensuring that voices are not just educated, but also able to express themselves.</p>
<p>To achieve these goals, the JJWG has the longterm goals of scaling both the podcast and JUICECAST by consistently experimenting and delivering high quality content. In an ideal world, they want to become a trusted source of information, ambassadorship and a pillar both inside and outside of the Jupvierse.</p>
<p>To date, JUICECAST has already provided a massive observable benefit, significantly boosting DAO event attendance by tapping into the twitter audience.</p>
<p>The JJWG aims to become a full fledged WG one day, first seeking to evolve to a Trial Working Group and becoming a lasting and integral part of the DAO.</p>
<p>Additionally, they aspire to serve, improve, and activate the DAO by supporting grantees, TWGs, and other WGs.</p>
<h3><a name="p-37922-recommendations-5" class="anchor" href="#p-37922-recommendations-5"></a>Recommendations</h3>
<p>By taking action and continuously pivoting and reassessing, the JJWG helped to become a template for the future of the WG system. Below are some of the key lessons which they took away from their journey. They hope it will serve you well in your quest to work in the Jupiter DAO.</p>
<p><strong>Persistence is crucial:</strong> Success comes not from a single attempt, but from multiple continuous attempts over time &amp; remaining committed despite the inevitable challenges and pivots you will encounter.</p>
<p><strong>Autonomy is the lifeblood of web3 work:</strong> Ideas are not as valuable as actions. Everyone has ideas, but execution has real-world obstacles which you must adapt to and overcome.</p>
<p><strong>Capturing community support was a long process</strong>, but one which the JJWG believes no prospective grantee or WG should neglect. It is at the heart of the WG system and not only should it not be overlooked — it cannot be overlooked.</p>
<p><strong>Being resilient is how you attain longevity:</strong> If something does not go your way, and I can assure you it won’t, you can’t take it as the end. Pivot where you need to, take feedback seriously and use it to find your success.</p>
<p><strong>Public work is difficult and not meant for everyone:</strong> Some are accustomed to it and some will experience it for the first time. Regardless, part of this fear can be overcome with effort. But you should ultimately determine whether or not it is a good fit for you before making large commitments.</p>
<p><strong>Use the resources at your disposal</strong>, the DAO ultimately wants to help you. There’s the brand kit, the midjourney prompts, DAO events, Planetary calls, people with various expertise of all kinds all around you wanting to work together.</p>

DAO Processes

Retrospective #2: LFG

<p>LFG started as an experiment to build the world’s first truly decentralized launchpad, with the community being actively involved every single step of the way, from the initial filtering of proposals by learning more about each project, to the many hours of AMAs and townhalls and Twitter Spaces, and finally to select the projects to launch with the voting.</p>
<p>As outlined in the first LFG post: <a href="" class="inline-onebox">[Archived] Jupiter LFG Launchpad</a> the goal is to create a process that aimed to solve a number of issues with the current launch meta, including</p>
<p>Opaqueness around trading activity during launches: LFG tackled this with transparent on-chain market making around launches.</p>
<p>Project team getting the liquidity too early before price discovery is done – this is solved with the backstop buyer-regret liquidity in LFG.</p>
<p>Adversarial relationship between early and late buyers – this is addressed with the Alpha Vault mechanism in LFG giving all buyers an opportunity to be “early” if they want to support the project.</p>
<p>And what a 9 months it has been! We have launched a total of 6 projects on LFG, with 1 more soon to come. This list includes top-tier projects such as Sanctum and deBridge, and of course, we launched our own JUP token on LFG too.</p>
<p>We are extremely proud of what we have accomplished together with the community’s efforts and we look forward to creating an even better experience for everyone in LFG v2 as we review the kinks in V1 and improve upon them.</p>
<h3><a name="p-37826-what-went-well-1" class="anchor" href="#p-37826-what-went-well-1"></a>What went well?</h3>
<p>From a technical standpoint, every token launch was a success in that we facilitated a large number of airdrop claims and swaps transactions each time without much issues, even when the network was having congestion sometimes. We ensured the experience kept on improving after each launch, and it was only possible with the candid feedback from the community.</p>
<p>Several new mechanisms were also invented to support LFG.</p>
<p>We pioneered the ILM curve, allowing projects to design any liquidity curve they want to suit their launch strategy. The same tool also allowed the community to see extremely clearly what the liquidity setup was going into the launch.</p>
<p>There was the Alpha Vault, which Meteora created to solve LFG’s needs, allowing buyers with longer-term horizons to obtain tokens at discounted launch prices, by locking their liquidity to support the launch. This created long-term alignment for holders and projects, and also made the relationship between early and late-buyers PPP instead of PvP.</p>
<p>As part of the Sanctum launch, we also introduced Dynamic &amp; Vesting airdrops, giving teams the flexibility to introduce vesting or bonuses on top of their regular airdrops to align over time.</p>
<p>Perhaps most importantly, the amazing Jupiter community rallied behind every project that launched on LFG, and collectively spent thousands of hours participating in townhalls and discussions across AMAs, Twitter Spaces, in Discord, on Planetary Calls and more. Projects that did not manage to launch but went through the entire voting process also benefited from a growth in reach.</p>
<h3><a name="p-37826-what-did-not-go-so-well-2" class="anchor" href="#p-37826-what-did-not-go-so-well-2"></a>What did not go so well?</h3>
<p>We learnt a few key lessons from these few months of experimentation as well.</p>
<p>We learnt that focusing all of the community’s energies on a single project for 1-2 months can lead to extremely high expectations on both sides. This led to some disappointment for both the community and projects in the instances where the price action during and after the launch were not as good as expected.</p>
<p>We learnt that the demand for the LFG launchpad services from deserving projects far exceeds what the current processes can provide. The LFG process as it is with the voting process and all, is very thorough and detailed. It might even seem a bit slow when contrasted against a world where tens of thousands of tokens are launching daily. Given that projects often require more certainty around their launch dates, some fantastic projects weren’t able to align their timelines with ours and couldn’t launch with LFG.</p>
<p>Finally, in some cases, even though there was a high degree of community activation within the Jupiter community during the launch process itself, it did not always translate into actual community and/or user growth for the projects.</p>
<h3><a name="p-37826-looking-forward-lfg-v2-3" class="anchor" href="#p-37826-looking-forward-lfg-v2-3"></a>Looking Forward: LFG V2</h3>
<p>The team’s focus now is on productizing LFG — making it a platform any project can use without the need for voting. We have built some world-class tools already, such as the Jupiter Lock, Jupiter Distribute, ILM built with Meteora, and the Alpha Vault. Now, the goal is to bring them all together into one seamless platform for any project to utilise. Hopefully this will give solid, well-intentioned teams the opportunity to differentiate themselves in the crowded airdrop and presales meta by committing to a good token distribution/sale plan.</p>
<p>Of course we will continue to do it together with our community at the core. The Jupiter community has also grown significantly since LFG first launched. We have a large number of passionate and talented people in the community. The various WGs – CWG, Uplink and Catdets WG, together with the catdets and can decide which projects they want to promote. This shift is crucial in practice. We are enabling the community itself to play a major role in deciding which projects they want to help drive.</p>
<p>Sit tight, LFG V2 is coming and we will share more details on it over the next few weeks. Let’s continue to work together as one J.U.P to ensure its success!</p>

DAO Processes

On working in public and my reflections leading the Catdet WG

<p>With the proposal for microgrants towards the formation of baby WGs passing, thought I would take the opportunity to share a few of my thoughts/learnings from the past couple of months leading the Catdets WG and also from working with various DAOs and communities.</p>
<p><strong>Hopefully this would be helpful to those who are trying to form their baby WGs and work with the community.</strong></p>
<p>Actually, most of the times I have no idea what I am doing. <img src="" title=":cat:" class="emoji" alt=":cat:" loading="lazy" width="20" height="20"></p>
<p>But I think it’s a combination of:</p>
<p>having a vision of what I want to create/achieve</p>
<p>knowing certain rules of thumb and principles very well, and operating closely based on them</p>
<p>listening closely to the community, not just read or hear, but really listen; I try, sometimes it’s painful, and I’m still learning how to do it better, but I try</p>
<p>making decisions based on all of the above within certain operating constraints</p>
<p>Let me talk more about one of my recent fuck-ups.</p>
<p>In the month of July, I was extremely swamped by my commitments across all my projects and other IRL stuff - this led to a loss of focus on certain aspects of community work. To some extent I could feel the vibes deteriorating in the Jupiter Discord in real time, there were a few issues we were confronted with:</p>
<p>lack of a strong purpose for the CoC core, people didn’t really know what they were doing as CoC and wanted to contribute more, but there was no clear way to do so</p>
<p>internal miscommunication and conflict among some members of the core community. This was especially tough because often it’s not like one side is “obviously” wrong, and sometimes things just need time to be worked out</p>
<p>the CAWG was not active enough in both the core and wider community. I wasn’t clear enough in activating and leading the team</p>
<p>So there were a few key decisions that we made that I think was important.</p>
<p>Instead of trying to tackle everything at once, we got back down to basics. At its core, a big part of community work is showing up, so we started showing up more in the community, both in Discord and in Twitter.</p>
<p>We listened to the community’s feedback, which was really helpful and clear (even though sometimes it can be painful), and we took time to digest.</p>
<p>One of the principles I believe in is that a good community is one that is productive, not just in quantity of “output”, but in quality. Culture is hard to measure and define, but I think one way to define a strong culture is one that leads to productive outcomes – creates great value for the organisation.</p>
<p>Something that meow said to me has stuck with me a lot and that is we should focus on “having fun”.</p>
<p>On the surface this may seem contradictory to being productive, but if you read some of the literature on this topic, <strong>work as “play”</strong> actually activates the highest level of creativity and productivity. So truly, if we bring back the vibes, culture will improve and productivity will soar.</p>
<p>The other principle that I leaned heavily into, is that it’s much better to encourage positive behaviour than to police bad behaviour. One of the things the Catdets WG talked about at the start before we even got elected as a trial WG was about how do we stop ourselves from becoming the ‘Culture police’. That is the last thing we want. A free environment, where everyone is free to express themselves is very important. But at the same time, the community does need to have certain guidelines and ethos to remain as a healthy collective.</p>
<p>Armed with these principles, we doubled our efforts to communicate more, show up more, and accelerated efforts to co-create the guidelines, ethos and rules with the community. There were several iterations to this, many sessions in public where we worked together to ensure everyone, both in Discord and in the wider community had a voice in expressing their thoughts on it. Even now as I type this, we will be having another session towards the end of August to once again engage the wider community on these and clarify the process of becoming a Catdet and also the opportunities that come with being one.</p>
<p>To get everyone aligned and really activate the entire community in supporting and growing together with these shared ethos, we also developed some tools to aid us, one of which is Discord bot that allows community members to appreciate each other easily. The idea behind it was simple, but people do really feel seen and appreciated, and sometimes like I mentioned, encouraging positive behaviours and highlighting the good stuff, is just a lot more effective than trying to prevent bad behaviour. Fast-forward a couple of weeks, it has seen extensive usage. It is the first iteration, and we will be doing a retrospective on that soon and shipping some improvements/changes in the upcoming weeks.</p>
<p>During this process, we also got the opportunity to collaborate and work with many amazing community members. It was during this time that we started up the Mindfulness sessions with Sambino; it was also during this time that we supported and worked with Wake and Sax on booting up their podcast, which has now become Jup &amp; Juice.</p>
<p>Our vision as the Catdet WG has always been to find a way to develop Jupiter’s community culture into one that is the most productive, and by that I really mean that <strong>we have the most fun while collaborating with each other to move Jupiter forward.</strong></p>
<p>I can’t speak for any other person or WGs, but I believe that working closely with the community and in public while challenging is extremely rewarding. It starts simply from just showing up and spending time caring about others and caring about Jupiter.</p>
<p>To end off, I think it’s extremely fortunate for the whole of crypto and web3 that Jupiter has the resources and most importantly the leadership vision to support this new way of working as a DAO. It’s really a grand experiment that has the potential to show the world a different side of crypto. <strong>I urge everyone to appreciate and respect this opportunity, instead of abusing the trust, resources and opportunities made available.</strong></p>
<p>LFGrow. <img src="" title=":heart:" class="emoji" alt=":heart:" loading="lazy" width="20" height="20"></p>


DAO Budgets: Risk Limiting / Human Accountability

<p>I believe the key to successful DAO budgets is not complex technical tools nor path limiting KPIs, though these are the 2 tools we instinctively request and reach for.</p>
<p>Instead, I believe in good old risk limiting and human accountability.</p>
<p>Risk Limiting - Limits damage via crawl backs and phased releases. Prioritize heavily community members with strong proof of work in community. Scope it such that even if a given budget is a complete failure, the damage to the system is limited, and we learn.</p>
<p>Human Accountabilty - Make sure that the recipients of the budget communicates intention before the release, and needs to do a public reflection on that after sufficient time has passed and results are clear. Capacity for DAO to cut future funding if accountability is unclear.</p>
Using risk limiting and accountability rather than inflexible systems and random KPIs (people tend to promise random shit under pressure), we allow for much more flexibility, room to navigate and capacity for empathy.</p>
<p>While I understand the skepticism towards all things DAO budget related (given the utter abuse in this space), I’m very positive that we can focus instead on the positive potential of the people (hah, another ppp) instead.</p>
<p>PPP &amp; Trust<br>
End of the day, a good DAO and community is not made from code or money. It’s made from people, good solid people who we <em>have to trust</em> have the best intentions.</p>
<p>If there is no trust, it’s impossible to work in a PPP manner to grow the pie together, since the environment will be predominantly occupied by negativity and demands.</p>
<p>So trust we will in the good of people and our peers - with solid risk limits and firm accountability measure of course.</p>


Retrospect #1: Jupiter Work Groups

<p>Early this year, we pioneered the idea of decentralized work groups to invent a way to give talent from the community the autonomy, resources, and legitimacy they need to create a meaningful impact.</p>
<p>We believe that if we get the workgroup model right, we can unlock massive execution capacity in a manner that is practically impossible otherwise yet maintain full accountability to the DAO.</p>
<p>Of course, this is an entirely new concept we are pioneering, so this is very much an experiment we are figuring out in real time together!</p>
<p>So far, we have 2 confirmed workgroups and 3 trial ones. Lets do a quick retrospect on the trial workgroups so far!</p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><br>
<img src="" alt="Image" data-dominant-color="1B201D" width="570" height="500"><br>
<p><em>J.U.P: The 5 Pillars Of The Jupiter United Planet</em></p>
<h2><a name="p-37008-the-trial-work-groups-progress-updates-1" class="anchor" href="#p-37008-the-trial-work-groups-progress-updates-1"></a>The Trial Work Groups: Progress Updates</h2>
<p>In May this year, the DAO voted for 3 separate trial WGs to be instantiated – Reddit WG, Web WG and Catdet WG. Here are some updates:</p>
<h3><a name="p-37008-h-1-reddit-wg-not-continuing-after-trial-2" class="anchor" href="#p-37008-h-1-reddit-wg-not-continuing-after-trial-2"></a>1. Reddit WG (not continuing after trial)</h3>
<p>The Reddit WG (RWG) was set-up to initiate and grow Jupiter’s presence on Reddit, a critical platform for community engagement to a fundamentally different target audience from CT. They succeeded in getting the new subreddit off the ground and into the top 11% of all subreddits, by size. Regular AMAs hosted by the RWG also added a great human-touch to the J.U.P as many catdets and team members were given the chance to share and be vulnerable.</p>
<p>The RWG Lead (<a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@TheCity777</a>) decided to not continue after the trial and responsibly returned 45k of unused funds (XX% of the approved budget) to the DAO.</p>
<h3><a name="p-37008-h-2-web-wg-not-continuing-after-trial-3" class="anchor" href="#p-37008-h-2-web-wg-not-continuing-after-trial-3"></a>2. Web WG (not continuing after trial)</h3>
<p>The Web WG (WWG) tackled several important pieces of work, including improving the Jupiter Station and collaborating with the CWG to create and manage <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a>. They also focused heavily on SEO optimization and backend content organization — tasks that are often invisible but are essential for any thriving platform.</p>
<p>After discussions with the team and CWG, an agreement was reached for the WWG to not continue beyond the trial due to the scope of work not being suitable for a full work group.</p>
<h3><a name="p-37008-h-3-catdet-wg-ongoing-trial-4" class="anchor" href="#p-37008-h-3-catdet-wg-ongoing-trial-4"></a>3. Catdet WG (ongoing trial )</h3>
<p>The Catdet WG (CAWG) remains in its trial phase and has made good progress towards defining and growing the J.U.P community’s culture. Their initiatives they experimented with so far included weekly Jupiverse summaries, organizing community events, and defining the ethos for Catdets, helping to solidify the identity and culture of the community. The CAWG continues to work on developing new ways for Catdets to interact and appreciate members in the community with Discord tooling and apps as well as leading initiatives such as the PPP token list.</p>
<p>The upcoming vote after Breakpoint will determine whether their work continues, and whether they can secure the trust and buy-in from the community needed to make a lasting impact.</p>
<p>While the WWG and RWG ultimately decided not to continue beyond the trial, they have been successful at delivering several key pieces of work for the DAO, and laid important foundations necessary for future expansion. The process itself and experimentation with the WG trial concept has also created learnings that can be brought forward.</p>
<h2><a name="p-37008-areas-of-improvements-with-the-current-processes-5" class="anchor" href="#p-37008-areas-of-improvements-with-the-current-processes-5"></a>Areas of Improvements with the Current Processes</h2>
<h3><a name="p-37008-h-1-need-for-familiarity-with-community-and-each-other-6" class="anchor" href="#p-37008-h-1-need-for-familiarity-with-community-and-each-other-6"></a>1. Need for familiarity with community and each other</h3>
<p>Most members of the community would generally not have experience working in public and would also not have had the opportunity to build with the community, gain familiarity and develop trust. The trial WGs will have a lot more legitimacy and the vibes will be a lot more PPP if there were more familiarity between the community and the WG members even before the trials.</p>
<h3><a name="p-37008-h-2-need-for-tighter-scope-especially-to-start-with-7" class="anchor" href="#p-37008-h-2-need-for-tighter-scope-especially-to-start-with-7"></a>2. Need for tighter scope, especially to start with</h3>
<p>Instead of having trial WGs immediately committing to 3-5 months of work, a better alternative could be to have tighter-scoped experiments. There is a need for WG members to have the space to figure out if they are the right fit, in terms of their disposition to work in public, whether their personality and values fit the DAO’s and finally if they have the needed skills to execute.</p>
<h3><a name="p-37008-h-3-need-for-regular-accountability-and-continuance-votes-8" class="anchor" href="#p-37008-h-3-need-for-regular-accountability-and-continuance-votes-8"></a>3. Need for regular accountability and continuance votes</h3>
<p>Even though WGs do not necessarily need to have concrete/fixed KPIs, so that they can be responsive to the changes in both the external crypto environment and also internal needs of the community, it is only fair to both the community and the WG members that there are regular accountability checks to ensure that good work is done and that the space shuttle is moving in the right direction.</p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><br>
<img src="" alt="Image" data-dominant-color="101010" width="674" height="500"><br>
<p>Hence, key metrics in relation to their progress can be surfaced and discussed in regular retrospectives and also regular accountability votes could be used to measure the less quantifiable aspects of their work with the community.</p>
<h3><a name="p-37008-h-4-need-for-many-more-wgs-to-form-9" class="anchor" href="#p-37008-h-4-need-for-many-more-wgs-to-form-9"></a>4. Need for many more WGs to form</h3>
<p>Currently, the process involving proposals and votes for each trial WG is too slow. There is an abundance of talent in the community wanting to contribute and there is a need for many more WGs to form over time to serve the needs of growing the Jupiverse.</p>
<h2><a name="p-37008-next-step-letting-a-thousand-micro-pretrial-wgs-bloom-10" class="anchor" href="#p-37008-next-step-letting-a-thousand-micro-pretrial-wgs-bloom-10"></a>Next Step: Letting a thousand (micro pretrial) WGs bloom</h2>
<p>The WG model remains crucial for J.U.P.’s growth and we want to expand on its success and address certain areas of needs.</p>
<p>First off, we expect to install regular accountability and continuance votes for all workgroups. A good process is needed for this without being a pain in the ass for everyone (particularly as workgroups scale), but i am confident that we will figure out.</p>
<p>Next, to address the other needed improvements, the CWG has put up a new microgrants budget proposal to do so. If passed, the smaller-sized grants will allow community contributors more time to build familiarity and trust with the community, sufficient opportunities to figure out if they are a good fit for the WGs model, and reinforce accountability of contributors to the community on many levels.</p>
<p>The fact that these grants can be given to many more tightly scoped initiatives and teams will also address the need for the DAO to tap into the huge pool of community talent and let many more WGs form more nimbly.</p>
<p>If the proposal passes, we do not expect all of them to become trial workgroups - just like how most trial workgroups might not become full workgroups. But we do expect many more community members to get the chance to showcase themselves, get to work with each other and figure out how to do the best work for the Jupiverse.</p>
<h2><a name="p-37008-working-in-public-11" class="anchor" href="#p-37008-working-in-public-11"></a>Working in Public</h2>
<p>One more thing to highlight here is that the ability to work in public and rally the comunity is necessary for Working Groups to thrive but it can be very difficult. Transparency breeds trust, but it also opens the door to criticism, FUD or even outright PvP behaviour.</p>
<p>There are a few things that I think workgroups (particularly ones new to the process) need to lear</p>
<p>Contributors can learn to become more thick-skinned and able to filter out constructive feedback from outright negativity</p>
<p>At the same time, an open, safe and productive culture/ethos can be reinforced within the DAO by catdets and moderators</p>
<p>The community can become more familiar with potential WG members to establish mutual trust/understanding before they are thrust into a vote under the microscope.</p>
<p>Contributors get used to public accountability – by having regular retrospectives to share their success and struggles via key metrics.</p>
<p>Community can participate in the entire co-creation process as well by offering support to various initiatives</p>
<h2><a name="p-37008-conclusion-12" class="anchor" href="#p-37008-conclusion-12"></a>Conclusion</h2>
<p>At Jupiter, one of the things we spend an incredible amount of time on is figuring out the best ways to activate the innate passion, talent and desire for purpose inside everyone and build the best community in crypto and beyond.</p>
<p>I strongly believe in the work group model, and while there has been a lot of rocky debates and extremely strong opinions so far, there can be no question that we will be a far, far less interesting community without this experiment.</p>
<p>So we will experiment, get all the nuances right, prove out a new model for harnessing decentralized leadership and have a ton of fun growing the Jupiverse in the meantime!</p>


Jupiter Lock (in beta!)

<p>We’re launching Jupiter Lock (in beta)!</p>
<p>Jupiter Lock (<a href=""></a>) is an <a href="">open-sourced</a>, audited and free way to lock and distribute tokens over-time.</p>
<p>Lock will be free for all project teams to lock tokens, implement cliff, and vest non-circulating supply in a clear and transparent manner. Jupiter Lock currently has 2 audits (<a href="">Sec3</a>, <a href="">OtterSec</a>) and will be audited once more.</p>
<p>We started Jupiter Lock to help drive <a href="">C.A.T (Certainty, Alignment, Transparency)</a> principles that we believe in, and build trust within communities. By introducing Jupiter Lock, we are taking steps to achieve the following:</p>
<li><strong>C</strong>ertainty for token holders. Token holders can view information regarding distribution of circulating and non-circulating supply of their tokens in a single site.</li>
<li><strong>A</strong>lignment between key stakeholders. By locking, vesting, and burning tokens, project teams are signalling to the community their long-term commitment in building.</li>
<li><strong>T</strong>ransparency on token distribution. Everyone will be able to view each slice of the pie and make more informed decisions as a current or potential token holder.</li>
<p>Now, any team can provide CAT to their community. Jupiter Lock is a public good for the ecosystem to use and with every lock created, we are moving towards a world of C.A.T.</p>
<p>Jupiter Lock is made for both projects and users.</p>
<p>Projects can trustlessly lock tokens for various parties to align incentives. As a project team, you can configure parameters such as vesting, cliff period, unlock schedule.</p>
<p>Projects can burn tokens by setting the recipient wallet address to a burn address and this ensures that actions like dumping are curbed on the team level. These will be embedded into the smart contract and vest accordingly.</p>
<p>Users can view all locks associated with each token powered by Jupiter Lock. Distribution complexity such as percentage of tokens belonging to different groups (team, DAO, presale, investors) and percentage of tokens belonging to various purposes (airdrop, liquidity bootstrapping) are shown transparently.</p>
<p>Jupiter Lock is currently in beta so feel free to test it out on <a href=""></a> and reach out to us if you have any questions or feedback on Discord or Telegram (<a href="" class="inline-onebox">Telegram: Contact @xianxlb</a>)!</p>


Identification Of Malicious Extension

<p>Over the last week, we received reports that a small number of users using Solana DeFi got drained.</p>
<p>After extensive investigation with our partners, we have identified a malicious Chrome extension called “Bull Checker” that had targeted users on several Solana-related subreddits.</p>
<p>Users with this extension would interact with the dApps as per normal, have the simulation show up as normal, but have the possibility of their tokens being maliciously transferred to another wallet upon transaction completion.</p>
<p>If you have this extension (or similar extensions with extensive permissions you cannot trust), please remove it immediately.</p>
<p>Note that there is no vulnerability found in any of the named dapps or wallets.</p>
<p>For this report, we collaborated with Siji from <a class="mention" href="/u/offsidelabs">@OffsideLabs</a> who contributed much of the technical analysis.</p>
<p><a class="mention" href="/u/0xsoju">@0xSoju</a>, <a class="mention" href="/u/0xyankee">@0xYankee</a>, along with rest of the moderators did excellent backbreaking work to get to the bottom of this, spending many hours with affected users.</p>
<p>Also, much thanks to Blowfish, Raydium and Phantom who also reviewed this post.</p>
<h3><a name="p-36550-example-transactions-1" class="anchor" href="#p-36550-example-transactions-1"></a>Example Transactions</h3>
<p>Here are 2 examples of transactions that have interacted with the malicious program: <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">5UMucMksJweA1AtgyxrK8DJeBXr3DQGEGRs5Kkq2pZjr</a></p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/9PCt6OIMYuxyLLuF3VJl6ya9igA.png?dl=1" title="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="" width="602" height="151" role="presentation" data-dominant-color="151723" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename"></span><span class="informations">1082×270 32.6 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div><br>
<a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">link</a></p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/4IjlgOCS0g6ac43ZFIMEC6bFaD8.png?dl=1" title="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="" width="602" height="148" role="presentation" data-dominant-color="151824" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename"></span><span class="informations">1092×269 28.1 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div><br>
<a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">link</a></p>
<p>In both cases, malicious instructions were added to regular Jupiter and Raydium instructions, and the resulting transaction was signed by the user as per normal, but had their tokens and authority transferred to the malicious address.</p>
<h3><a name="p-36550-the-suspected-extension-bull-checker-2" class="anchor" href="#p-36550-the-suspected-extension-bull-checker-2"></a>The Suspected Extension: Bull Checker</h3>
<p>Upon further investigation of several affected users who have been drained by the same program, we have identified an extension called “Bull Checker”, which has the permissions to read and change all the data on the website, as a potential cause.</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/kmjbRKv79YGOExbrT969SHFCMNN.png?dl=1" title="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="" width="602" height="252" role="presentation" data-dominant-color="C6C7C7" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename"></span><span class="informations">1414×592 154 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>Bull Checker is supposed to be a read-only extension that allows you to view the holders of memecoins. There should be no need for an extension like this to read or write data on all websites.</p>
<p>This should have been a major red flag for users, but apparently several users continued to install and use the extension.</p>
<p>After installing Bull Checker, it will wait till a user interacts with a regular dApp on the official domain, before modifying the transaction sent to the wallet to sign. After modification, the simulation result will still be “normal” and not appear to be a drainer.</p>
<h3><a name="p-36550-simulation-vs-on-chain-3" class="anchor" href="#p-36550-simulation-vs-on-chain-3"></a>Simulation vs On-chain</h3>
<p>This transaction passed a simulation check and was not identified to be malicious. The malicious program watches the specific SOL account, to know whether to abort the malicious instructions.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="" width="365" height="99" role="presentation" data-dominant-color="3D3E3F"></p>
<p>During simulation, the balance of this account was 0, leading to the malicious instructions to be aborted. After simulation, the attacker bundled 3 transactions together.</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/r07CnB0ZEEAj76AG4URIkYawDrt.png?dl=1" title="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="" width="602" height="63" role="presentation" data-dominant-color="F4F8FA" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename"></span><span class="informations">1280×132 108 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<li><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">Sending some SOL in to increase the balance</a></li>
<li><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">The malicious TX signed by the user</a></li>
<li>Pulling SOL back out of the wallet.</li>
<p>Thus the user did not see any malicious interactions on simulation, yet the final on-chain transaction included the drain and transfer of authority.</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/12oM1gIn9rYH998bazcO82FW0fY.png?dl=1" title="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="" width="602" height="371" role="presentation" data-dominant-color="F5F7F9" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename"></span><span class="informations">1600×986 217 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>At the 8th instruction of the <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">drainer TX</a>, we can see that the user transferred 0.06 SOL and lost control of his tokenAuthority to the exploiter’s address: 8QYkBcer7kzCtXJGNazCR6jrRJS829aBow12jUob3jhR.</p>
<h3><a name="p-36550-extension-code-4" class="anchor" href="#p-36550-extension-code-4"></a>Extension Code</h3>
<p>You can view Bull Checker’s code here: <a href="" class="inline-onebox" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">CRX Viewer</a></p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/w9rxT0ySxMa6rWd4N4ruQcOzD5G.jpeg?dl=1" title="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="" width="352" height="368" role="presentation" data-dominant-color="F1ECED" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename"></span><span class="informations">1221×1280 253 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>This extension specifically targets installed wallets. Since it can read and change the data on all websites, it actively monitors apps containing the wallet adapter.</p>
<p>It replaces the wallet adaptor’s signTransaction method with its own implementation, forwarding the unsigned transaction to a remote server and attaching a call to a drainer program.</p>
<p>If the mutated transaction is signed by the user, the drainer program can transfer all tokens from the victim.</p>
<h3><a name="p-36550-targeting-memecoin-traders-5" class="anchor" href="#p-36550-targeting-memecoin-traders-5"></a>Targeting Memecoin Traders</h3>
<p>In addition to the above information, while researching “Bull Checker” we discovered that it was publicised by an anonymous Reddit account, “Solana_OG”. This person appeared to target users looking to trade memecoins, and lured them to download the extension.</p>
<p><a href="" class="onebox" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<p><a href="" class="onebox" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/wLzFkaPOwpdTcaP82kwOSjYsc14.jpeg?dl=1" title="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="" width="137" height="176" role="presentation" data-dominant-color="F0F1F2" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename"></span><span class="informations">1251×1600 229 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/5AIQlcHiLWBoWvyrpqZSDdu4sy3.png?dl=1" title="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="" width="260" height="102" role="presentation" data-dominant-color="F2F2F3" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename"></span><span class="informations">1408×548 64.2 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<h3><a name="p-36550-key-safety-habits-6" class="anchor" href="#p-36550-key-safety-habits-6"></a>Key Safety Habits</h3>
<p>While we have identified one malicious extension, there might still be other malicious extensions out there. There have been reports of other drains that we have not been able to track down. If you suspect an extension contains malware, particularly if they have both “read” and “change” permissions, uninstall it immediately.</p>
<p>Do not trust something just because someone mentioned it on Reddit or other media and it has many upvotes. Astroturfing and social engineering are very real.</p>
<p>Extensions that request for extensive permissions are highly suspicious. An extension like Bull Checker should not need to read and modify all your website data. You should have an extremely high degree of confidence in an extension before you start using it.</p>
<p>In addition, Blowfish has released a new guard instruction feature called SafeGuard that prevents all simulation spoofing attacks. It’s currently being adopted by multiple Solana wallets and will prevent future such attacks.</p>
<h3><a name="p-36550-conclusion-7" class="anchor" href="#p-36550-conclusion-7"></a>Conclusion</h3>
<p>Stay safe out there, and don’t install extensions that can read/write data unless you are really sure!</p>
<p>Once again, many thanks to Siji from Offside Labs, Blowfish, Raydium and Phantom for assisting in this investigation.</p>


Jupiter DAO Microgrants Initiative

<h1><a name="p-36549-purpose-1" class="anchor" href="#p-36549-purpose-1"></a>Purpose</h1>
<p>The Purpose of this Proposal is to fund a microgrants system which will serve as a fundamental step in progressing towards a Trial WG.</p>
<h1><a name="p-36549-intro-2" class="anchor" href="#p-36549-intro-2"></a>Intro</h1>
<p>How does one progress from a new DAO member to a full-fledged workgroup within the JupDAO? Up until now the trial work groups were the main way for community members to participate in the system.</p>
<p>However, they are intensive &amp; demanding, lasting 3-6 months and requiring a large commitment involving working in public.</p>
<p>In response to this, we retrospected past initiatives as case studies to develop a system where DAO members complete grants as a fundamental first step.</p>
DAO as MMO Thesis(Optional Reading)</summary>
<p>Success within the JupDAO mirrors the dynamics of an MMORPG. Every new DAO member starts at the “character creation” stage, akin to starting a new game. It is important to remember that, regardless of your past achievements or expertise, within the DAO you start fresh. Engage with the community, pinpoint a mission, and start your adventure. As you contribute &amp; help others, you will accrue reputation, rewards, and skills, much like gaining experience in a game.</p>
<p>Advancing within JupDAO requires collaboration. In the world of MMORPGs players join guilds or factions to tackle more daunting quests. Similarly, in the Jupiverse, one must demonstrate their value through active participation and successfully completing small quests (micro-grants). Once doing so, a member may be ready to join or establish a work-group. These groups, much like guilds, require the appropriate level of experience, initiative, and knowledge to tackle significant challenges. The leader of each group should have successfully ascended the ranks by garnering good-will, feedback, and comradery from fellow community members. Together, work groups pool their skills to embark on larger, collaborative journeys.</p>
<p>Successful completion of a trial phase, as validated by the CWG and the team, may lead to participation in a high-level, ongoing quest. In gaming, highly skilled and hardened players tackle complex challenges that demand not only sophisticated knowledge of the mechanics of the game, but also strategic planning, cooperation, and reaction time. JWGs operate similarly, consisting of veteran crypto-workers who collaborate towards grand objectives. This stage of evolution demands remarkable initiative from all participants in addition to a fully unified vision that compliments the other JWGs and the team.</p>
<p>JupDAO is continuously evolving, marked by complex plot twists and challenges. High-level teams must have extreme adaptability, finesse, and a meaningful commitment to being persistently engaged and responsive. For those who navigate the trial stage effectively &amp; efficiently, an end-game quest may appear in the form of a Jupiter Work Group. JWGs are engaged in sustained &amp; impactful projects that define the future trajectory of the DAO: ready for activation at any moment, new quests continuously emerge &amp; plotlines shift, pushing the boundaries of work, co-creation, and collaboration within the DAO.</p>
<p>Engage with the DAO as if it is a videogame that can change the world and you’ll do great.</p>
<p>To Summarize:</p>
<li>Select Your Avatar: Who are you within the game? What are you good at?</li>
<li>Level Up: Complete quests and challenges such as grants.</li>
<li>Form a Party: Band together with your comrades</li>
<li>Propose a Raid: Lead said group into your first big quest (Trial Work Group)</li>
<li>Review Your Strategy: Retrospect on your successes, failures, and achievements with the community &amp; CWG.</li>
<li>Reach for the Infinite End-Game that is becoming a JWG, if you fall, simply rouse your crew and try again, perhaps with a different questline or party members this time.</li>
<h2><a name="p-36549-the-grants-council-3" class="anchor" href="#p-36549-the-grants-council-3"></a>The Grants Council:</h2>
<p>This will be initially comprised of the CWG and Catdets. It will start with 3 CWG signers, in addition to the Catdet Working group who will be delegated 2 votes. Every 6 months the catdets will gain an additional vote, eventually outweighing the CWG.</p>
<p>The idea behind this is that over time the community will take over the process more and more, but initially it has adequate oversight by the CWG to provide the necessary activation energy.</p>
<p>The purpose of the grants council will be to determine the following:</p>
<li>To determine if someone can proceed and execute on a proposed grant.</li>
<li>Sharing the responsibility with the team of selecting which pre-trials can proceed to a DAO vote to become a Trial.</li>
<p>Ultimately the DAO is the final say in the instantiation of Trials and Workgroups. However, we do not want them to become oversaturated with votes, applications and information. Having the grants council as an initial filter will create an adequate balance, and with retrospectives built into the process the council can justify or elaborate on any decisions they make to the DAO.</p>
<p>During the first retrospective period, during which the grants system is re-evaluated with the community, any changes can be made to the system if desired. It is important to note that this proposal is the first step in designing a successful grants program, it is not the final product.</p>
<h1><a name="p-36549-the-evolution-hypothesis-4" class="anchor" href="#p-36549-the-evolution-hypothesis-4"></a>The Evolution Hypothesis</h1>
<p>We believe that the effective progression system within the Jupiter DAO will fall into 3 separate stages. This hypothesis is what we will be testing with this initial proposal and action period, should it pass.</p>
<p>It will be re-evaluated and improved upon completion of the periods and disbursal of the grants budget.</p>
Stage 1: Grants</summary>
<strong>1. Demonstrate Initiative:</strong> Identify a problem or develop a new initiative that aligns with the DAO’s goals or challenges. Prove you can help others.<br>
<strong>2. Actively Engage:</strong> Participate in DAO meetings, inquire about ongoing projects, and offer assistance to fellow members.<br>
<strong>3. Build a Network:</strong> Connect with previous grant recipients to learn from their experiences and understand the paths to success.</p>
<p>Considerations: Your history, CV, past deliverables, standing in the ecosystem and DAO, DAO activity, prior work in public, and commitment to the DAO.</p>
<p><strong>Action Items:</strong></p>
<li>Read the guidelines and retrospective documents put out by the CWG</li>
<li>Make a proposal</li>
<li>Promote your proposal publicly and gain traction and sentiment from other $JUP holders.</li>
<li>Formally present at a CWG office hours session.</li>
<li>Demonstrate your ability to execute your proposal.</li>
<li>Alternatively, answer the call to action and complete a bounty from a current WG.</li>
<p><strong>Opportunity Window &amp; Length</strong></p>
<p>Time &amp; Opportunity Indefinite: Members may propose or complete as many grants or bounties as they wish.</p>
<p>The ability to formally proceed is determined by the grants council.</p>
<p>Delivery evaluated upon completion for the grant in addition to maintenance of your Jupresearch post.</p>
Stage 2: Trial Work Group</summary>
<p><strong>1. Team Composition:</strong> Form a group of at least 2 members who have completed at least 1 grant in addition to other provable work history within the DAO(be it an additional grant, a bounty, etc). Ensure the group has a solid portfolio and standing within the DAO.</p>
<p><strong>2. Invitation:</strong> Receive an invitation to apply to kickstart the process from the Grant Council or the Jupiter Core Team.</p>
<p><strong>3. Retrospective:</strong> Perform a retrospective on your grants process: lessons, challenges, and achievements.</p>
<p><strong>4. Present &amp; Pitch:</strong> Present your trial proposal on the CWG office hours, in addition to other places including but not limited to(the Jupiter planetary call, Jup &amp; Juice, etc).</p>
<p><strong>5. The DAO Vote:</strong> Proceed through the DAO Vote process, present your proposal to the DAO for feedback, and post the final version.</p>
<p>Guidelines: Follow the forthcoming trial proposal guidelines for structuring proposals and the financials within.</p>
<p><strong>Action Items</strong></p>
<li>Ensure at least one member attends weekly CWG office hours to give updates and field questions.</li>
<li>Continuously broadcast your efforts via the jupresearch post, attending events, public work sessions, etc</li>
<li>Make progress towards your ‘meta goals’, making note of any executory pivots.</li>
<li>Over-communicate at all times and become your own advocate, ensuring you develop a platform and take initiative.</li>
<p><strong>Opportunity Window &amp; Length</strong></p>
<p>4-6 months</p>
<p>Invited by the Grants council, or Jup Core Team to progress to the DAO vote stage.</p>
Mechanisms include the retrospective, mandatory CWG office hours attendance, maintaining Jupresearch post to demonstrate progress &amp; deliverables, and Social Accountability.</p>
Stage 3: Jupiter Work Group</summary>
<p><strong>1. Invitation:</strong> Be invited by team or grants council to make a proposal.<br>
<strong>2. Retrospective:</strong> Conduct a full retrospective from the trial, making note of any changes in scope or direction<br>
<strong>3. Proposal:</strong> Create a proposal utilizing the forthcoming JWG proposal guidelines, present to the CWG and team for feedback, endorsement, and review. And ensure you adequately broadcast to the community via multiple avenues(office hours, planetary call, Jup &amp; juice, forum post, events, etc) to collect feedback before posting the final version.</p>
<p>Vote: Pass the community vote, engage consistently with any meaningful concerns, and add clarity and hop in voice channels as-needed.</p>
<p><strong>Action Items</strong><br>
<strong>Broadcast:</strong> Ensure that your work group is effectively broadcasting to the DAO on all completed initiatives and calls-to-action, if necessary, create new broadcast channels.<br>
<strong>Evolve:</strong> JWGs handle significant initiatives that have a profound impact on the DAO. This requires adaptability and a proactive approach to new information. What is relevant one week may not be relevant the next. Reference the OODA Loop model.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="476o4pgJDyYo9r7OCF6AWvYbptp" width="496" height="495"></p>
<p><strong>Opportunity Window &amp; Length</strong></p>
<p>Budgets voted upon yearly.</p>
<li>Meow and the core team hold the authority to nuke a workgroup at any time</li>
<li>In the case of emergency, If the CWG &amp; Grants council votes unanimously, they can implement a pause on a workgroup until next steps are figured out with the DAO.</li>
<li>The yearly budget &amp; social accountability.</li>
<li>Quarterly Reports</li>
<h1><a name="p-36549-the-ask-5" class="anchor" href="#p-36549-the-ask-5"></a>The Ask</h1>
<p>To fund the initial trialing of this microgrants system, we propose a budget of $150,000 USD. This budget will be used entirely to fund grants and should last 3-6 months or until the amount is exhausted.</p>
<p>If we assume that the average grants will be between $2.5k-$10k in scope(with no minimum), then this would amount to a rough average of ~30 grants. This would provide us with an adequate amount of data to successfully determine with the DAO which next steps we should take.</p>
<p>At the conclusion of this funding round, there will be an intensive retrospective period to discuss its results with the community, and there we can either scale the system up or alter it in response to feedback &amp; data. During this period, any changes to the system can be deliberated upon and implemented.</p>
<h1>FAQ Section</h1>
<p>Is this a Workgroup?<br>
A. No, this is not a workgroup. Rather it is a microgrants system with 100% of the budget allocated for grants.</p>
<p>What do comparable Grants systems look like on Solana in terms of their funding?<br>
A. It ranges widely. At the upper end you have things like the Bonk Community Fund which holds nearly $8 Million dollars in funds. More typically you have instances such as Drift or Metaplex which range between $150k-$250k.</p>
<p>How is the money for this used? Are people getting paid to run it?<br>
A. The CWG and CAWG are already being paid, and already have accountability to the DAO. Neither of these groups will be receiving any pay from this proposal, as it is already part of their responsibility list. It is entirely allocated for community grants.</p>
<p>Do these grants apply to greater Solana ecosystem initiatives or products?<br>
A. This initial grants round is entirely focused on internal facing grants, and bolstering the Jupiter DAO itself. At a later date in the future, we can consider external grants. But for now that is not the focus.</p>
<p>Is there a JUP token allocation for these grants?<br>
A. Not at this time. Initially, the grants will be USD only.</p>
<h1><a name="p-36549-conclusion-6" class="anchor" href="#p-36549-conclusion-6"></a>Conclusion</h1>
<p>We look forward to helping to empower the community. There are many within the DAO who are ready to get to work on behalf of the Jupiverse. And we know with the right support, that they can and will do incredible things.</p>
<p>We believe that this is the first step in progressive decentralization of the Jupiter DAO, and that this system with guidance, can be effective in achieving the end-goal of action-oriented decentralization. As Meow has stated, we practicalize DAO’s, not romanticize them.</p>
<p>Similarly to the token-list system: initially it was run by the Team, then the Team and the CWG, and currently the former groups and the community. We see this system as an inspiration for how systems can be community run over time and hope to eventually follow in those footsteps here as well.</p>


Recent Jupiter Product Wins & Ongoing Issues

<p>We’ve spent a lot of time improving Perps and Ape recently , such as improving the reliability of Perps during volatility and adding tons of new features and improvements to Ape.</p>
<p>In the past 2 weeks, we also worked hard to ship Jupiter Spot.</p>
<p>With the release of Spot, we saw a lot of new users and folks try out these features for the first time. Combined with the recent weeks of volatility, our DCA and LO have underperformed our standards.</p>
<p>After improving the reliability of Perps, we’re focusing a lot of core improvements to Limit Orders and DCA, primarily around the infrastructure to handle the exponentially growing number of tokens and orders.</p>
<h3><a name="p-36035-recent-product-wins-1" class="anchor" href="#p-36035-recent-product-wins-1"></a>Recent Product Wins:</h3>
<li>Huge performance improvements in DCA, much faster to process orders now (1m30s to 4s) to process orders</li>
<li>Increased routing performance / cut down latency by almost 90% by smart filtering of unsuitable routes generated by tons of long-tailed token activity.</li>
<li>Improved priority fee estimation, pulling exactly the accounts that a swap uses, instead of global fees. Improved transaction landing rate during congestion while saving priority fees.</li>
<h3><a name="p-36035-cool-upcoming-stuff-2" class="anchor" href="#p-36035-cool-upcoming-stuff-2"></a>Cool Upcoming Stuff:</h3>
<li>Dynamic Slippage V2, with heuristics and backend endpoint. Based on the type of the token, we will set the min and max caps. Also, partners swapping with Jupiter API will be able to access dynamic slippage as well.</li>
<li>Profiles, allowing you to quickly toggle between different ways of trading, including a default mode that lets the team adjust things to optimize landing rates.</li>
<h3><a name="p-36035-present-issues-3" class="anchor" href="#p-36035-present-issues-3"></a>Present Issues</h3>
<p>Users have seen a small increase in time taken for limit orders to fill, this is mostly due to congestion making it difficult to land transactions. We also need time to retry transactions, and sometimes the window of opportunity closes before we are able to fill the order.</p>
<p>This, coupled with the exponential number of new tokens makes it hard to fill orders timely.</p>
<p>To make Limit Orders great again, we need to optimise our infrastructure for speed. It’s the only way to deal with the exponentially growing number of tokens. We’re also making improvements to our Pricing API, which will help us know when orders are executable as well.</p>
<p>In the short run, we are exploring limiting the use of the Limit Order feature to only be available for the top 100 tokens. This will make it much more reliable for our users, and we will scale up the number of tokens as we optimise the infrastructure.</p>
<p>On the DCA front, we saw some issues in a 6 hour window last week. These issues have long been fixed, and DCA orders are filling as expected.</p>
<p>We’ve also successfully made tons of speed improvements, and we are seeing roughly a 50% increase in orders filled on-time compared to before improvements. We’re confident that DCA is performing as we expect, please let us know if you are facing issues with the platform.</p>
<h1><a name="p-36035-summary-4" class="anchor" href="#p-36035-summary-4"></a>Summary</h1>
<p>At Jupiter we work extremely hard on product, and trying to make sure that users are happy using Jupiter everyday.</p>
<p>Despite best efforts, we’re underperforming our own expectations for ourselves, and we want to do better for our users</p>
<p>We’re extremely sorry for the recent issues, and unhappiness among our users, and we’re working to improve this. Expect to see more improvements and announcements soon!</p>
<p>If you have issues, please reach out to us on Discord!</p>


Open Sharing About Issues With Spot

<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/mdtqvxbvc9OWI8vtsJLq6eUwDur.jpeg?dl=1" title="Frame 3" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="Frame 3" data-base62-sha1="mdtqvxbvc9OWI8vtsJLq6eUwDur" width="690" height="235" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="E1EBEF"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">Frame 3</span><span class="informations">1800×615 107 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>I want to share openly about a number of problems we are facing w the spot product at <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@JupiterExchange</a>, what we are doing about it, and commit to a more open and public approach to solving problems together.</p>
<p>First off, we actually spend a crazy amount of effort trying to protect the user and ecosystem, but sometimes to the demerit of the user experience.</p>
<p>For example, we worked hard on a number of automated (dynamic) slippage / gas calculations, and max gas settings to help the user execute on the lowest possible settings, and prevent raising the floor for others.</p>
<p>This approach works well in regular times, but in volatile times, it leads to situation where the user gets incredibly frustrated about txns and failures.</p>
<p>This was the case over the last few days, with the case of Monday compounded by an error in gas estimation.</p>
<p>We are working on few things right now, including better heuristics for dynamic slippage, a yolo mode to easily switch, and alert if max gas is too low in cases of high congestion. We will roll these out very soon, but if anyone has any thoughts or ideas, I would love to hear from them as well since this is a point of massive concern (and often heated debate) within the team.</p>
<p>The other thing that we do is maintain a free tier quote api that is very widely used (which we spend a ton on), but currently abused severely by people spinning up new machines to bypass rate limits, and we are stuck between an endless game of increasing the servers or face possible service degradation for our own users!</p>
<p>In this case, we might have to severely limit the free quote api and have an access key based access to the api instead.</p>
<p>One last thing is that it’s impossible to provide the same level of UX as a bot from user interface improvements, which means that the inevitable path will be to have bot based execution for any semi competitive swaps, which is of course what <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@ApeJupiter</a> and other automated buying systems do.</p>
<p>Anyhow, we deeply appreciate all our users and we do a lot to keep everyone as safe and optimized as we possibly can. But some of these measures might have been counter productive, creating a number of user unhappiness we see today. We will persist and work though them, and all feedback, good or bad is incredibly valuable as we work through all these issues.</p>
<p>PS: I’ll be opening up similar threads for the main things we are working on, including LFG, ape and other services. Looking forward to chatting w everyone.</p>
<p>For convenience, we calculate the gas required for execution on the frontend, but there was an issue that caused us to miscalculate priority fee estimation. This bug did not manifest in regular times, but became a major issue during peroids of heavy congestion. Totally our bad.</p>
<p>For DCA, we had a downtime for about 6 hours due to a CU estimation error. This caused massive inconvenience to users, causing many orders to not fill. We are incredibly sorry for this - and we will be reviewing our ops to be much more alert to these.</p>
<p>To ensure safer execution with DCA, we also do a price and slippage checks before executing the trade. However, for low liquidity tokens, the mark price and the execution price can differ dramatically, causing the engine not to execute the trade. When this safety is constanty triggered, but the information is not shown on the UI, it can cause a lot of frustration for users who thinks the engine is not running.</p>
<p>For example, the usual mark price for a token in an exchange is taken as the last trade or the current quote price in an AMM. This works well for tokens w robust liquidity (like SOL), where the price for a $1 trade will be similar to a $1000 trade. However, for a low liquidity token, both the mark price and actual execution price can differ rather drastically, causing the keeper to not execute the trade to protect against bad rates.</p>
<p>To help this issue, we will be putting in more information in the ui, as well as having smarter safety checks, vs a one size fits all approach to safety checking. These wil be implemented over time incrementally.</p>
<p>Apart from these, I am aware there have been ongoing issues with limit orders, price api and very long tail token discovery - i will explain all these issues in a later message and our plans to fix them.</p>
<p>Next week, we will do a “real talk” planetary call, where we will discuss our progress and challenges across a range of fronts, including team, focus, product, community and token alignment.</p>
<p>In the meantime, I will try to do a space or discord vc over the weekend as well to share more about what’s going on and happening.</p>
<p>Once again, we are incredibly grateful for every single one of our users and community members, and i am sorry for any technical and communication lapses. we will make both the platform and space as good as possible, and communicate to the best of our ability.</p>


Proposal: Enhance certainty for JUP holders and community via a token supply reduction

<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/j7inyiCgONO6i1h3JQTIKxads8k.jpeg?dl=1" title="J4J #1" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="J4J #1" data-base62-sha1="j7inyiCgONO6i1h3JQTIKxads8k" width="690" height="388" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="5E8A34"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">J4J #1</span><span class="informations">1920×1080 94.6 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p><strong>Background Reading:</strong></p>
<li>Initial Announcement: <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">Meow’s Initial Idea</a></li>
<li><a href="">Community Audit by Degen Mom &amp; Soju</a></li>
<li><a href="">Ethos of JUP: PPP and CAT</a></li>
<li><a href="">Lochie2001’s Pros &amp; Cons of the Vote</a></li>
<h2><a name="p-34781-building-in-certainty-and-alignment-for-token-holders-1" class="anchor" href="#p-34781-building-in-certainty-and-alignment-for-token-holders-1"></a>Building in Certainty and Alignment For Token Holders</h2>
<p>This is the first of the series of three JUP-related votes to provide more <strong>certainty, alignment and transparency (CAT)</strong> for all JUP holders and the community.</p>
<p>The initial JUP tokenomics was formed late last year, with modifications made over the initial announcement essay as well during the main launch, taking in feedback from the community.</p>
<p>Since then, besides gaining a much better understanding of the likely requirements and usage of the reserves, we have also heard a lot of feedback regarding the uncertainty brought on by a high FDV and potential future emissions, particularly the next few Jupuaries.</p>
<p>To address these concerns, we are proposing both a significant reduction in token supply, as well as letting the community take ownership over the future community emissions.</p>
<p>These will not only cut away the fat in the tokenomics, but also create a major push for everyone to understand the current and proposed token breakdowns. Along with having the voter vote on major future Jupuaries, should greatly address the uncertainties and allow the community to be fully aligned with the next stage of Jupiter.</p>
<h1><a name="p-34781-token-supply-reduction-vote-2" class="anchor" href="#p-34781-token-supply-reduction-vote-2"></a>Token Supply Reduction Vote</h1>
<p>For the first vote, we propose a 30% reduction in token supply, from 10B to 7B.</p>
<h2><a name="p-34781-h-5050-3" class="anchor" href="#p-34781-h-5050-3"></a>50/50</h2>
<p>Following the 50/50 principle, which the team manages 50% and the other 50% is earmarked for the community, 1.5B will be burnt from both portions.</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/qZFoZOHmReGgapVoSUv5r7rif3f.jpeg?dl=1" title="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="" width="389" height="367" role="presentation" data-dominant-color="A6A6A6" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename"></span><span class="informations">1016×962 60.1 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<h2><a name="p-34781-team-managed-portion-4" class="anchor" href="#p-34781-team-managed-portion-4"></a>Team Managed Portion</h2>
<p>As per the community audit, this is the current breakdown in the portion managed by the team:</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/j793q4VzYvoaiTOzKTiZYyvOhDa.png?dl=1" title="image" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="j793q4VzYvoaiTOzKTiZYyvOhDa" width="432" height="500" data-dominant-color="EDE0D0"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">image</span><span class="informations">438×506 31.4 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>Following the cut, this will be the breakdown:</p>
<p><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="tgYch9CymmqB2CuE61oNm11eWmZ" width="440" height="210"></p>
<p>The proposed cuts from the team-managed portion come from:</p>
<li>Team voluntarily reducing 30% from their assigned allocation</li>
<li>Major reductions in LP Needs</li>
<li>Smaller reductions for Strategic Reserve and Mercurial Stakeholders</li>
<h2><a name="p-34781-community-portion-5" class="anchor" href="#p-34781-community-portion-5"></a>Community Portion</h2>
<p>As per the community audit, this is the current breakdown in the portion managed by the community:</p>
<p><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="3JRP7o6GdTHO4icsPr7UZaClnur" width="435" height="408"></p>
<p>Following the cut, this will be the breakdown:</p>
<p><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="uApaXtJ8GZUUKS6ZKSlSJ5Fz3t7" width="440" height="141"></p>
<p>The proposed cuts from the community portion come from:</p>
<li>30% reduction in Jupuary</li>
<li>Reductions in Community needs and Community reserves</li>
<h1><a name="p-34781-summary-6" class="anchor" href="#p-34781-summary-6"></a>Summary</h1>
<p>This is the first of the series of three JUP-related votes to help build more certainty and alignment among the JUP community and the holder base.</p>
<p>We aim to address concerns around high FDV, provide a best-in-crypto boomer level of transparency around token distribution and allow the voters to decide the major parts of the potential emissions.</p>
<p>For this first vote, we aim to reduce the token supply from 10B to 7B. The reductions will come from:</p>
<li>Team will voluntarily cut 30% from their assigned allocation</li>
<li>Corresponding 30% reduction in Jupuary emissions</li>
<li>The rest of the reductions will come from previously assigned allocations such as from LP and strategic reserves</li>
<p>With the audit, ethos essay and this reduction in supply, we hope the community will emerge from this vote with a much enhanced understanding of the collective plans for JUP and be able to execute towards the meta as one cohesive unit.</p>

DAO Processes

JUP CAT PPP: A Full Review Of The Key Ethos That Drives JUP

<h1><a name="p-34641-jup-cat-ppp-1" class="anchor" href="#p-34641-jup-cat-ppp-1"></a>JUP CAT PPP</h1>
<p>[<a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">Tweet</a>] [<a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">Blog</a>]</p>
<p>Jupiter aims to build the everything exchange, push the giant unified market and help to accelerate the decentralized meta. JUP is the crucial resource and alignment mechanism at the heart of it all.</p>
<p>Whether from a product, adoption, or community point of view, we are extremely early in this journey. As such, if we are going to have any chance at all of achieving the lofty goals, building and maintaining the trust between the early stakeholders is a crucially important foundation.</p>
<h2><a name="p-34641-integrity-of-jup-2" class="anchor" href="#p-34641-integrity-of-jup-2"></a>Integrity of JUP</h2>
<p>The single most important factor in establishing trust within token based communities is the integrity of the token.</p>
<p>If the crucial stakeholders do not have conviction that the token is being properly managed and distributed in a highly net positive manner, or do not trust that each other have the best intentions, it is like trying to build a skyscraper on a giant pile of tofu.</p>
<p>It would not matter how advanced the skyscraper is, how pretty the massive solar panel windows are, how experienced the crew is, how much oil money is being funnelled towards building it - you simply cannot do it because the foundation is too shaky.</p>
<p>If you are worried about being instadumped on, you are not gonna be talking about the 10 year roadmap. Just no way.</p>
<p>With so many of the recent launches, it almost feels like there’s an adverse PvP relationship between investors, devs and even between community members - leading to a distrusting tension where the conversation becomes dominated by who gets what, who is exit liquidity, rather than making the project great together.</p>
<p>So how we build trust and PPP? As with so many things in life, the answer circles back to cats.</p>
<h2><a name="p-34641-cat-3" class="anchor" href="#p-34641-cat-3"></a>C.A.T.</h2>
<p>Over cat-decades of observations, I have come to believe that the best way to build trust within the community comes from 3 key aspects:</p>
<li>Certainty for token holders</li>
<li>Alignment between key stakeholders</li>
<li>Transparency on token distribution</li>
<p>Without these key attributes actively being reinforced, it is far more likely than not that the community will fall apart from distrust.</p>
<p>And if Jupiter, it is crucial that we have a community and ecosystem that is as cohesive as possible, otherwise the possibility of us getting where we want to be becomes exceedingly low.</p>
<p>In this essay, we will review how we have tried to build in certainty, alignment and transparency since the genesis moments of JUP, how recent key initiatives have all been focused on trying to achieve this, and how we want to institutionalise key parts of the CAT pact moving forward.</p>
<h2><a name="p-34641-cat-jup-genesis-4" class="anchor" href="#p-34641-cat-jup-genesis-4"></a>CAT: JUP Genesis</h2>
<p>From the moment of the JUP Genesis, we took an extremely comprehensive approach to making sure that the token provided as much certainty, alignment and transparency as possible.</p>
<p>Why the focus on getting it right at or before genesis? It is because the genesis moment is a crucial moment in time. For example, if there was no transparency at the point of mint, token accountability would become meaningless forever.</p>
<p>To recap, here’s what we did:</p>
<p>A best-in-class token minting ritual documentation which ensured that we are able to effectively track where every single JUP went, as well as offer it up for community audit in the coming months</p>
<p>Cold wallets being majority externally controlled by leaders in the ecosystem to ensure that the team will not be able to use it for sale or for voting without preceding public statements</p>
<p>Setting up a simple 50/50 tokenomics to articulate the need for clear alignment between the team and the community</p>
<p>One of the most inclusive, and widely distributed airdrops with close to 1M wallets who used Jupiter pre-announcement gave us a base of holders who are already intimately familiar with Jupiter</p>
<p>Making sure no cats who were part of Jupiter were left behind including great community contributors, compromised wallets as well as Mercurial holders, handling their inclusion in a way that most new token holders would likely agree as being net positive</p>
<p>Extremely transparent single launch pool with tokens for sale with zero side deals ensured a very fair initial sale process</p>
<p>Keeping the vast majority of the USDC in the launchpool and incrementally withdrawing over 3 months</p>
<p>Meticulous documentation and live explanations of the key processes along every step of the way</p>
<p>I have no doubt that these hyper transparent steps, widely distributed drop, and publicly scrutinized nature of the entire launch was a crucial reasons why we survived the FUD, the rocky markets post launch.</p>
<p>Most importantly, these steps also laid the clear foundation for the very high level of trust in the community and active participation in the DAO.</p>
<h2><a name="p-34641-cat-in-ongoing-jupiter-operations-5" class="anchor" href="#p-34641-cat-in-ongoing-jupiter-operations-5"></a>CAT in Ongoing Jupiter Operations</h2>
<p>To continue to bring certainty, alignment, and transparency to our community, we have embraced two vital principles in our daily operations:</p>
<h3><a name="p-34641-a-5050-tokenomics-6" class="anchor" href="#p-34641-a-5050-tokenomics-6"></a>a. 50/50 Tokenomics</h3>
<p>The 50/50 philosophy is the essence of how we think about alignment between the team and the community.</p>
<p>Tokenomics reflect the ethos of a project, and our key ethos is as simple as it gets - For Jupiter, there needs to be an equal weight between a focused entity able to constantly recruit world-class talent, build product, and execute strategy, and a wider community able to fact-check, counterweight, and help to course-correct.</p>
<p>When we first announced it, it was cute in theory, but it was unclear how it would play out in practice. 6 months in, we have some clarity. And, as always, it comes back to trust.</p>
<p>The community needs to trust that the team will be judicious, using the part managed by the team in ways that are net positive for the Jupiverse.</p>
<p>At the same time, the team needs to trust that the community will independently grow its own leadership and have the good judgement to make crucial decisions that have a huge impact on the future of the protocol.</p>
<p>And after all many trials of fire, we now have the world’s largest and most active DAO, with extremely dynamic debates happening over every single vote, big or small.</p>
<p>This sets us up really, really well to tackle some really big topics, which we shall see in a bit!</p>
<h3><a name="p-34641-b-community-eats-first-7" class="anchor" href="#p-34641-b-community-eats-first-7"></a>b. Community Eats First</h3>
<p>CEF is our signature effort to provide a high level of certainty to the community and holders that there will be no supply shock or lingering harm from the team allocations, and that the team is fully committed to executing all proposed plans over a long period of time.</p>
<p>As a quick recap:</p>
<li>The team will be staking 100% of the 1st year cliff for 2 more years.</li>
<li>Me and Siong are committing to locking all tokens vested till June 2026, well beyond the 2 intended Jupuaries.</li>
<li>Most of the other team members have committed to lock the vast majority of their tokens, liquidating only what they need for their personal financial security</li>
<li>If the token reduction vote passes, the team will voluntarily cut the corresponding amount as well.</li>
<p>The team is committed to making sure that our interests are 100% fully aligned both with the community as well whatever plans are being proposed.</p>
<p>Community eats first, chefs eat last</p>
<h3><a name="p-34641-c-dao-voting-on-crucial-token-measures-8" class="anchor" href="#p-34641-c-dao-voting-on-crucial-token-measures-8"></a>c. DAO Voting On Crucial Token Measures</h3>
<p>From a certainty, alignment and transparency point of view, why is is so important that the DAO votes on key measures like token reduction, future Jupuaries and ASRs?</p>
<p>First off, these proposals affect the community portion of the tokens, so it is crucial that the community has the final say over what gets distributed eventually.</p>
<p>Secondly, and more subtly, if key processes that have a very material impact on the circulating supply of the token like Jupuaries are executed without sufficient debate and attention, there is a strong potential of creating a massive amount of misalignment between the team, users and holders, allowing a potential PVP situation to emerge.</p>
<p>For example, the camp of those who believe in Jupuaries to spread JUP far and wide might come into violent conflict with those who wish to prevent emissions at all costs.</p>
<p>To avoid this PVP situation - with all of its in-fighting, FUD, and pain - we need to bring the conversation into the open. By requiring a vote, we create the space for a massive debate on the pros and cons of each action. In the end, the decision will have legitimacy precisely because everyone had a chance to make their opinion heard.</p>
<p>In order to avoid a civil PvP war, we must have a civil PPP debate.</p>
<h3><a name="p-34641-d-cryptos-first-ever-live-community-audit-for-token-distribution-9" class="anchor" href="#p-34641-d-cryptos-first-ever-live-community-audit-for-token-distribution-9"></a>d. Crypto’s first ever live community audit for token distribution</h3>
<p>To provide a high level of transparency for the community, we did the first live community audit for JUP with the goal of accounting for every single JUP that left the genesis wallets.</p>
<p>We believe that this is the first such public accounting ever done in crypto, and we will continue to do this regularly as our pledge for maintaining the core integrity of the JUP token.</p>
<h3><a name="p-34641-e-zer0-10" class="anchor" href="#p-34641-e-zer0-10"></a>e. zer0</h3>
<p>It is our observation that empty promises and unmet expectations and constant moon yearning results for a very large part of mistrust and disillusionment in crypto today.</p>
<p>We adhere to the zer0 philosophy, which means zero promise, zero expectations, but 100% commitment and determination.</p>
<p>We know where we want to go, but we will not pretend we know how to get there. We will experiment and push our way there.</p>
<h2><a name="p-34641-committing-to-the-cat-pact-draft-11" class="anchor" href="#p-34641-committing-to-the-cat-pact-draft-11"></a>Committing To The C.A.T. Pact (DRAFT)</h2>
<p>We believe that JUP is the most valuable resource that we have, and we are committed to making sure that there’s always a very high level of trust involved in the integrity of JUP.</p>
<p>As such, we officially commit to the boomer CAT Pact:</p>
<li>Regular Community Audits for JUP. Every 6 months, we’ll publicly review the distributions of the JUP to date</li>
<li>100% Disclosures of Token Sales. If any tokens are released for</li>
<li>Advance Notice of Token Releases. If we release any tokens from the reserve for strategic reasons, we’ll carefully manage the release to be in proportion to market liquidity. And we’ll make sure to communicate these releases at least 3 months in advance.</li>
<li>Transparency on Treasury. All wallets will be clearly labelled so that usage of JUP can be easily tracked.</li>
<li>All community allocated tokens will be distributed via a DAO vote for full visibility.</li>
<p>This is a draft pact, but we expect to formalize it over the next few weeks. Ideally, this will serve not just as a useful guideline to us, but also to all teams who wish to build more trust within their own communities.</p>
<h2><a name="p-34641-ppp-cat-12" class="anchor" href="#p-34641-ppp-cat-12"></a>PPP &amp; CAT</h2>
<p>In this essay, we have outlined the very elaborate measures we have taken to build in more certainty, alignment and transparency, with the end goal of building more trust within the Jupiter community.</p>
<p>So where does the idea of PPP come in? Simple.</p>
<p>When there is no trust, PvP will happens.<br>
When there is trust, PPP can happen.</p>
<p>With the right mechanisms, communications and safeguards in place, I think we stand a good chance of becoming one of the most PPP communities around.</p>
<p>And that will be so great, because nothing will make me happier than trying to get to the decentralized meta with everyone.</p>
<p>End of the day, regardless of the outcome, it’s just so, so much more fun when we do it together as one cohesive community.</p>
<p>Let’s try ya? I will do my best too.</p>
<p>PS: I promise i did not come out with the C.A.T deliberately, i was just thinking about the core things needed, and boom, CAT just came up. I swear sometimes life is indeed super circular.</p>


LFG Retroactive with Soju & Slorg

<p>Over the last 3 months, 5 projects have been launched through the LFG process in addition to the Claimpad used by $TNSR.</p>
<p>In a few weeks from now, Jupiter will be unveiling the Catpad — a new product that aims to create a better alignment for memecoin launches.</p>
<p>During last week’s CLOUD launch, a few things were successfully executed:</p>
<li>Community members of Jupiter &amp; Sanctum mostly had a lower-cost basis due to the Alpha Vault</li>
<li>In the past, we were forced to tighten the liquidity range (e.g. JUP was $4B - $7B FDV) to prevent giving botters free money. For CLOUD, we managed to execute a wide range ($1M to $500M FDV) without being heavily botted and exploited.</li>
<li>Alpha Vault &amp; spot-market was equally attractive, leading to a healthy balance of pre-market (alpha vault) and secondary market activity</li>
<p>Before we ramp up the pipeline again for new projects, we want to strategize with the community to ensure we have the best projects coming into LFG.</p>
<li>How do we empower the community to help attract top-tier projects?</li>
<li>How do we make the process more attractive for those who don’t win?</li>
<li>Should we launch projects more rapidly, or slow down the cadence and launch only the best out of the best?</li>
<li>How do we ensure that every project that wins is a high quality project that we can pour a lot of effort into the marketing &amp; comms process?</li>
<li>Should we put more reliance into the team (Or WGs) selecting projects and then the community voting “Yes” or “No” on them?</li>
<p>Ultimately, we need to push forward with the community, to attract the best projects, and launch them well. Let’s do this!</p>
<p>Leave your thoughts here, or come to the Discord Town Hall on Wednesday 10 PM EST.</p>


CWG Quarterly Report #1

<h2><a name="p-33060-intro-1" class="anchor" href="#p-33060-intro-1"></a>Intro</h2>
<p>As promised back after the initial CWG Budget Proposal passed, one of the items we would adhere to is releasing a quarterly report that would serve as an aggregate update of all of the things we’ve worked on for the past 3 months.</p>
<p>This would become a community touchpoint and provide a proper orientation opportunity for the Workgroups to address what is working and where they want to go next.</p>
<p>Ideally this is to become a standard for all Workgroups going forward and provide a benefit to them as well as it allows them for a chance of reflection.</p>
<p>In this initial Quarterly Report there are 4 sections:</p>
<li>Vision for the DAO and the CWG</li>
<li>Tasks we’ve accomplished over the past 3 months</li>
<li>Tasks we intend to accomplish over the next 3 months</li>
<li>Any Changes to the Team Structure</li>
<h2><a name="p-33060-vision-2" class="anchor" href="#p-33060-vision-2"></a>Vision</h2>
<p>Here we will touch on 2 items: The vision for the DAO and the vision for the CWG.</p>
<p>On paper the purpose of the DAO is to ‘expand the Jupiverse and Solana as a whole via funding workgroups, distributing grants, and approving LFG candidates’. This was the initial purpose of the DAO, and it was set to expand over time.</p>
<p>However, based on our experience, we would state in plainer terms that the purpose of the DAO is to empower active Catdets with the resources necessary to align themselves with the Jupiverse.</p>
<p>What does this look like in practice?</p>
<p>Imagine you want to start a podcast on behalf of Jupiter. Over time you are able to grow your audience, and you gain a larger and larger platform able to communicate Jupiter related topics, releases and most importantly the underlying ethos.</p>
<p>This will become a stronger focus over the next 3 months as we unveil the Grants system and can become much more agile in our ability to fund ambitious catdets.</p>
<p>Our vision for the CWG on the other hand is simple, yet massively involved:</p>
<p>We see the CWG as the important thread connecting the various groups within the Jupiverse together: The catdets, the Team, the Moderators, and the other workgroups.</p>
<p>These groups each have different needs, wants, goals, and abilities — yet all play a critical part in this making up the whole.</p>
<p>How do we ensure these groups are properly aligned, are able to obtain the resources they need, and can become adequately &amp; intimately aware of each other’s needs?</p>
<p>This is one of the main goals for the CWG to figure out, and something that is crucial for the DAO to not only survive, but to thrive.</p>
<h2><a name="p-33060-prior-3-months-3" class="anchor" href="#p-33060-prior-3-months-3"></a>Prior 3 Months:</h2>
<p>In the past 3 months we’ve made strides in various areas, with the main ones being:</p>
<p>A revitalization of the strictlist: One of the core initial issues that the CWG was tasked with was handling the Jupiter Strictlist. It is the list of verified tokens that was previously done through a PR process. At the time that the CWG took it over from the team, token season was beginning and it took away significant bandwidth from the Jupiter BD team members such as Mei and Soju. Over the course of the last 3 months, we have fielded thousands of PR applications and inquiries within the token-list channel. Not only that, but we located a developer to help completely revamp the process, and now it is done through a website by posting the token address instead of the complex and time consuming PR process. What once took hours every day of labor, now takes under 10 minutes. You can check that out here: <a href=""></a></p>
<p>We’ve hosted and administered 3 LFG Rounds to date. The winners of which were Zeus, Sharky, Uprock, Sanctum, and DeBridge. Each round we hosted crucial feedback sessions with the community and iterated on the process each time via an explicit townhall and forum post. You may find a summary of those changes here: <a href="" class="inline-onebox">LFG Retrospective &amp; Feedback(Changelog)</a>. In the future will be more LFG rounds, however, by July there will be a partial revamp of the LFG process that should be very exciting.</p>
<p>Growth of the DAO twitter: One of the most crucial things was finding a way to communicate to the DAO and the greater Solana-sphere without being completely reliant on the Team or forcing them to adhere to our messaging style. The solution that we arrived at was a DAO specific twitter, and outside of Meow and the Main Jupiter account, it has grown to become the 3rd most far reaching Jupiter related twitter. At the time of writing this it has reached nearly 18,000 followers within 7 weeks, and we are inclined to believe much of it is organic considering that posts regularly garner between 200 and 1100 likes. For its size, it is one of the most powerful and far reaching twitter accounts Kemo or Slorg have personally seen, and we believe this will become one of the most critical DAO assets in our arsenal over the next 3-6 months. Because once it reaches the 50-70k range organically, then it can effectively reach almost everyone within the Solana ecosystem. We have been utilizing the DAO twitter to put out crucial messaging, announcements, and helping to amplify the other workgroups. In addition, we have used it to put out added insights not found on the main Jupiter account such as specific ASR data breakdowns. We will continue with this strategy for now, as it appears to be what the DAO respond well to.</p>
<p>Comms Assistance: We have deployed significant labor to help build out the comms network within the Jupiter DAO. This includes the growth of the JUP_DAO Twitter above, but also the establishment of the Wg-Announcements channel within Discord, the weekly CWG office hours as a key community touchpoint, the establishment and hosting of a weekly internal workgroup call involving all the workgroups, and regularly assisting the team with messaging. Also belonging in this category is the regular creation and attendance of crucial townhalls including but not limited to: voting townhalls, weekly CWG office hours, and retrospectives on DAO &amp; team accomplishments &amp; large updates.</p>
<p>Managing the Moderation Team: One of the other initial tasks that the CWG was given by the team was to take over responsibility for the moderation team. This includes issuing guidance to them as it pertains to internal Discord matters as well as the forum.</p>
<p>Speaking Events: c2yptic has regularly attended and given talks at various events on behalf of the Jupiter DAO including Solana Crossroads and Solana Summit. Additionally, we piloted an event sponsorship at crossroads including the design and usage of Jup DAO branding on the coffee cups.</p>
<p>Jup DAO Branding: Kemo has gone above and beyond to take the complexity of the Jupiter branding guide, distill it down, create a new DAO logo, and make everything hyper-digestible and usable on this simple-to-use website. Additionally, several workshops have been held to date on how to properly use these branding guidelines including an introductory workshop and a figma specific workshop. More of these will be held over time, as well as written guides. You can find the DAO Branding Guidelines here: <a href="">Jupiter DAO Media Kit | Jup.Eco</a></p>
<p>Jup.Eco Design: Additionally, Kemo has provided the trial WWG (Web Working Group) with design &amp; initial build assistance for Jup.Eco, handling the design and UI/UX and providing over a dozen live Webflow training sessions to the DAO.</p>
<p>Alterations to the Voting Processes: With each vote, not just the LFG votes, the CWG has spearheaded and assisted with diagnosing issues, sourcing critical feedback from the community, distilling this into easily actionable steps, and communicating it with the team to be implemented.</p>
<h2><a name="p-33060-next-3-months-4" class="anchor" href="#p-33060-next-3-months-4"></a>Next 3 Months:</h2>
<p>Across the next 3 months we have a list of goals which will be paramount in maintaining the DAO’s momentum and help to implement systems which will be critical in sustaining it for the years to come. Such items include:</p>
<p>The establishment of the Grants program: One of the core issues is that the WG model lacks flexibility. It serves and important role, however there is a large social component to it that transcend the work in of itself. There are many people who want to contribute to the DAO, but don’t want to have to go through the intensive multi-month process. Additionally, with opportunities arising every 2-3 months, this means that people have to wait a long time in order to even be considered. Because of this the grants system will create more touchpoint for people to participate in the DAO, to contribute their skills and further JUP, and to be compensated for it.</p>
<p>Continue Growing JUP_DAO account: The Jupiter DAO twitter is likely the single most important DAO asset. It’s reach is already making significant impacts within the Jupiverse, as it possesses the ability to be agile, clarify, and amplify in a way that is not dependent on the main Jupiter twitter. Once the DAO account hits an organic 50k follower count, it is likely that it will be able to reach the vast majority of Solana and be one of the most powerful accounts within our ecosystem.</p>
<p>Further decentralize the Strictlist and add more Tags: The strictlist is now managed by Mei, me and a handful of catdets. The ideal situation is to get it even further decentralized, in addition to adding more tags that cover a wider variety of circumstances to help come a step closer towards the goal of finding a way to verify and label tokens that scales</p>
<p>LFG Revamps: There will be announcements within the next few weeks about this, but the LFG system is set for a partial revamp that we believe many will be quite happy with.</p>
<p>Hiring New Members: We currently have 2 advisors we are interested in bringing under the CWG umbrella. Additionally, we will be interviewing a person next week for a more involved boots-on-the-ground role, and have our sights on a handful of others. By the next Quarterly report, the CWG will have expanded in its numbers.</p>
<h2><a name="p-33060-team-changes-5" class="anchor" href="#p-33060-team-changes-5"></a>Team Changes</h2>
<p>There have been 2 changes to the structure of the CWG to report at this time.</p>
<p>Durden has decided to step down from his role of ‘part time’ member into an advisory position. Going forward, he will help us with strategy, but not play a strong boots-on-the-ground role within the DAO.</p>
<p>Additionally, due to a family emergency, c2yptic will step into a part-time role for the next few months in order to take care of it. We appreciate everything c2yptic has done so far, and he will continue assisting with tasks such as:</p>
<li>Budget &amp; Multi-sig management</li>
<li>Helping with DAO process iterations</li>
<li>Managing the moderator team</li>
<li>Spearheading the Grants system with us</li>
<li>and the start of DeFI education events.</li>
<h2><a name="p-33060-conclusion-6" class="anchor" href="#p-33060-conclusion-6"></a>Conclusion</h2>
<p>We thank you for reading through the first CWG Quarterly Report. If you have any comments as to the structure of it, please let us know below and we can better assist future Workgroups in how to structure theirs.</p>


ASR Retrospective & Feedback #1

<h1><a name="p-32328-with-the-first-round-of-asr-now-under-our-belt-we-would-like-to-offer-this-opportunity-to-voice-any-feedback-1" class="anchor" href="#p-32328-with-the-first-round-of-asr-now-under-our-belt-we-would-like-to-offer-this-opportunity-to-voice-any-feedback-1"></a>With the first round of ASR now under our belt — we would like to offer this opportunity to voice any feedback.</h1>
<p>To get you started, we have a few questions:</p>
<p>What did you like about it?</p>
<p>Were there any areas you feel could be improved?</p>
<p>We are considering a few ideas already including a bulk claim on the site. Additionally, we would like thoughts around putting a JUP claim floor.</p>
<p>That is, if you have under this amount of JUP staked, you cannot claim rewards. The purpose of this would be 2-fold. To deter sybilling, in addition to reducing the tech bandwidth required during the disbursement period.</p>
<p>Would a floor of 5 be good? 10? None? Let us know your thoughts.</p>
<p>Also please join us for a Discord Townhall tomorrow on the topic if you will be around to attend: <a href="" class="inline-onebox">Discord</a></p>


LFG Retrospective & Feedback(Changelog)

<p>We will use this post to include all of the changes gleaned from each round of LFG voting.</p>
<h1><a name="p-29412-round-1-1" class="anchor" href="#p-29412-round-1-1"></a>Round 1</h1>
<li>Miscellaneous Voting page &amp; Educational changes including direct links to the governance site on the main site, and:</li>
<aside class="onebox twitterstatus" data-onebox-src="">
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<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>

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<img src="" class="thumbnail onebox-avatar" data-dominant-color="74828D" width="48" height="48">
<h4><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Slorg</a></h4>
<div class="twitter-screen-name"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@SlorgoftheSlugs</a></div>

<div class="tweet">
<span class="tweet-description">2 highly requested UX changes have been made to the Jupiter voting site:

Who you voted for and the fact that you voted at all are now indicated much more clearly.

Thank you to the community for these suggestions, and we look forward to implementing more of your feedback. <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener"></a><div class="aspect-image-full-size" style="--aspect-ratio:690/427;"><img class="tweet-image" src="" data-dominant-color="23303D" width="690" height="428"></div></span>

<div class="date">
<a href="" class="timestamp" target="_blank" rel="noopener">4:14 PM - 17 Apr 2024</a>

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<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="14px" height="16px" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M462.3 62.6C407.5 15.9 326 24.3 275.7 76.2L256 96.5l-19.7-20.3C186.1 24.3 104.5 15.9 49.7 62.6c-62.8 53.6-66.1 149.8-9.9 207.9l193.5 199.8c12.5 12.9 32.8 12.9 45.3 0l193.5-199.8c56.3-58.1 53-154.3-9.8-207.9z"></path></svg>

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<svg viewBox="0 0 640 512" width="14px" height="16px" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M629.657 343.598L528.971 444.284c-9.373 9.372-24.568 9.372-33.941 0L394.343 343.598c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941l10.823-10.823c9.562-9.562 25.133-9.34 34.419.492L480 342.118V160H292.451a24.005 24.005 0 0 1-16.971-7.029l-16-16C244.361 121.851 255.069 96 276.451 96H520c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v222.118l40.416-42.792c9.285-9.831 24.856-10.054 34.419-.492l10.823 10.823c9.372 9.372 9.372 24.569-.001 33.941zm-265.138 15.431A23.999 23.999 0 0 0 347.548 352H160V169.881l40.416 42.792c9.286 9.831 24.856 10.054 34.419.491l10.822-10.822c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941L144.971 67.716c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0L10.343 168.402c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l10.822 10.822c9.562 9.562 25.133 9.34 34.419-.491L96 169.881V392c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h243.549c21.382 0 32.09-25.851 16.971-40.971l-16.001-16z"></path></svg>


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<h1><a name="p-29412-round-2-2" class="anchor" href="#p-29412-round-2-2"></a>Round 2</h1>
<h2><a name="p-29412-informational-changes-3" class="anchor" href="#p-29412-informational-changes-3"></a>Informational Changes:</h2>
<p>Formation of the DAO twitter to help further reach voters and propagate relevant information. Also will tweet reminders each day of a live vote.</p>
<p>Additional clarity around ASR: This includes both UI changes and educational efforts</p>
<p>Creation of a Calendar to more accurately display the timeline of the LFG process.</p>
<h2><a name="p-29412-process-changes-4" class="anchor" href="#p-29412-process-changes-4"></a>Process Changes:</h2>
<p>Reducing number of winners from 2 to 1.</p>
<p>AMAs shifting over to twitter spaces:</p>
<p>LFG Candidate Roles in Discord</p>
<h1><a name="p-29412-round-3-5" class="anchor" href="#p-29412-round-3-5"></a>Round 3:</h1>
<p>Continuing Blind voting for LFG votes for the time being, and advocating for other votes as well.</p>
<p>Foregoing the timer for the time being.</p>
<p>Exploring a more robust notification system: This includes potentially exploring email and mobile notification options.</p>
<p>Small Site Changes: Rewording the call to action on the vote page from “View Discussion” to “View Full Proposal”. Adding a voting power column. Clearer indications that any airdrop claim is a bonus.</p>
<p>Stronger comms around new things. For example, there was a lot of information around Meteora’s Alpha Vault, but it had to be sought out. There was a medium article, for example, but there was no 1 pager with a tldr. This is something we will seek to be more mindful of going forward with the team.</p>
<p>Better guidelines on Discord or the Forum to prevent extreme harassment of candidates. We never want to clamp down on speech that is sincere or truthful. However, there have been instances where individuals have spent days harassing individuals without evidence inside and outside of the Discord. We think covering the outer limits of these things is not a bad idea, while making sure to not infringe on anyone. A simple rule could be “severe accusations demand severe evidence” and “refusal to provide evidence with continued accusations could lead to a time out”.</p>
<h2><a name="p-29412-changes-to-explore-6" class="anchor" href="#p-29412-changes-to-explore-6"></a>Changes to Explore</h2>
<ol start="6">
<li>Some sort of survey apparatus: whether it exists at the vote’s end or somewhere else to collect data from users such as “where do you get your information from when you vote?”. It is in this way that we can draw insights on the voterbase at large.</li>


LFG Retrospective & Feedback Round #3

<h1><a name="p-27891-with-the-3nd-round-of-lfg-now-under-our-belt-it-would-serve-us-well-to-reflect-on-what-happened-1" class="anchor" href="#p-27891-with-the-3nd-round-of-lfg-now-under-our-belt-it-would-serve-us-well-to-reflect-on-what-happened-1"></a>With the 3nd round of LFG now under our belt — it would serve us well to reflect on what happened.</h1>
<h2><a name="p-27891-a-retrospective-2" class="anchor" href="#p-27891-a-retrospective-2"></a>A retrospective:</h2>
<p>Over 217 million JUP cast a vote for their preferred candidate, with debridge winning the right to launch on the LFG launchpad.</p>
<p>Additionally, feedback from the Round 2 Forum post was incorporated, with multiple changes including:</p>
<li>The first blind vote</li>
<li>AMAs now held on twitter spaces</li>
<li>A reduction of candidates, and going from 2 ==&gt; 1 winners.</li>
<li>A calendar presented at the beginning to show the cadence of events</li>
<p>Also some smaller quality of life items like giving candidates their own unique blue role within discord instead of catdet were added.</p>
<h2><a name="p-27891-however-now-we-would-like-to-solicit-your-feedback-3" class="anchor" href="#p-27891-however-now-we-would-like-to-solicit-your-feedback-3"></a>However, now we would like to solicit your feedback</h2>
<p>To get you started, we present a few questions:</p>
<p>Were there any aspects which you particularly liked?</p>
<p>What improvements would you like to see?</p>
<p>Did you like the blind voting? Should we keep it for future votes?</p>
<p>Thoughts around a vote timer that prevents you from voting for X amount of time?</p>
<p>Thank you for taking the time to be a part of this co-creative process. We look forward to your comments, and similarly to last time, we will post a follow up under this thread in addition to hosting a townhall event.</p>


The Giant Unified Market

<p>Today, we’re kicking off the Giant Unified Market initiative - our key effort to bring all assets into a single atomic market, accessible by everyone in the world with a fraction of a cent.</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/mkUujTmMH0NcsU4OhTkTi344dZG.png?dl=1" title="image"><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="mkUujTmMH0NcsU4OhTkTi344dZG" width="690" height="388" data-dominant-color="0E0E0E"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">image</span><span class="informations">960×540 28.5 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>Only on Solana, powered by Jupiter, enabled by the best partners in crypto.</p>
<p>Whether it is memecoins, RWAs, stocks or forex, we want to bring all these assets to Solana and index them on Jupiter - allowing users to transact across all these markets atomically.</p>
<p>This is one of the great dreams of finance &amp; we want to make it happen right here on Solana.</p>
<p>To make this vision a reality on Solana, 3 things are needed: more assets, more liquidity, and more accessibility.</p>
<p>That’s why we’re thrilled to launch the GUM Alliance, a group of top asset, liquidity, and distribution teams to help drive this effort together.</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/qWv7CtMUsopYOc2drOS0bX2uhHn.png?dl=1" title="image"><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="qWv7CtMUsopYOc2drOS0bX2uhHn" width="690" height="388" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="111212"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">image</span><span class="informations">960×540 35 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>Over the next few months, we will be working with these partners to do 3 main things:</p>
<li>Onboard more assets onto Solana</li>
<li>Create liquid markets for these assets</li>
<li>Integrate these markets into Jupiter and encourage adoption</li>
<p>“We are really excited to bring our 1:1 backed dShares to Jupiter as part of the GUM initiative.</p>
<p>This will bring compliant exposure to US shares (such as AAPL and COIN) to Solana, and democratise access to US shares to users on Solana.”– Gabriel Otte</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/UjxnkU8iBSnOOGs8tpbipnmUEZ.jpeg?dl=1" title="image"><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="UjxnkU8iBSnOOGs8tpbipnmUEZ" width="690" height="365" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="AAE8D8"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">image</span><span class="informations">1920×1016 66.6 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>“GUM is the first serious attempt at creating a globally accessible capital market. It’s a huge deal.</p>
<p>We saw the same future as Jupiter when we started Villcaso, Unifying the world’s markets isn’t just something to make life more convenient, it’s actually a morally im<mark>perative initiative.</mark></p>
<p>Villcaso’s mission is to make US real estate investing globally accessible. With GUM, we can help millions of people get access to more investment opportunities such as US real estate from Vilcaso. It’s a dream partnership.” - <span class="mention">@ns_dub</span></p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/4uftScCbxOi0qnPwNIzmTVkbBIx.jpeg?dl=1" title="image"><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="4uftScCbxOi0qnPwNIzmTVkbBIx" width="690" height="266" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="DFE6E6"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">image</span><span class="informations">1920×742 124 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>“GUM’s vision aligns with Wintermute’s mission to advance a truly decentralized world for more transparent and efficient markets and products.</p>
<p>Reliable liquidity is crucial for the health of any market, and we’re pleased to contribute our expertise to the GUM in<mark>itiative.”</mark></p>
<p><mark>- Tim Wu, Head of DeFi at Wintermute</mark><br>
<div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/iDx06bs3sxwihdbQ8BPY6KaTcBA.png?dl=1" title="image"><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="iDx06bs3sxwihdbQ8BPY6KaTcBA" width="690" height="346" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="23251F"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">image</span><span class="informations">2000×1003 202 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>“We’re excited to see Jupiter’s work on a Giant Unified Market!</p>
<p>One of the appeals of crypto, and DeFi in particular, is the interoperability that allows different platforms to interact with each other, which is something that is exceptionally challenging in web2.</p>
<p>GUM will have an emphasis on allowing users to trade with whatever stablecoin is most convenient, which is exciting as we see more users looking to trade in non-USD stables” - Paul<br>
<a href="/uploads/short-url/4U7Q8DdGi9g4DjrgOWS18QQIQoB.jpeg">image|621x500</a></p>
<p><strong>DWF Labs:</strong><br>
"The GUM Initiative aligns well with our long-term vision of how the future of finance will be shaped in the years to come.</p>
<p>As a key liquidity provisioning firm in the crypto space, we’re glad to be a long-term partner of the Jupiter team in building liquid markets for on-chain assets.</p>
<p>We truly believe that liquidity will be the cornerstone of every tradable on-chain asset." - Eugene, Co-Founder.</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/rBHnfCERKEnJxNwyMcZ2Q1VvI7I.jpeg?dl=1" title="image"><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="rBHnfCERKEnJxNwyMcZ2Q1VvI7I" width="690" height="394" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="17181A"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">image</span><span class="informations">1920×1098 126 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>Alliance DAO</p>
<p>“No one is better positioned than Jupiter to bring traditional assets onchain than Jupiter than its massive distribution and battletested technology.”– Qiao</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/uCJYPfuEMGznPJBHFqhCnJi7Mln.jpeg?dl=1" title="image"><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="uCJYPfuEMGznPJBHFqhCnJi7Mln" width="685" height="500" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="212020"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">image</span><span class="informations">2000×1459 246 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p><strong>Solana Foundation</strong><br>
“Blockchains are a crucible for market competition and price discovery, but for much of their history that power could only be deployed in service of digital assets.</p>
<p>GUM is helping to change that — bringing off chain assets on chain and creating competitive markets that move at the speed of information.” - Austin Federa</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/AggNc9NvjcabsSOxdVMKhojIQm2.jpeg?dl=1" title="image"><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="AggNc9NvjcabsSOxdVMKhojIQm2" width="690" height="346" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="222029"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">image</span><span class="informations">1247×627 103 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
“Capital markets have evolved into an unfair playing field and are by design, inherently gate kept.</p>
<p>During the GME craze, Institutional investors were able to trade through dark pools when the stock was halted multiple times only to screw over the retail investor<mark>. </mark></p>
<p>There has to be a more equitable way for market participants to participate. GUM is an ambitious project to enable just that.”— Joe McCan</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/aswMW3bqBOSJRGCY5duAjZYEOT5.png?dl=1" title="image"><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="aswMW3bqBOSJRGCY5duAjZYEOT5" width="690" height="486" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="BCBCBC"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">image</span><span class="informations">2000×1411 139 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>This alliance is just the very beginning - we need a lot more partners and participants to make this universal market a reality together!</p>
<p>If you would like to be part of this effort - please let us know, and we can discuss how best to collaborate.</p>
<p>Last but not least, making this giant unified market a reality is an important step in both advancing the meta and establishing Jupiter as the everything exchange.</p>
<p>So to all catdets and comrades in decentralizing finance - lets make this happen together!</p>


Kicking off #3 of LFG Voting!

<p>Today, we are excited to kick off the next round of LFG!</p>
<p>Expect to meet the candidates over the next week, and the vote will be on 22nd May!</p>
<p>This round comes with a few key changes, with the goal of implementing the lessons learnt from the past votes and community feedback to improve the LFG platform.</p>
<p>We will also release a detailed calendar of events on Monday, containing AMA dates, Planetary Call appearances and the vote itself.</p>
<h3><a name="p-26210-h-1-vote-1-winner-1" class="anchor" href="#p-26210-h-1-vote-1-winner-1"></a>1 Vote, 1 Winner</h3>
<p>We envision LFG as a platform for the projects with the strongest and most widespread community buy-in to launch a token on Solana. That’s why, for this vote the project with the most votes from every round will launch on LFG. This is a big change, but ultimately allows for closer intimacy and collaboration between the winner and the Jupiter team and community, which is a key ingredient for a successful launch.</p>
<h3><a name="p-26210-blind-voting-2" class="anchor" href="#p-26210-blind-voting-2"></a>Blind Voting</h3>
<p>Over the last 2 votes for LFG, votes were public and available on the UI. What we observed is that projects with a lead will see their lead build over-time, and generate tons of momentum.</p>
<p>We’ve experimented many times with displaying the results, and think it’s worth experimenting with keeping the results hidden for this vote.</p>
<p>Blind voting will remove the bias for voters to vote for the project that is currently ahead in the hopes of receiving more rewards.</p>
<p>Expect more discussions about this after the next vote, before a decision is made.</p>
<h3><a name="p-26210-side-note-3" class="anchor" href="#p-26210-side-note-3"></a>Side Note</h3>
<p>Additionally, <a href="">@MeteoraAG</a> has made significant progress on anti-bot features, and expect to see them when UpRock launches this month.</p>
<p>Multiple other smaller changes will be made as well, which can be found on:</p>
<li><a href="" class="inline-onebox">LFG Retrospective &amp; Feedback Round #2 - #70 by Slorg</a></li>
<li><a href="">LFG Improvements [Planetary Call]</a></li>
<p>We’re very excited to go through the third round of LFG with the wider Jupiter community, after making these improvements.</p>
<p>Let’s keep pushing together to make LFG the best community-driven launchpad in whole of crypto. See you next week as we introduce the candidates!</p>


Trial JWGs: Updates From First Coworking Session

<p>Did my first public coworking session with the trial working groups on Thursday on discord, checked in on what they have been cooking, and we discussed what was important for them as next steps.</p>
<p>Given the very high level of interest in how Jupiter Work Groups work, wanted to share the summary of the discussion.</p>
<p><strong>Catdet WG</strong></p>
<p>For the Catdet Work Group, they play an important role in establishing and growing the culture. They have done an amazing job so far being hyper responsive in discord, establishing dedicated feedback and communication channels and hearing from the community. In particular, they have set up a feedback channel here <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a>, so feel free to participate if you have not done so yet.</p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><br>
<img src="" alt="Image" data-dominant-color="F7F7F7" width="690" height="343"><br>
<p>One of their key tasks in the upcoming weeks will be to create a set of clear ethos, guidelines and rules for Catdets and discord community at large. This is obviously an important and highly impactful change, so this will be done in a very careful, gradual and very consultative manner.</p>
<p>For the Web Work Group, they are currently focused on JUP station. This is a crucial resource that has been needing a revamp for a while, and they have reseached studied the content map of the existing Jupiter Station site extensively, gotten a lot of feedback and are currently re-working its organisation.</p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><br>
<img src="" alt="Image" data-dominant-color="CBCAC8" width="584" height="500"><br>
<p><a href=";t=B762OpYQ2ZKmhUcS-0" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">;t=B762OpYQ2ZKmhUcS-0…</a> This is very important groundwork for any changes they will make to the site, with the next step being to make concrete PRs to the site. Once the station is stable and there is a strategy for keeping it up to date, more web resources can be considered.</p>
<p>For the Reddit Work Group, they have set up the subreddit page, made everything look great, and importantly, has a number of contributors on it already.</p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><br>
<img src="" alt="Image" data-dominant-color="DBDEDF" width="690" height="423"><br>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><br>
<img src="" alt="Image" data-dominant-color="E2E4E3" width="690" height="489"><br>
<p>The main job ahead will be to both activate the community to become more active on the platform, create more organic contributions. Importantly, it should also include driving a much higher level of presence on other subreddits.</p>
<p><strong>strong text</strong>Summary: If you are interested, do join in on the future sessions. I will try my best to host them for a few weeks to start so that everyone can get a good sense of the Workgroup processes. For now, I think we have a really good start on everything and starting to form a really productive and fun process for everyone involved.</p>
<p>The community has been extremely supportive and helpful towards the workgroups as well, with Catdets such as Opacks contributing a lot of quality infographic content.</p>
<p>In the next planetary call, we will set aside time for every trial workgroup to present their progress, ideas and how everyone can get involved!</p>


Forum Participation Étiquette:

<h2><a name="p-26178-as-it-pertains-to-opinions-and-criticisms-1" class="anchor" href="#p-26178-as-it-pertains-to-opinions-and-criticisms-1"></a>As it pertains to opinions and criticisms:</h2>
<p>There are bound to be disagreements and circumstances where people truly believe a project or individual to be a bad actor. However, it is important that we maintain the decorum of the forum by addressing things in a constructive way.</p>
<p>That is why I am presenting some guidelines on how to better interact with posts which you may have disagreements with.</p>
<p>Jupiter never wants to censor dissenting opinions, however, there are better ways to present them than others.</p>
<p><strong>Example 1:</strong><br>
This project is a scam!</p>
<p>This project seems like a scam to me, because XYZ</p>
<p><strong>Example 2:</strong></p>
<p>This is a rug! The founder is bad!</p>
<p>I’ve had a poor interaction with this project in the past, and this is what happened:</p>
<p>It is important to be articulate with your dissent instead of stating pure judgements without substantiation. When you make claims, please present evidence, and additionally please be respectful to other members of the forum.</p>
<p>If your post makes too many aggressive judgements without evidence, or devolves into attacks against other forum members, it will be subject to removal by the moderation team.</p>


Trial Budgets for the 3 new WGs!

<p><strong>The votes for the 3 trial WGs have begun!</strong></p>
<p>Remember, these are not full workgroup budgets. These trial WGs are aiming to be funded for a few months, to see if they can find good synergy w the community, team and the rest of the WGs before proposing a full budget with JUP for long-term alignment.</p>
<p><strong>Vote Now:</strong> <a href=""></a></p>
<p><strong>Voting &amp; ASR Notes:</strong></p>
<li>These votes carry ⅓ weight for Active Staking Rewards. This means that voting for all 3 votes is equivalent to voting once. This is to prevent dilution for previous voters of other proposals.</li>
<li>You can vote for all 3 ongoing proposals.</li>
<li>Rewards are not dependent on what you vote for, so you will receive rewards regardless of your voting option.</li>
<p><strong>Summary of Trial WGs:</strong></p>
<p><strong>Catdet Working Group:</strong><br>
The Catdet Work Group (WG) proposal is a strategic plan to enhance culture within the Jupiter community by empowering the Catdet corps: crucial agents in cultivating an environment where people can learn, grow, and co-create. This proposal details initiatives to extend the community’s influence, improve engagement processes, and foster a supportive environment for learning &amp; interaction.</p>
<p><strong>Key Points of the Catdet Working Group Proposal:</strong></p>
<li>Mission and Operations: Grow the Catdet corps and ensure all community members feel loved and valued.</li>
<li>Role of Catdets: Central to community culture, defined by traits like helpfulness and openness, and vital in onboarding new members.</li>
<li>Expansion of Catdet Culture: Guidelines for selection, regular activity checks, and expansion of roles beyond Discord to other platforms.</li>
<li>Process Improvement: Vital in improving selection processes for Catdets and defining community member roles more clearly through community input.</li>
<li>Activities and Projects: Introduction of weekly updates using AI, trial groups like the Catdet X Army to boost visibility on social platforms, and community-driven classes, workshops, and events to foster learning and interaction.</li>
<li>Budget Request: Total of $69,000 for community initiatives and core contributor compensation over a five-month trial period aimed at fostering significant community involvement and feedback. (5 core members @ $1.8k/month each for 5 months, plus $24k for community contributor payments)</li>
<li>Future Initiatives: Potential landmark event at Solana Breakpoint, more expansion on classes and workshops, as well as other community-driven ideas to further solidify the Catdet’s role in the community.</li>
<li>Core members: Julian, Easy E, Cas AKA TheGreatOBO, Catoshi, Rolex Gold</li>
<p>Trial period success is defined by involvement by the wider community, as well as measurable growth of individuals within the community (skills acquired, content created, etc.)</p>
<p><strong>Full proposal here:</strong> <a href="" class="inline-onebox">Proposal: Catdet Workgroup - LFGrow!</a></p>
<p><strong>Planetary Clip:</strong></p>
<p><strong>Web Working Group:</strong><br>
The Web Work Group (WWG) is proposing a trial budget to maintain and ensure up-to-date integrity of key web resources including Jupiter Space Station (product oriented guides and docs) and (a community focused resource). The WWG is tasked with facilitating contribution for these resources between the team, community, and other WGs. This group seeks to address challenges like information overload, resource fragmentation, and sub-optimal engagement that currently hinder the DAO’s operations.</p>
<p><strong>Key Points of the Web Working Group Proposal:</strong></p>
<li>First and foremost: Revitalization of the Jupiter Space Station; bring it up-to-date.</li>
<li>Introduction of the Jup.Eco concept: A platform developed to centralize DAO communications and resources, enhancing accessibility and engagement within the community.
<li>Core Features and Innovations:
<li>Searchable FAQs</li>
<li>Catdet &amp; Work Group Content Corner: Centralizes all DAO communications.</li>
<li>JUP Notifications &amp; Calendar: Maintains a unified calendar of events and notifications.</li>
<li>Onboarding Guides &amp; FAQs: Streamlines the onboarding process for new and existing members.</li>
<li>JUP Socials &amp; Blog Dashboard: Serves as a unified communication outlet.</li>
<li>Potential Future Development:
<li>Work Group Directory: Facilitates sharing of work status updates and transparency reports.</li>
<li>JUP Grants Listings: Provides a community-accessible board for R&amp;D needs.</li>
<li>JUP Ecosystem Legends: A hall of fame for significant contributors.</li>
<li>JUP Talent: A new talent service to bridge traditional and Web3 employment.</li>
<li>JUP University: Upskills community members on DAO systems and other technologies.</li>
<li>Provisional Period Budget: A total of $84,500 requested for initial development and operational costs. These costs are as follows: $56k for 2 full-time members, and one part-time member, as well as $10k for a content contributor pool, $3k for general infra expenses, and $15k retroactive compensation for feature planning, scoping, and auditing existing resources over the past 6 weeks.</li>
<li>Core Members: Sir Nay Nay, Antimatter, Hanko (part-time).</li>
<p>Trial period success is defined by successful establishment and adoption of 2 crucial resources for the community: Space Station &amp; Jup.Eco, as well as effective community buy-in, co-creation, and collaboration with other WGs.</p>
<p><strong>Full proposal:</strong> <a href="" class="inline-onebox">Proposal: Jup.Eco &amp; The Web Working Group (WWG)</a></p>
<p><strong>Planetary Clip:</strong></p>
<p><strong>Reddit Working Group:</strong><br>
The Jupiter Reddit Working Group (JRWG) seeks to establish a commanding presence for Jupiter on Reddit, a platform with 1.212 billion monthly users. The group aims to empower the community, facilitate open communication, and significantly enhance brand visibility within the DeFi space on Reddit.</p>
<p><strong>Key Points of the Reddit Working Group Proposal:</strong></p>
<p>Goals: Strengthen Jupiter’s presence on Reddit to attract and engage crypto enthusiasts and DeFi newcomers.</p>
<p>Key Responsibilities: Manage a high-quality Jupiter subreddit, curate relevant content, and foster robust community interactions.</p>
<p>Utilize Reddit as a place for content aggregation.</p>
<p>Expected Benefits: Enhanced community engagement, increased brand awareness, and valuable feedback from users to refine Jupiter’s offerings.</p>
<p>Three-Month Trial Budget: $68,000 covering a lead moderator ($6k/month), a full moderation team (4 members), and additional contingencies like graphic design and bot maintenance.</p>
<p>Recruitment: Seeking passionate community members and experienced redditors to join the JRWG and drive its mission.</p>
<p>Integration: Align the JRWG’s efforts with Jupiter’s broader marketing strategies for cohesive brand messaging.</p>
<p>Core member: Weird City, recruiting more contributors (aiming for 4 members)</p>
<p>Trial period success is defined by establishment of the Jupiter Subreddit and meaningful measurement of growth and engagement.</p>
<p><strong>Full proposal:</strong> <a href="" class="inline-onebox">Proposal: Introducting Reddit Working Group for Jupiter</a></p>

LFG Retrospective & Feedback Round #2

<h1><a name="p-24274-with-the-2nd-round-of-lfg-now-under-our-belt-it-would-serve-us-well-to-reflect-on-what-happened-1" class="anchor" href="#p-24274-with-the-2nd-round-of-lfg-now-under-our-belt-it-would-serve-us-well-to-reflect-on-what-happened-1"></a>With the 2nd round of LFG now under our belt — it would serve us well to reflect on what happened.</h1>
<h2><a name="p-24274-a-retrospective-2" class="anchor" href="#p-24274-a-retrospective-2"></a>A retrospective:</h2>
<p>We had record turnout with over 230 million JUP casting a vote for their preferred candidate.</p>
<p>Additionally, the feedback from the Round 1 Forum post was incorporated, with multiple UI and Quality of life changes being implemented including:</p>
<li>A direct link to the governance site on</li>
<li>The fact that you voted being made more clear</li>
<li>Who you voted for being made more clear</li>
<p>For a visual of what this looks like, you can refer here:</p><aside class="onebox twitterstatus" data-onebox-src="">
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<h4><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Slorg</a></h4>
<div class="twitter-screen-name"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@SlorgoftheSlugs</a></div>

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<span class="tweet-description">2 highly requested UX changes have been made to the Jupiter voting site:

Who you voted for and the fact that you voted at all are now indicated much more clearly.

Thank you to the community for these suggestions, and we look forward to implementing more of your feedback. <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener"></a><div class="aspect-image-full-size" style="--aspect-ratio:690/427;"><img class="tweet-image" src="" data-dominant-color="23303D" width="690" height="428"></div></span>

<div class="date">
<a href="" class="timestamp" target="_blank" rel="noopener">4:14 PM - 17 Apr 2024</a>

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<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="14px" height="16px" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M462.3 62.6C407.5 15.9 326 24.3 275.7 76.2L256 96.5l-19.7-20.3C186.1 24.3 104.5 15.9 49.7 62.6c-62.8 53.6-66.1 149.8-9.9 207.9l193.5 199.8c12.5 12.9 32.8 12.9 45.3 0l193.5-199.8c56.3-58.1 53-154.3-9.8-207.9z"></path></svg>

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<svg viewBox="0 0 640 512" width="14px" height="16px" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M629.657 343.598L528.971 444.284c-9.373 9.372-24.568 9.372-33.941 0L394.343 343.598c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941l10.823-10.823c9.562-9.562 25.133-9.34 34.419.492L480 342.118V160H292.451a24.005 24.005 0 0 1-16.971-7.029l-16-16C244.361 121.851 255.069 96 276.451 96H520c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v222.118l40.416-42.792c9.285-9.831 24.856-10.054 34.419-.492l10.823 10.823c9.372 9.372 9.372 24.569-.001 33.941zm-265.138 15.431A23.999 23.999 0 0 0 347.548 352H160V169.881l40.416 42.792c9.286 9.831 24.856 10.054 34.419.491l10.822-10.822c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941L144.971 67.716c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0L10.343 168.402c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l10.822 10.822c9.562 9.562 25.133 9.34 34.419-.491L96 169.881V392c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h243.549c21.382 0 32.09-25.851 16.971-40.971l-16.001-16z"></path></svg>


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<h2><a name="p-24274-however-now-we-would-like-to-solicit-your-feedback-3" class="anchor" href="#p-24274-however-now-we-would-like-to-solicit-your-feedback-3"></a>However, now we would like to solicit your feedback</h2>
<p>Over the course of the process, the CWG has taken notes based on community sentiment and feedback we’ve witnessed across the Discord chats, and in the Twitter Spaces we did last week.</p>
<p>However, before we analyze everything, we would like to present one more opportunity to voice any feedback regarding the LFG process.</p>
<h2><a name="p-24274-to-get-you-started-we-present-a-few-questions-4" class="anchor" href="#p-24274-to-get-you-started-we-present-a-few-questions-4"></a>To get you started, we present a few questions:</h2>
<p>Were there any aspects which you particularly liked?</p>
<p>Were there things you wish could be improved?</p>
<p>What are the most common sentiments you’ve seen regarding potential LFG changes from other people? Do you agree with them?</p>
<p>Thank you for taking the time to be a part of this co-creative process. We look forward to your comments, and similarly to last time, we will post a follow up under this thread.</p>


Introducing Claimpad

<p>During the WEN and JUP launches, we ended up building a claim process which could scale and handle thousands of airdrop claims per minute</p>
<p>This involved optimizing for sending transactions, and minimizing RPC calls when loading the site, etc.</p>
<p>We realized that many quality teams like Tensor wanted to launch a token, but found it too time consuming to reinvent the wheel by developing their own battle hardened airdrop mechanism.</p>
<p>We seek to help these teams distribute their tokens safely and reliably to large groups of people. This not only would allow their users to safely claim tokens in a smooth manner, but also it would bring more volume to Jupiter’s trading products (Swap, DCA, LO) for new tokens in a mutually beneficial manner</p>
<p>We thus offer Claimpad— a repeatable process where Jupiter helps top teams on Solana to distribute their tokens, by tapping into its powerful infrastructure and know-how</p>
<p>We offer this to our close ecosystem partners, and projects where airdrop recipients have a large overlap with Jupiter stakers and users. Additionally, if the team is well-known or is willing to provide a small grant to the Jupiter DAO, we would consider supporting them as well.</p>
<p>These sites will be held at, starting with Tensor at <a href=""></a>. Expect to see more quality projects airdropping their tokens with Claimpad!</p>
<p>If you’re interested in Claimpad, reach out to Soju <a href="">here</a>.</p>


A Post-Mortem Retrospective of the first WG Vote

<h1><a name="p-21119-why-do-a-post-mortem-of-a-vote-that-passed-1" class="anchor" href="#p-21119-why-do-a-post-mortem-of-a-vote-that-passed-1"></a>Why do a post-mortem of a vote that passed?</h1>
<p>There is plenty of room for improvement. There were many valuable lessons and datapoints provided in past week for the CWG. After the vote closed on Monday, we spent the following 5 hours on calls with Jupiter community members who had eschewed both positive and critical feedback towards the process.</p>
<p>Here are our key takeaways from the 4 hour town hall during the vote, on twitter, as well as conversations with intelligent and measured key opinion leaders who put meaningful time into their critiques.</p>
<h2><a name="p-21119-what-went-right-2" class="anchor" href="#p-21119-what-went-right-2"></a>What went right:</h2>
<li>We collected immensely valuable feedback, as well as attained a massive influx of talented, intelligent and passionate members to the DAO.</li>
<li>Jupiter received a massive amount of attention and inspired multiple days of conversation around DAO dynamics.</li>
<li>We stress tested the system and the CWG members themselves, and now have several means to make improvements to various systems based on real world feedback rather than presupposed assumptions.</li>
<li>We had a very intimate, multi-day back and forth with the community which culminated in a 4 hour Twitter Spaces where everyone was given the chance to speak and be listened to.</li>
<h2><a name="p-21119-what-could-have-gone-better-how-to-improve-3" class="anchor" href="#p-21119-what-could-have-gone-better-how-to-improve-3"></a>What could have gone better &amp; how to improve</h2>
<p><strong>Accountability Measures</strong> for working groups are something we are tasked with developing; with the cliff serving as the first and most powerful.</p>
<p><strong>The conditions that the DAO could hold a working group accountable</strong> could have been communicated much better, and some members felt like they were in some sort of limbo with no recourse possible in the event that the CWG failed to deliver.</p>
<p>In 6 months, to ensure full community buy-in and to serve as a stopgap while we develop more measures, Meow has vowed to hold an accountability vote.</p>
<p>In the meantime, we will construct a formalized and explicit system for WG’s to be held accountable without burdening them in DAO process — so that the DAO can scale.</p>
<p><strong>The participation rate</strong> across Jupiter’s interfaces with the community (Uplink calls, town halls, discord, twitter, the forum) was not representative of every group in the entire holderbase of 250,000 and ended up missing input and perspective from people who do not regularly attend these things.</p>
<p>We have 3 solutions for dealing with this:</p>
<li>Increasing the accessibility of information through the co-creation of, a website which hosts every piece of DAO relevant information, built in collaboration with multiple cadets.</li>
<li>For major votes, the addition of a Twitter Spaces to the Discord Townhall and Zoom Uplink Calls.</li>
<li>Looking into branching comms into telegram.</li>
<p><strong>Proposal Etiquette</strong> was missing some items including the CWG’s time commitment, effective budget allocation explanations, and in-depth breakdown of their task scope. While it did cover high level goals, it could have been much more granular.</p>
<p>In terms of task scope, as an individual answer: Quarterly reports will be implemented as a standard for all Working Groups which detail out what they’ve achieved in the prior quarter.</p>
<p>In terms of proposals going forward, we posit the creation of a ‘proposal review board’ made up of catdets to serve as a resource for people who are creating a proposal to give comprehensive and targeted feedback. This could be as simple as creating templates or standards to create consistency across proposals, and to also serve as a sounding board.</p>
<li>Formalizing more accountability measures as per our task scope, with a 6 month accountability vote ‘stop-gap’ in the meantime</li>
<li>Increasing information accessibility, voting UX, and propagation.</li>
<li>Creating more proposal resources for all work groups.</li>
<p>Thank you to all the Catdets who voted and gave valuable feedback on the very first JWG DAO vote. Let us know what you think!</p>
<p>Additionally, we will have more concrete items to address at the Working Group Townhall which we host after each LFG cycle.</p>
<p>There, we will have answers to questions such as ‘When will the first quarterly report come out’, and an announcement about an update to the vesting period based on community feedback.</p>
<p>Update on vesting:</p>
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<h4><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Slorg</a></h4>
<div class="twitter-screen-name"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@SlorgoftheSlugs</a></div>

<div class="tweet">
<span class="tweet-description">After meeting with several community leaders over the last few weeks, the Core Working Group has decided to extend our vesting schedule to properly reflect the longer time horizon of this work.

As per the DAO vote, our Jupiter allocation was set to vest on a 2 year timeline.…<a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">…</a><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener"></a><div class="tweet-images">
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<div class="date">
<a href="" class="timestamp" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3:11 PM - 10 Apr 2024</a>

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<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="14px" height="16px" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M462.3 62.6C407.5 15.9 326 24.3 275.7 76.2L256 96.5l-19.7-20.3C186.1 24.3 104.5 15.9 49.7 62.6c-62.8 53.6-66.1 149.8-9.9 207.9l193.5 199.8c12.5 12.9 32.8 12.9 45.3 0l193.5-199.8c56.3-58.1 53-154.3-9.8-207.9z"></path></svg>

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Proposal: Core Working Group Budget

<h2><a name="p-19219-abstract-1" class="anchor" href="#p-19219-abstract-1"></a>Abstract:</h2>
<p>With a core focus on designing and implementing processes, systems, and best practices for holders and future working groups, the CWG seeks to empower the Jupiter community and drive the platform toward its vision of becoming the Global Decentralized Stock Exchange, and establish the most effective decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) in the world. Initial initiatives include facilitating a conducive environment for DAO participation, maintaining ecosystem token lists, designing and facilitating the LFG Launchpad process, establishing a grants program, and creating pipelines for community contribution through the incubation of future working groups. The CWG is committed to steering the Jupiverse towards a new era of decentralized finance, leveraging the expertise of its members who have significantly contributed to the Solana ecosystem, public goods, and DeFi space. As the CWG concludes its 3-month introductory period, it presents a proposal for long-term operational funding and incentive alignment with the Jupiter ecosystem.</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/5sm6fzU3aHmjbKgymSojLVAVIJH.jpeg?dl=1" title="image"><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="5sm6fzU3aHmjbKgymSojLVAVIJH" width="690" height="388" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="608A4A"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">image</span><span class="informations">1200×675 104 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<h2><a name="p-19219-core-working-group-cwg-introduction-2" class="anchor" href="#p-19219-core-working-group-cwg-introduction-2"></a>Core Working Group (CWG) Introduction</h2>
<p>The Core Working Group (CWG) wants to help play a pivotal role in this transformation, tasked with co-creating an equitable environment for the Jupiter ecosystem to thrive. With a focus on designing and implementing processes, systems, and best practices for both holders and other working groups, the CWG aims to cultivate the most effective decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) in the world. Through initiatives such as creating pipelines for community contribution &amp; creation, curating token lists, and facilitating launchpad processes, the CWG endeavors to empower the Jupiter community and propel the platform toward its vision of becoming the Global Decentralized Stock Exchange (GDSE).</p>
<p>As the CWG seeks long-term operational funding and alignment with the Jupiter ecosystem, it stands ready to steer the Jupiverse towards a new era of decentralized finance, not only for Jupiter but for the entire Solana ecosystem.</p>
<p>We’ve been given a set of tasks and initial areas to focus on:</p>
<p>Assisting the facilitation of an environment for the J.U.P community to become DAO participants</p>
<p>Maintaining the ecosystem strict list, and helping to develop the next iteration of the token list system</p>
<p>Designing and Facilitating the LFG Launchpad Process (Voting design, application flow, AMAs, etc)</p>
<p>Instantiating a Grants program</p>
<p>Creating a pipeline for Catdet co-creation and contribution</p>
<p>Setting up new Working Groups and providing them with support</p>
<h3><a name="p-19219-an-overview-of-cwg-efforts-3" class="anchor" href="#p-19219-an-overview-of-cwg-efforts-3"></a>An Overview of CWG Efforts</h3>
<p><strong>Retrospect / Done So Far</strong></p>
<p>Led discussions across Discord &amp;, onboarding and activating new Space Catdets to be part of Jupiter’s mission.</p>
<p>Creating the LFG Launchpad project introduction UX flow and process</p>
<p>Creating the LFG Launchpad introduction content (AMAs, videos, transcripts, and Discord threads)</p>
<p>Assisting the Catdet Working Group initial setup phase (Julian)</p>
<p>Daily maintenance of strict tokenlist applications (up to 100/day at times)</p>
<p>Initiated Meme Madness conceptual discussions</p>
<p><strong>What we are working on</strong></p>
<p>Fine-tuning the LFG processes together with the cadets</p>
<p>Rallying the ecosystem behind a new Ecosystem Token List, suitable across various platforms and use cases</p>
<p>Designing the J.U.P Grants Program</p>
<p>Developing a way for more tokens to access the LFG system, such as via permissionless launches or meme-coin categories</p>
<p><strong>What we are planning to do</strong></p>
<p>Grow and expand the Jupiverse with by assisting with the creation of J.U.P Working Groups</p>
<p>Help launch the J.U.P Grants Program, and make the most productive Grants Program in all of crypto by fostering more focused WGs to work on specific grant programs</p>
<p>Help build up the first ecosystem-level token list for the safety and convenience of all users of Solana</p>
<h3><a name="p-19219-the-cwg-members-4" class="anchor" href="#p-19219-the-cwg-members-4"></a>The CWG Members:</h3>
<p><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="9DWGBzXoJbn0sQn7JFBHsS0t8AI" width="68" height="68"></p>
<p><a href="">C2yptic </a> - A member of the Jupiter community since day one, an active member of several known DAOs such as MonkeDAO, BanditoDAO, GrapeDAO, and MetaDAO.</p>
<p>Former core team member of Marinade.Finance</p>
<p>Brought Liquid Staking to the forefront of Solana in its early days with mSOL — drastically helping the mission to decentralize and secure the Solana network and improve the Solana DeFi environment with LSTs</p>
<p>Created Pool Party, Solana’s first Prize Linked Savings protocol</p>
<p>Revived the notorious Saber Protocol through a DAO initiative, now revitalized and active</p>
<p>Honorable mentions twice in Solana Hackathons</p>
<p>DAO council member for MeteoraDAO</p>
<p>Advised and/or consulted several web3 and web2 projects</p>
<p><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="6TdNTbo4N9nTeNxLlqh3AU9Ifpk" width="68" height="68"></p>
<p><a href="">Slorg </a> - Dedicated to organizing the pursuit of public goods. His early experiences on Solana provided him with a foundational understanding of how web3 communities succeed and fail.</p>
<p>Oversees and scales the Sol-Incinerator, one of the most used dApps on Solana with over 525,000 lifetime users</p>
<p>A prolific writer with threads that have received millions of impressions and affected legitimate change in the Solana cultural space</p>
<p>Hosted over 85 AMAs with industry leaders</p>
<p>Former team member of Solana Sanctuary, the organization that created the earliest on-chain NFT DAOs on Solana in September 2021</p>
<p>Chief Strategist for Phase Protocol &amp; RadiantsDAO, which have placed in 4 hackathons and are currently working on user-friendly DAO tooling, as well as Lighthouse, which is an open-source protocol that safeguards wallets from the majority of wallet drainer methods</p>
<p><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="msK6fvR2V9Q545aNWiHF6jpZbol" width="68" height="68"></p>
<p><a href="">Kemosabe </a> - Prolific creative with over a decade of experience in video, music, &amp; audio production, front-end development, graphic, and UI/UX design.</p>
<p>Full-time independent contractor on Solana since September of 2021</p>
<p>Provides consulting, creative, &amp; writing services for ecosystem public good efforts and comms emergencies (Metaplex, Solana Foundation, Sandbar, &amp; more)</p>
<p>Co-founded the earliest on-chain NFT DAOs on Solana (Sept 2021)</p>
<p>Co-launched the first decentralized NFT marketplace on Solana in June of 2022 in collaboration with GrapeDAO</p>
<p>Designed and built ~20 websites for Solana projects</p>
<p>UX Architecture for 4+ hackathon-winning programs</p>
<p>Co-founder, creative director, and artist of RadiantsDAO, a Creative Commons 1/1 PFP project focused on building public goods. Functionally, it makes other NFT projects deflationary and has burnt over $1.5 million worth of NFTs to date. Radiants is also the 2nd 1/1 project to spin up a Solana validator, it also won the $20,000 Hyperdrive Hackathon Public Goods award.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="e7ELdX3HJmnuIjB7MvoWCINa2gE" width="68" height="68"></p>
<p><a href="">Durden </a> - Core team member of Lifinity.</p>
<p>DAO Council member in MeteoraDAO</p>
<p>DAO contributor/advisor to a number of projects such as Marinade, SaberDAO, MetaDAO, and Vota</p>
<p>Vocal propagator of the gospel of Jupiter’s aggregator since its inception</p>
<p>Known DeFi thought leader in the Solana ecosystem</p>
<h2><a name="p-19219-why-core-5" class="anchor" href="#p-19219-why-core-5"></a>Why ‘Core’?</h2>
<p>The Core aspect of the working group emerges from our foundational role in constructing the conditions necessary for the Jupiter community to thrive in this emerging web3 era. Much will happen over the next decade, and for a DAO to succeed it is crucial to have people who have domain expertise in the areas of media production, blockchain, and Web3 social dynamics.</p>
<p>All of this is to ultimately create a strong and resilient fundament for the J.U.P to stand upon so that the long-term space mission is a smashing success for all JUP holders.</p>
<p>All members of the CWG are seasoned Web3 natives and key industry leaders: with unique perspectives and experience in areas such as DAOs, protocol architecture, and communication, as well as building and running successful dApps and communities. Each member is broadly recognized for their strong and longstanding presence in the Solana community and their contributions to positive development and public goods throughout the ecosystem’s lifetime.</p>
<p>As we near the end of the CWG’s 3-month introductory period, we hope that we’ve proved our worth and value to the Cats of Solana: We are ready to tackle the long-term mission of stewarding the Jupiverse. We humbly present this proposal for long-term operational funding and incentive alignment with the J.U.P.</p>
<h2><a name="p-19219-encouraging-widespread-participation-in-the-jup-dao-6" class="anchor" href="#p-19219-encouraging-widespread-participation-in-the-jup-dao-6"></a>Encouraging Widespread Participation In The J.U.P DAO</h2>
<p>DeFi was the first step in ushering in an era of community-centric finance. Its promise was, and is, to give financial autonomy to individuals anywhere in the world: further empowering the sovereign individual. However, as with anything new, the first iteration is not final.</p>
<p>By and large, the regular person is not incentivised to contribute to building this decentralized and inclusive financial future in a meaningful way. Most users aren’t actively rewarded for their contributions or participation, regardless of financial status, in a manner that increases their influence in the organizations that they dedicate significant time to. Now we must venture into building the sovereign community.</p>
<p>What we want the Jupiverse to be is more about being inclusive, and rewarding active contributions and dedicated community members more than passive stakers or liquidity miners.</p>
<p>Another task of the CWG will be to help instantiate other working groups, including helping to form the initial set of practices &amp; processes which they adhere to. As one of these items, we will design and suggest accountability mechanisms to the DAO which ensure that workgroups cannot simply get a proposal to pass and then become dormant until the time of the unlocks. This would not set a great precedent, and will be one of the core tasks we will dive into over the next quarter, with feedback and assistance from the DAO.</p>
<p>One of the first steps towards this was the historical JUP retroactive Airdrop claim in Jupuary. The next step was the creation of an open and transparent LFG application and governance approach, shortly followed by the newly introduced concept of Active Stake Rewards (ASR).</p>
<p>Together with the Catdets, the Jupiter and Solana communities, and the Jupiter team, the CWG intends to be a big part of making DeFi 2.0 more meaningful to a broader audience.</p>
<p>One of the first foundational steps the CWG took in ushering in this new era of decentralized community finance (ComFi?) was our involvement in the LFG launchpad process. By curating applicants and disseminating quality information to the DAO, the community was able to make informed choices on which candidates would most benefit the Jupiverse and crypto as a whole.</p>
<p>Below we unpack this process as a Case-Study:</p>
<h2><a name="p-19219-designing-the-lfg-launchpad-7" class="anchor" href="#p-19219-designing-the-lfg-launchpad-7"></a>Designing the LFG Launchpad</h2>
<p>Along with the team and community, the CWG worked on designing and enacting the LFG launchpad process. Our core mission was to design a voting system that was:</p>
<p>Fun to engage with and community-centric</p>
<p>On-chain and transparent</p>
<p>Sorted by relevance and quality</p>
<p>Intimate and respectful of each and every candidate</p>
<p>Instead of having the initial suggestions of YES/NO votes, we suggested an approach where you can choose your favorite among several candidates in order to create a somewhat competitive environment… What we realized is that most token and NFT launchpads are directly incentivized to launch as many projects as possible.</p>
<p>This enabled us to incentivize a meaningful prioritization of the “best” possible projects. The key to this was limiting the amount of LFG launches to 2 per month. Additionally, this put JUP holders in the front seat of driving the actual decision on which projects they were most excited about.</p>
<p>Additionally, a short lockup period for the ASR rewards (the 0.75% launchpad fee) was implemented. The intention behind this was to incentivize JUP holders to plan carefully who they would vote for — as the lockup period would mean their tokens are disbursed ~3 months post-launch. There were three considerations for this:</p>
<p>“How do we design a system that incentivizes JUP holders to vote for the most viable projects?”— The lockup period incentivizes long-term thinking at a magnitude that is hard to exceed with short-term incentives or “bribes.” The 0.75% ASR of a $1bn market cap token is better than 10% of a $10mm token in the eyes of the majority of voters.</p>
<p>“How do we design a system that people are excited to participate in?” The core answers here were twofold. First, we needed to ensure LFG launches remained special, this meant avoiding what other token and NFT launchpads have done in the past — launch too many tokens. Second, ensure that the filter process and ASR were done to reward active participants over passive ones.</p>
<p>Breaking this down, with this approach we made sure that:</p>
<p>The LFG process was open, fair and neutral</p>
<p>JUP Token utility made sense and had more value</p>
<p>JUP Token governance weight mattered</p>
<p>JUP Holders made more in-depth decisions than simply voting yes on everything</p>
<p>LFG Launchpad decision-making was decentralized and in the hands of the JUP holders</p>
<p>The long-term health of the launchpad was maintained and holders aren’t bludgeoned with too many launches</p>
<h3><a name="p-19219-the-communitys-power-8" class="anchor" href="#p-19219-the-communitys-power-8"></a>The Community’s Power</h3>
<p>We strongly believe in the power of the community. Hundreds of thousands of voices are hundreds of thousands of brains all combined into an unchallengeable giga-brain. The challenge lies in converging these voices and talents into single points of interest. Most communities get lost in the sauce of decentralization — leading to chaos and anarchy. If the Jupiter community was a supercomputer, the CWG would be the task manager in addition to contributing to the design of the apps it runs. This requires an abundance of pin-point expertise, experience designing and running successful communities, and incredibly niche Solana domain area knowledge.</p>
<h3><a name="p-19219-summary-9" class="anchor" href="#p-19219-summary-9"></a>Summary</h3>
<p>So far, the CWG has been working closely with the Jupiter team on various projects, notably focusing on processes, communications, and design that affect the community as a whole. Our guiding principle is ensuring that incentives are aligned between $JUP token holders, active participants &amp; community members, the Jupiter team, and the entire crypto community.</p>
<p>Now, it’s time to plan for the future and ensure our incentives are aligned, and we feel confident that now is the time to take this stride.</p>
<p>To date, the CWG has been operating on a trial budget of $100K USDC. This budget has covered operating expenses for the CWG members and moderators for four months — starting in January.</p>
<p>However, the CWG is a Jupiter ecosystem entity, not an arm of the Jupiter team, and therefore must be funded by the DAO budget. Additionally, the CWG received no $JUP allocation at the launch — as an ecosystem entity it is important to allocate tokens from the DAO itself, rather than the team to ensure that incentives are correctly aligned.</p>
<h1>Funding the CWG — The Incentive Alignment Proposal</h1>
<p>The CWG is proposing a 1 year USDC budget to cover expenses and a 2 year $JUP allocation plan:</p>
<p>12-Month Expense Budget: $450,000, 4 CWG members (~$320k/yr), moderator compensation (~$30k/yr), as well as a ~$100k overflow budget for hiring additional help, community initiatives, and misc expenses (travel, tech, devs, lodging, etc)</p>
<p>JUP Token Allocation: 4.5mm JUP</p>
<p>Vesting: 2 years</p>
<p>Cliff: 1 year</p>
<p>Vesting means the total time the tokens are disbursed over, the cliff means the first disbursement of tokens (24/12 means that the tokens will start to unlock in 12 months and be fully unlocked at the 2 year mark).</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/lqEDGIbUZGGghaQl3mURiB2zxXa.jpeg?dl=1" title=""><img src="" alt="" data-base62-sha1="lqEDGIbUZGGghaQl3mURiB2zxXa" width="516" height="500" role="presentation" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="2A584E"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename"></span><span class="informations">1970×1906 214 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>The expense budget is intended to cover our work hours, ensuring we can sustain ourselves while contributing to the community.</p>
<p>The $JUP allocation is intended for long term alignment and talent retention— as evidenced by the first unlock in March 2025.</p>
<p>Additionally, it is designed to reflect the 10:1 operating budget at the same, symmetrical ratio that the DAO is funded at by the team: Setting the same precedent for working groups as has been set for the DAO itself. In theory, this instantiates the same relationship between the DAO and each and every working group, as the DAO has with the Jupiter team.</p>
<p>This is detailed in the graphic below:</p>
<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/7RvAaifR50GgwtbPgzZPO2ueCDJ.png?dl=1" title=""><img src="" alt="" data-base62-sha1="7RvAaifR50GgwtbPgzZPO2ueCDJ" width="487" height="500" role="presentation" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="2C4D41"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename"></span><span class="informations">2030×2082 320 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>The $JUP allocation for long-term incentive alignment is analogous to RSUs (Restricted Stock Units) which are a common practice in the business world. RSUs are equity compensation where an employer grants shares to employees, subject to conditions like vesting. Upon vesting, employees receive shares or cash, aligning incentives with company performance over the long run.</p>
<h3><a name="p-19219-in-conclusion-10" class="anchor" href="#p-19219-in-conclusion-10"></a>In conclusion</h3>
<p>A critical task moving forward as we help instantiate other work groups will be forming an in initial set of practices &amp; processes which they adhere to. As one of these items, we will design and suggest accountability mechanisms for future workgroups and DAO compensations.</p>
<p>Lastly, thank you for taking the time to read and consider this proposals. The Core Working Group members are keen to hear your feedback on this proposal and formally ratify the first of many Jupiter Working Groups. We look forward to contributing alongside the Catdets as well as assisting in the formation of more JWGs.</p>


First DAO Funding

<p>We have officially funded 10M USDC and 100M JUP into a DAO wallet.</p>
<p>This operational budget provides the DAO the capability to fund the ideas with USDC and have the JUP allocation for long term incentive alignment with J.U.P Catributors.</p>
<p>Besides LFG selection, the DAO will also be responsible for funding key initiatives including Working Groups, public goods and community efforts.</p>
<p>To ensure that the DAO will be able to execute on these crucial things over the long term, we will aim to top up the same budget on a yearly basis.</p>
<p>(E.G: if the DAO ends the year with 1.5M USDC and 50M JUP, the team will replenish 8.5M USDC from revenues and an additional 50M JUP will be transferred from the community cold wallets)</p>
<p>These funds are stored in a DAO multisig consisting of 3 members from the team and C2yptic from the Core Working Group.</p>
<p>Over the next few weeks, we will expand the multisig to include additional signers – ideally one nominated catdet and an ecosystem leader, and an additional key provided to a professional custodian.</p>
<p>We are looking very forward to discussing with the Catdets to pick a Catdet Leader to be part of this crucial multisig! We also intend to add additional signers, such as an ecosystem signer and a professional custodian.</p>
<p>It has been a long journey in getting to this point, and we cannot be more excited to kickstart this new phase with the entire Jupiverse!</p>
<p>DAO Wallet: <a href="" class="inline-onebox">Real-time Scanning Tool for Solana Network</a></p>


ASR (Active Staking Rewards) Notes

<p>Thanks to everyone who took part in the DAO Genesis &amp; LFG Vote! It was fun participating in governance with the rest of the community. We have an exciting week ahead with the first Core Working Group budget vote, and we wanted to take this opportunity to discuss ASR before folks resume voting!</p>
<h1><a name="p-18043-design-goals-1" class="anchor" href="#p-18043-design-goals-1"></a>Design Goals</h1>
<p>When designing ASR, we had a few key objectives.</p>
<li>Reward the most active participants in the Jupiverse with JUP, allowing them to accrue more voting power over-time in the simple way possible</li>
<li>Boost Participation: Instead of trying to lock-up the most JUP as possible, but rather wanted to boost participation as wide as possible.</li>
<li>Simplicity: Keeping it simple was key in onboarding a large userbase, as a majority of JUP holders are participating in governance for the first time.</li>
<h1><a name="p-18043-claiming-asr-rewards-2" class="anchor" href="#p-18043-claiming-asr-rewards-2"></a>Claiming ASR Rewards</h1>
<p>The first batch of ASR rewards will drop sometime in July, after the first period of March - June has ended. These JUP tokens, when claimed, will be added directly to your existing stake accounts.</p>
<p>When claiming your ASR rewards, they will be automatically staked, since the point of ASR is to accrue more voting power for those who stake and vote every quarter.</p>
<li>If your JUP is staked, your JUP will increase your staked balance.</li>
<p>If you are currently unstaking:</p>
<li>If your JUP is unstaking with 15 days left, the ASR rewards will also be available within 15 days<br>
Thus – you can begin unstaking now and it wont affect your pending rewards.</li>
<p><strong>Latest Update 3rd July:</strong><br>
Due to technical limitations, we do not support claiming ASR rewards when unstaking. Therefore, if you are in the middle of unstaking, you can either wait to complete your unstake or cancel it to claim your ASR rewards.</p>
<p>The key design mechanism here was simplicity and encouraging folks to immediately start voting with their JUP rewards.</p>
<h1><a name="p-18043-long-term-asr-3" class="anchor" href="#p-18043-long-term-asr-3"></a>Long Term ASR</h1>
<p>ASR is an innovative experiment, with the goal to align voters, keep DAO voters active and participating in proposals with 100M JUP in launchpad fees for the first 6 months.</p>
<p>We envision an ASR program that runs in perpetuity, with rewards released to align stakeholders and onboarding a new generation of retail DeFi voters to drive community-decision making on how to grow the jupiverse and the meta together!</p>
<p>This would be a key part of the JUP for JUP initiaitive - where we aim to get JUP into the paws of those who are actively working towards a bigger and better Jupiverse!</p>
<p>We’re excited to continue innovating along these lines and building up JUP DAO, and appreciate all the <strong>Cat</strong>dets joining us on this journey!</p>


Our Aspirations For The JUP DAO

<p>We want the Jupiter DAO to become the best DAO in crypto - meaning we have the most proactive and dynamic voter base, strongest ability to execute on stated plans, and importantly, able to coordinate to drive important long term directions like bringing millions more into Jupiter and into the meta.</p>
<p>Just like how our journey to build the best product in crypto took many years, building the best DAO will be a multi-year journey as well, and one that we are super excited to embark on with everyone.</p>
<p>In fact, it is arguably going to be even more challenging than the build up of the Jupiter products, since building a DAO and the other structures (see J.U.P Planet) is one that needs up to hundreds of thousands of people to come together and operate in sync.</p>
<h1><a name="p-16593-unique-amongst-all-daos-1" class="anchor" href="#p-16593-unique-amongst-all-daos-1"></a>Unique Amongst All DAOs</h1>
<p>Jupiter DAO is starting with a unique set of foundational qualities unseen in any other DAO.</p>
<li>No insider voting blocs</li>
<li>Significant value and high liquidity</li>
<li>Highly distributed, retail heavy token holder base</li>
<li>Most used decentralized trading platform in crypto (means lots ot attention can be given to votes)</li>
<li>Massive effort is given to the voting process via WGs</li>
<li>Dynamic, forward-looking voter base who wants to expand, not shrink</li>
<p>This foundation allows the DAO to take on a dramatically different scope compared to all the other DAOs.</p>
<h1><a name="p-16593-expansive-mandate-2" class="anchor" href="#p-16593-expansive-mandate-2"></a>Expansive Mandate</h1>
<p>Given the role that Jupiter plays in the ecosystem, the overall growth of the decentralized ecosystem will naturally be of tremendous assistance to Jupiter as well. Therefore, the mandate of the DAO is not narrowly limited to Jupiter, but rather broadly focused on growing the ecosystem as well via Jupiter community and platform.</p>
<p>Even in the first year, starting with LFG - we will see the DAO participate in a number of voting activities that will be broadly beneficial to the ecosystem, and with the advent of grants, we would like to see more ways for the ecosystem to find ideas that are leverage Jupiter to push the meta forward.</p>
<h1><a name="p-16593-strong-operational-funding-3" class="anchor" href="#p-16593-strong-operational-funding-3"></a>Strong Operational Funding</h1>
<p>The DAO will be well capitalized with at least $8M in USDC and 100M in JUP for the first 2 years of funding for the purposes of workgroup budgets and grants. The USDC will serve as an operational budget while the JUP serves as incentives and long term alignment.</p>
<p>This budget allows J.U.P to attract networks of the very best community talent who can execute on initiatives and ideas that grow the value of Jupiter far more than any single organization can. The team will look into different mechanisms, including DLMM fees from the launchpad to make sure the DAO is funded sustainably over time.</p>
<h1><a name="p-16593-jup-for-jup-4" class="anchor" href="#p-16593-jup-for-jup-4"></a>JUP FOR JUP</h1>
<p>Starting with the JUP launchpad fees from the JUP launch, we want to get JUP into the hands of those who are the most actively involved and participate actively in the Jupiter ecosystem as voters.</p>
<p>As a result, we developed a mechanism called ASR (Active Staking Rewards), which does not reward passive staking, but rather stakers have to actively participate, and most importantly, engage.</p>
<p>If the first 6 months are successful, we will replenish the ASR rewards every 6 months on an ongoing basis as part of the JUP FOR JUP - getting JUP into the hands of those actively engaged, especially in this early part of the Jupiter. <em>Jupiter is a decades long endeavor - and having the early stakeholders are soooooo important as foundation.</em></p>
<h1><a name="p-16593-part-of-jup-5" class="anchor" href="#p-16593-part-of-jup-5"></a>Part of J.U.P</h1>
<p>End of the day, the DAO is but one part, albeit a crucial part of a well-functioning community ecosystem. If the JUP DAO becomes the best DAO, it is because it lives within the best community of catdets, users, work groups.</p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="Image" data-dominant-color="1B201D" width="570" height="500"></a></p>
<p>Therefore, it is crucial that the DAO never resorts to short termed narrow thinking mindsets. Instead, we will actively grow the J.U.P community, stock it with the absolute best talent we can find, and courageously bring millions more into the Jupiter family, and into the meta. Besides, what else are we here for? <img src="" title=":wink:" class="emoji" alt=":wink:" loading="lazy" width="20" height="20"></p>


LFG Retrospective & Feedback

<h1><a name="p-16151-with-the-first-round-of-lfg-now-under-our-belt-it-would-serve-us-well-to-reflect-on-what-happened-1" class="anchor" href="#p-16151-with-the-first-round-of-lfg-now-under-our-belt-it-would-serve-us-well-to-reflect-on-what-happened-1"></a>With the first round of LFG now under our belt — it would serve us well to reflect on what happened.</h1>
<h2><a name="p-16151-a-retrospective-2" class="anchor" href="#p-16151-a-retrospective-2"></a>A retrospective:</h2>
<p>Over 180,000 people participated: Although some were duplicate wallets used to vote for multiple candidates, there was no strong incentive to sybil because of how the rewards were designed.</p>
<p>Reward breakdown: You receive the same rewards no matter who you vote for. Rewards are only based on your voting weight.</p>
<p>All 6 projects benefitted substantially:</p>
<p>Uprock gained hundreds of thousands of users after being introduced</p>
<p>Both Sharky and Zeus each gained over 30,000 twitter followers</p>
<p>Projects were able to refine their messaging and approach based on community feedback and the AMAs</p>
<h2><a name="p-16151-as-we-transition-into-round-2-lets-recap-the-application-process-3" class="anchor" href="#p-16151-as-we-transition-into-round-2-lets-recap-the-application-process-3"></a>As we transition into round 2, let’s recap the application process:</h2>
<p>The project initially posts on the jupresearch forum under ‘LFG Introductions’.</p>
<p>Candidates are selected by the CWG based on multiple criteria: community sentiment, TGE date, legitimate forum activity, vision, etc</p>
<p>Candidates are given multiple AMAs and other opportunities to explore their product &amp; vision with the DAO.</p>
<p>All information is compiled along with a tokenomics breakdown, and the DAO selects their preferred candidate. The top 2 get to launch.</p>
<h2><a name="p-16151-although-the-first-round-was-a-success-across-several-metrics-we-still-have-a-few-things-to-figure-out-4" class="anchor" href="#p-16151-although-the-first-round-was-a-success-across-several-metrics-we-still-have-a-few-things-to-figure-out-4"></a>Although the first round was a success across several metrics, we still have a few things to figure out:</h2>
<p>How do we handle the one’s who didn’t launch: Do they progress to the 2nd round automatically? Do they all start back at the forum?</p>
<p>What do we do in the event that there aren’t 6 viable candidates?</p>
<p>How do we re-introduce candidates who were in prior rounds and already had AMAs</p>
<p>Were there any parts the DAO didn’t like or felt could be better?</p>
<h3><a name="p-16151-we-will-use-this-post-to-source-feedback-on-the-lfg-process-if-you-have-anything-you-liked-or-felt-could-be-improved-please-post-below-5" class="anchor" href="#p-16151-we-will-use-this-post-to-source-feedback-on-the-lfg-process-if-you-have-anything-you-liked-or-felt-could-be-improved-please-post-below-5"></a>We will use this post to source feedback on the LFG Process. If you have anything you liked or felt could be improved, please post below:</h3>


LFG Launchpad: From application to the LFG Launch!

<p>Let’s take a look at the whole LFG launchpad application to launch the process.</p>
<p>Anyone can apply through our open process via the <a href="">Jupiter Research Forum</a>. The J.U.P DAO then votes on who is accepted to the LFG Launchpad through on-chain governance using the JUP token.</p>
<h2>This is a 4-step process</h2>
<p>Step 1 - forum post<br>
Step 2 - Candidate Introduction<br>
Step 3 - DAO Voting<br>
Step 4 - Launch!<br>
<p><strong>Step 1 - The Jupresearch forum post</strong></p>
<p>Anyone can apply by posting on the Forum in the <a href="">LFG Introduction section</a> and following the rough outline provided in <a href="">the first forum post</a> explaining the LFG introduction section in this forum, and then make your case to the DAO. Every project is free to initiate a discussion on the Forum or within the <span class="hashtag-raw">#lfg-candidate</span> channel in <a href="">Discord</a>.<br>
<strong>Step 2 - The candidate stage</strong></p>
<p>Certain candidates are then elevated to the candidacy stage based on criteria such as community sentiment, Catdet feedback, traction, TGE timing, and quality of introduction.</p>
<p>When a project reaches the candidacy stage, it’ll get a dedicated Discord forum thread where the project can engage in a more intimate discussion with the DAO. They’ll also automatically qualify for the next LFG Launchpad vote, contingent on partaking in an AMA with the working group.<br>
<strong>Step 3 - The DAO vote</strong></p>
<p>During the first week of each month, the DAO votes on which 2 candidate projects get to launch in the coming month.</p>
<p>For example, the first week of January would hold the vote for candidates to launch in February.</p>
<p>The vote will be held on and will run for 3 days (72 hours). After the 3 days, up to 2 projects will be allowed to launch next month.</p>
<p>Note: The LFG approval vote can only be initiated if there are 2 or more viable candidates for the voting period.<br>
<strong>Step 4 - LFG, launch!</strong><img src="" title=":rocket:" class="emoji" alt=":rocket:" loading="lazy" width="20" height="20"></p>
<p>Once the vote has concluded, the working groups will coordinate with the approved projects alongside the Jupiter team to set their launch dates.<br>
<p><strong>Built by the community and for the community, empowered by the DAO</strong></p>
<p>It is important to note that this initial process will not resemble what the process ultimately becomes. Sourcing feedback from the community will enable changes over time to achieve a more refined launch process. After the initial projects are voted upon and launched, there will be a period for feedback sessions where the community will be able to voice any concerns or suggestions to the working group.</p>
<p>Over and out!</p>


J.U.P: An Experiment In Distributed Strategic Execution

<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">Tweet</a></p>
<p>J.U.P is our vision for how we can build a unique, highly productive, dynamic and synergistic community to move Jupiter and crypto forward.</p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><br>
<img src="" alt="Image" data-dominant-color="1B201D" width="570" height="500"><br>
<h1><a name="p-10829-first-phase-of-jup-product-focused-project-1" class="anchor" href="#p-10829-first-phase-of-jup-product-focused-project-1"></a>First Phase Of Jup: Product Focused Project</h1>
<p>For the first phase of Jupiter, we were mainly a product focused project, which means the bulk of the interactions and focus was between the users of the platform as well as the team.</p>
<p>This interaction was anchored by the <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a> promise of “best price, best selection, best ux”, as well as a relentless best in class commitment to user support and feedback. This includes users of our developer tools, which we spent insane amounts of time making sure works as well as possible.</p>
<p>That extremely synergistic relationship and trust between the team and users, built up over a number of years, was the foundation for all the progress we made towards becoming the one of the, if not the best product in defi.</p>
<h1><a name="p-10829-current-phase-full-stack-ecosystem-push-2" class="anchor" href="#p-10829-current-phase-full-stack-ecosystem-push-2"></a>Current Phase: Full Stack Ecosystem Push</h1>
<p>We are currently pushing to transform from a single-product play to a full-stack ecosystem play with the strategic vision of accelerating the decentralized meta.</p>
<p>Besides the launchpad, we intend to execute on a full range of ecosystem efforts, and this efforts will need distributed networks of talented people working in parallel with very different skillsets, agendas driven under a common goal.</p>
<h1><a name="p-10829-what-is-jup-3" class="anchor" href="#p-10829-what-is-jup-3"></a>What is J.U.P</h1>
<p>Over the past few years, i have observed certain important dynamics about how things work - small talented groups of individuals can get a ton done but lack legitimacy and funds, the community provides immense energy and vibez but has major adhd issues, DAO confer legitimacy but needs a lot of execution support and supporting structures.</p>
<p>J.U.P is our attempt to manifest a holistic community that blends the best of all these into a synergistic effort to grow Jupiter and the meta forward.</p>
<p>As such, J.U.P has 5 key components with the following aspirations:</p>
<h2><a name="p-10829-h-1-users-reason-for-our-existence-4" class="anchor" href="#p-10829-h-1-users-reason-for-our-existence-4"></a>1. Users: Reason For Our Existence</h2>
<p>Our dear users are the ones who relentlessly supported Jupiter through endless product reiterations and feedback, culminating in the world class product suite you see today. We would like to 10x the userbase while maintaining the same type of synergy and commitment to best in class customer service you see today.</p>
<h2><a name="p-10829-h-2-team-hard-working-mfers-5" class="anchor" href="#p-10829-h-2-team-hard-working-mfers-5"></a>2. Team: Hard working mfers</h2>
<p>Builders of the Jupiter platform. We work very hard and will continue to work hard. Hehe.</p>
<h2><a name="p-10829-h-3-working-groups-execution-engines-for-jup-6" class="anchor" href="#p-10829-h-3-working-groups-execution-engines-for-jup-6"></a>3. Working Groups: Execution Engines for J.U.P</h2>
<p>Consisting of small groups led by key ecosystem members that lead extremely important work areas like community management, core processes, ecosystem rituals. Currently we have 2 groups, the Core and Uplink WGs - and the community can definitely attest to how much energy and work they have already done across crucial LFG processes, regular calls, ecosystem token lists, and communicating Jupiter and its objectives.</p>
<p>Importantly, work groups will collaborate closely with the team, and be funded by the DAO. This dynamic ensures that the workgroups are both extremely productive AND accountable to the community.</p>
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<h4><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">Jupiter 🪐</a></h4>
<div class="twitter-screen-name"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@JupiterExchange</a></div>

<div class="tweet">
<span class="tweet-description">Our second working group is headed by the amazing <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@kashdhanda</a> from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@SuperteamDAO</a>— whom many of you are already familiar with, from the super fun and informative Solana Ecosystem calls! 🥳

He will be leading weekly Jupiter Community Calls to communicate Jupiter’s product, new…<a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">…</a><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">…</a></span>
<div class="quoted">
<a class="quoted-link" href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">
<p class="quoted-title">Jupiter 🪐<span>@JupiterExchange</span></p>

<div>Today, as part of our J.U.P rollout, we are excited to introduce Jupiter Working Groups (JWGs) – independent groups of operators who will focus on growing the Jupiter community, enhancing the Solana ecosystem, and facilitating DAO coordination! 🥰

Given that this is a new…</div>

<div class="date">
<a href="" class="timestamp" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">9:51 AM - 14 Feb 2024</a>

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<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="14px" height="16px" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M462.3 62.6C407.5 15.9 326 24.3 275.7 76.2L256 96.5l-19.7-20.3C186.1 24.3 104.5 15.9 49.7 62.6c-62.8 53.6-66.1 149.8-9.9 207.9l193.5 199.8c12.5 12.9 32.8 12.9 45.3 0l193.5-199.8c56.3-58.1 53-154.3-9.8-207.9z"></path></svg>

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<svg viewBox="0 0 640 512" width="14px" height="16px" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M629.657 343.598L528.971 444.284c-9.373 9.372-24.568 9.372-33.941 0L394.343 343.598c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941l10.823-10.823c9.562-9.562 25.133-9.34 34.419.492L480 342.118V160H292.451a24.005 24.005 0 0 1-16.971-7.029l-16-16C244.361 121.851 255.069 96 276.451 96H520c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v222.118l40.416-42.792c9.285-9.831 24.856-10.054 34.419-.492l10.823 10.823c9.372 9.372 9.372 24.569-.001 33.941zm-265.138 15.431A23.999 23.999 0 0 0 347.548 352H160V169.881l40.416 42.792c9.286 9.831 24.856 10.054 34.419.491l10.822-10.822c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941L144.971 67.716c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0L10.343 168.402c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l10.822 10.822c9.562 9.562 25.133 9.34 34.419-.491L96 169.881V392c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h243.549c21.382 0 32.09-25.851 16.971-40.971l-16.001-16z"></path></svg>


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<img src="" class="thumbnail onebox-avatar" data-dominant-color="284345" width="48" height="48">
<h4><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">Jupiter 🪐</a></h4>
<div class="twitter-screen-name"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@JupiterExchange</a></div>

<div class="tweet">
<span class="tweet-description">Our second working group is headed by the amazing <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@kashdhanda</a> from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@SuperteamDAO</a>— whom many of you are already familiar with, from the super fun and informative Solana Ecosystem calls! 🥳

He will be leading weekly Jupiter Community Calls to communicate Jupiter’s product, new…<a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">…</a><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">…</a></span>
<div class="quoted">
<a class="quoted-link" href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">
<p class="quoted-title">Jupiter 🪐<span>@JupiterExchange</span></p>

<div>Today, as part of our J.U.P rollout, we are excited to introduce Jupiter Working Groups (JWGs) – independent groups of operators who will focus on growing the Jupiter community, enhancing the Solana ecosystem, and facilitating DAO coordination! 🥰

Given that this is a new…</div>

<div class="date">
<a href="" class="timestamp" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">9:51 AM - 14 Feb 2024</a>

<span class="like">
<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="14px" height="16px" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M462.3 62.6C407.5 15.9 326 24.3 275.7 76.2L256 96.5l-19.7-20.3C186.1 24.3 104.5 15.9 49.7 62.6c-62.8 53.6-66.1 149.8-9.9 207.9l193.5 199.8c12.5 12.9 32.8 12.9 45.3 0l193.5-199.8c56.3-58.1 53-154.3-9.8-207.9z"></path></svg>

<span class="retweet">
<svg viewBox="0 0 640 512" width="14px" height="16px" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M629.657 343.598L528.971 444.284c-9.373 9.372-24.568 9.372-33.941 0L394.343 343.598c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941l10.823-10.823c9.562-9.562 25.133-9.34 34.419.492L480 342.118V160H292.451a24.005 24.005 0 0 1-16.971-7.029l-16-16C244.361 121.851 255.069 96 276.451 96H520c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v222.118l40.416-42.792c9.285-9.831 24.856-10.054 34.419-.492l10.823 10.823c9.372 9.372 9.372 24.569-.001 33.941zm-265.138 15.431A23.999 23.999 0 0 0 347.548 352H160V169.881l40.416 42.792c9.286 9.831 24.856 10.054 34.419.491l10.822-10.822c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941L144.971 67.716c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0L10.343 168.402c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l10.822 10.822c9.562 9.562 25.133 9.34 34.419-.491L96 169.881V392c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h243.549c21.382 0 32.09-25.851 16.971-40.971l-16.001-16z"></path></svg>


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<h2><a name="p-10829-h-4-catdets-heart-of-jup-7" class="anchor" href="#p-10829-h-4-catdets-heart-of-jup-7"></a>4. Catdets: Heart of J.U.P.</h2>
<p>Catdets are community members who understand and embrace the long term vision of advancing the decentralized meta while keeping to key community ethos of being helpful, friendly and supportive, whether it is to fellow members newcomers and projects.</p>
<p>Special shout-out to the cats of culture, who are instrumental in promoting Catdets and being the best possible examples i have ever seen of great community leadership! <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<h2><a name="p-10829-h-5-dao-8" class="anchor" href="#p-10829-h-5-dao-8"></a>5. DAO</h2>
<p>This will be formed the coming week, and i cannot be more excited. I truly believe we have the potential to build the most unbiased, dynamic, proactive, widely distributed DAO in the whole of crypto with the most fun and awesome mandate. Let’s see if we make it. <img src="" title=":wink:" class="emoji" alt=":wink:" loading="lazy" width="20" height="20"></p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<h2><a name="p-10829-jup-an-experiment-in-distributed-execution-of-strategy-9" class="anchor" href="#p-10829-jup-an-experiment-in-distributed-execution-of-strategy-9"></a>J.U.P: An experiment in distributed execution of strategy</h2>
<p>Ultimately, like everything Jupiter does, J.U.P is another massive experiment on constructing a community. J.U.P emphasizes on the potential and capabilities of each of the 5 components, and aims to leverage them together synergistically.</p>
<p>We are extremely early in this experiment, and we hope you will be part of the process in forming a holistic and strong community to drive Jupiter and the meta forward!</p>
<p>And last but not least, a hugeeeeeee thanks to everyone who is in J.U.P. If you are reading this, there is an pretty good chance you are in one of these categories so much love for being part of this experiment.</p>


LFG: A Pragmatic, Optimistic Experiment

<p><em>Originally posted on <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">Twitter</a></em></p>
<p>Besides the airdrop and launchpool mechanisms, LFG is also pioneering a launchpad process where the community takes a leading role in discussing, vetting, voting and performing post-launch analysis together.</p>
<h2><a name="p-10388-first-vote-1" class="anchor" href="#p-10388-first-vote-1"></a>First Vote</h2>
<p>Starting week of March 4th, the Jupiter DAO will vote on the first 2 projects to be launched from a technical maximum of 10 projects. TThe CWG will aim to provide the voters with crucial succinct information from community feedback and AMA, to assist in decision-making by the DAO.</p>
<h2><a name="p-10388-voting-notes-2" class="anchor" href="#p-10388-voting-notes-2"></a>Voting Notes:</h2>
<li>This will be a token-weighted vote in which DAO participants pick their favorite option from a list of candidates</li>
<li>The 2 projects that receive the most votes are considered to be formally ‘approved by the DAO’, with the <span class="hashtag-raw">#1</span> project having priority in choosing their launch date.</li>
<li>If a project is not in the top 2, it is not a rejection. They can participate in future votes</li>
<li>Between launches, there will be a minimum 2 week gap</li>
<p>Given that this will be the first-ever LFG vote, some aspects will change with time based on community feedback to ensure we progress towards a more solidified process.</p>
<h2><a name="p-10388-design-goals-3" class="anchor" href="#p-10388-design-goals-3"></a>Design Goals</h2>
<li>Voting: The 2 slots per month forces the DAO to pick the projects that they really want, rather than voting for everything to earn tokens.</li>
<li>Incentives: While the exact distribution mechanism has not been decided, 75% of launchpad fees (including the 100M JUP from the JUP launch) will be distributed to voters to increase turnout.</li>
<li>Alignment: The voting incentives will not be distributed immediately, likely with a minimum vesting period of 3-6 months.</li>
<p>There are 3 key reasons behind this:</p>
<li>It builds greater alignment between the Jupiter community and the project for months post launch</li>
<li>Voters will vote based on what is likely to generate value over time and have the most long-term potential</li>
<li>It will not increase the immediate circulating supply, a major concern for projects</li>
<ol start="4">
<p>There are multiple stakeholders involved, such as the projects, team and the voters. Timing has to be taken into account to ensure that projects are given sufficient headsup to plan their LFG launch, or find alternatives. Voters require sufficient time to deliberate and review, and launches have to be spaced out sufficiently to maximize impact and minimize fatigue.</p>
<ol start="5">
<li>Transparency: Transparency has been a key priority from day 1. The launchpad applications are transparent to everyone on the Jupiter research forum allowing for community impact instead of other traditionally closed processes.</li>
<h2><a name="p-10388-cwg-as-facilitators-4" class="anchor" href="#p-10388-cwg-as-facilitators-4"></a>CWG as Facilitators</h2>
<p>The Core Working Group will not focus on evaluation, but rather ensure that important community feedback is effectively presented to the project(s). Instead of forcing every community member to exhaustively evaluate each project from start to finish, the CWG works synergistically with the DAO to present them with high-density information.</p>
<p>This includes the AMAs, which are the culmination of everything talked about up until that point, and the introduction process, which moves a project to the ‘candidacy’ stage. This ensures that the DAO is able to make informed decisions, while everyone still has access to all the raw data.</p>
<p>The CWG has the right to decide not to hold any votes in the extreme case that they feel there are no suitable candidates at the time, and will openly address these concerns within a town hall to the community. Lastly, while the CWG ran the important process of deciding which projects to introduce at a deeper level so far, moving forward it will likely be a much more collaborative process with the catdets taking on a key role in terms of who they want to hear from next.</p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><br>
<img src="" alt="Image" data-dominant-color="3B3C42" width="690" height="195"><br>
<p>By co-creating these processes with the community, we stay in tune with the catdets and receive critical feedback about how to best mold them over time. Like a living organism has individual cells, we grow and we do so together as a whole.</p>
<h2><a name="p-10388-jup-dao-5" class="anchor" href="#p-10388-jup-dao-5"></a>JUP DAO</h2>
<p>One crucial part of making this work is that JUP is highly distributed, sufficiently valuable, very liquid, and, most importantly, has no insider voting blocs. Along with the fact that voting is incentivized to gather sufficient interest, we believe that it will be difficult for any single party to swing the vote towards any one participant.</p>
<h2><a name="p-10388-lfg-a-pragmatic-optimistic-experiment-6" class="anchor" href="#p-10388-lfg-a-pragmatic-optimistic-experiment-6"></a>LFG: A Pragmatic, Optimistic Experiment</h2>
<p>At Breakpoint 2023, we discussed the Jupiter launchpad as a much needed approach to ‘grow the pie’ by giving great projects exposure, funding, and community support. 4 months in, and after many public trials of fire later, I am delighted that we are finally ready to move to next affirmative step of helping great projects launch too.</p>
<p>At its core, LFG is a pragmatic but ultimately optimistic experiment.</p>
<p>The pessimistic view is that community decision making is short sighted, that they will vote for whatever benefits them in the short term without consideration for long-term ecosystem health, and that most will not read or will seek to blame rather than learn.</p>
<p>We prefer to take the other side of the argument. We believe that with well-designed incentives, iteratively evolved processes, and well-presented community-sourced data points, the community as a whole (users, catdets, DAO) can indeed make the best decisions, be supportive of projects, and, most importantly, learn together. Now let’s jump in, eyes wide open, and pioneer this shit together!</p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><br>
<img src="" alt="Image" data-dominant-color="72785E" width="500" height="500"><br>


LFG Launchpad: Introducing Your Project To The Community!

<p><strong>Welcome! Interested in launching your project with LFG?</strong></p>
<p>Start by introducing yourself to the Jupiter DAO by utilizing the template below to craft your intro post. Make sure to create a new forum post in the LFG category here in the forum!</p>
<p>The community will be able to discuss the projects introduced on the forum both in the forum thread and in the Discord channels under the “LFG LAUNCHPAD” category where we’ve created a “candidates” chat, we hope to see y’all there!</p>
<p>If you are approved for the next step and become a launch candidate (which is based on general community sentiment), the Core Working Group will reach out to you for multiple follow-up opportunities including the creation of a Discord channel dedicated to your project and a townhall event, ultimately leading up to a Jupiter DAO vote.</p>
<p>The Core Working Group believes in gatekeeping as little as possible and leaving the final decision up to the DAO. The working group simply provides some guardrails with transparency to ensure that the DAO can focus its energy on the actual decision-making.</p>
<p>Note: We are generally not accepting memecoin applications at this time due to overwhelming demand. That said, if your meme is particularly good, fill out this application with your best memes. Additionally, the community working group is keen to hear your feedback and ideas for improvement to design the LFG model together with the community.</p>
<p><strong>This is the process, starting simple and we’ll work from there</strong></p>
<li>Projects will begin by introducing themselves on the forum LFG section. Based on community sentiment, expected TGE and project readiness, we will then proceed with Discord introductions before a DAO vote and LFG launch. Read more about the process from application to launch details <a href="">here</a>.<br>
<p><strong>Community Introduction Forum Post Template:</strong></p>
<p>Intro Questions:</p>
<li>Introductory Story: How did you get to today, and what do you want to do next?</li>
<li>Describe your project in 5 sentences.</li>
<p>Tell us about your team</p>
<li>Team member</li>
<li>Social Handles &amp; Discord handles</li>
<li>Background information in the ecosystem - previous projects or web3 experience</li>
<p>Jupiter Ecosystem and you</p>
<li>Main pitch on how the product collaborates with the Jupiter &amp; Solana ecosystem</li>
<li>Describe partners, supporters, or collaborative efforts</li>
<li>Potential synergies between you and Jupiter users, DAO, holders, etc.</li>
<li>Approximate date for TGE</li>
<p>Vision Category:</p>
<li>If your project were to succeed, how would it fundamentally change the web3 space?</li>
<li>What would you say is your biggest challenges or obstacles as a project?</li>
<li>What advice would you give to another team launching a token in web3?</li>
<li>What is something most tokens get wrong, and what steps are you taking to ensure that you won’t experience these pitfalls?</li>
<li>Socials links</li>
<li>Community links</li>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> For projects looking to proceed from the Jupiter Research Forum introduction to the subsequent steps, having high catdet or community interest on the forum post and Discord LFG-candidates channel helps! We suggest you engage the catdets in further discussion here and in Discord to be potentially selected in subsequent introduction rounds!</p>
<p>The process is not necessarily first-come-first-serve. And if your project was not chosen to be introduced in 1 round, that does not indicate that you will never be chosen. Feel free to reach out to the CWG at any time for some immediate feedback to your inquiries regarding introductions.</p>


JUP: The Genesis Post

<p>JUP is an incredibly valuable resource that will be used courageously and strategically to grow Jupiter and <a href=";utm_medium=web3x&amp;utm_name=web3xcss&amp;utm_term=1&amp;utm_content=share_button" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">the</a><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">meta.</a></p>
<p>In this post, we will share about the following topics:</p>
<li>Symbol For <a href=";utm_medium=web2x&amp;context=3" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">DeFi 2.0</a></li>
<li>Next Major Step for JUP</li>
<li>50/50 Tokenomics</li>
<li>Token Minting Ritual</li>
<li>Cold Wallet Release Conditions</li>
<li>Team Commitment</li>
<li>Initial Circulating</li>
<li>Ongoing Circulating</li>
<li>Industry Leading Accountability</li>
<li>10 Years And Beyond</li>
<li>Monies Are Memes</li>
<h2><a name="p-948-jup-symbol-for-defi-20-1" class="anchor" href="#p-948-jup-symbol-for-defi-20-1"></a>JUP: Symbol For Defi 2.0</h2>
<p>Jupiter is the best exchange and the most used trading platform in Defi.</p>
<p>Jupiter aims to be a full stack ecosystem play to drive the meta forward - onboarding the world into a parallel open financial system that operates independently of the locked system most of us live in today.</p>
<p>We are starting that decades long journey today by pushing on a few key fronts:</p>
<li>A full array of top class trading products</li>
<li>Driving and leveraging liquidity across the ecosystem</li>
<li>Growing the pie via ecosystem initiatives, including Jupiter Educate &amp; LFG Launchpad.</li>
<p>Currently, JUP is the governance token for the Jupiter ecosystem, which will be voting on a range of items crucial for the ecosystem, including launchpad projects, strict list disputes and grants. Given that the agenda of the DAO is to drive the decentralized meta forward, we expect a lot of interesting proposals. As the DAO matures, it will overtime take on more and more crucial decisions. More details on the DAO will be shared tomorrow.</p>
<p>We believe JUP holds great value as the<a href=";utm_medium=web2x&amp;context=3" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"> symbol for DeFi 2.0</a>, and we reject the persistent “utility” myth for tokens that utility grows value, and believe that this myth is the greatest distraction and value destroyer ever, despite it persisting in CT narratives. We refuse as such and especially since utility is not part of the genesis narrative. Please do not engage with Jupiter if the utility myth is important to you. We will not engage in this discussion.</p>
<h2><a name="p-948-next-major-step-for-jup-2" class="anchor" href="#p-948-next-major-step-for-jup-2"></a>Next Major Step for JUP</h2>
<p>Instead, we believe the crucial, most value adding thing we can do here is to greatly expand Jupiter by bringing it to the mainstream, exponentially growing the ecosystem, building crucial financial systems like a global atomic market or the global distributed stock exchange.</p>
<p>If we achieve this, then JUP will transition from being a governance token for the best exchange in defi to being the currency for a full fledged decentralized economy. A good next step towards that goal will be to grow the real user base approximately 10x from where we are today.</p>
<h2><a name="p-948-h-5050-tokenomics-3" class="anchor" href="#p-948-h-5050-tokenomics-3"></a>50/50 Tokenomics</h2>
<p>The core thesis that underpins the JUP Tokenomics is the idea of 50/50, which we shared in extensive detail in this post here:</p>
<p>JUP, PIE, CATS:</p><aside class="onebox twitterstatus" data-onebox-src="">
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<h4><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">meow 喵</a></h4>
<div class="twitter-screen-name"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@weremeow</a></div>

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<span class="tweet-description">JUP PIE CATS

Over the last week, as everyone in the world was hunting me for JUP updates, I must confess to being very inspired by this video instead.
<a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">…</a>

I mean, check this out - the level of care he takes to get the cat ready is exquisite. The cat is now…<a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">…</a><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a><div class="aspect-image-full-size" style="--aspect-ratio:609/500;"><img class="tweet-image" src="" data-dominant-color="BEAF98" width="609" height="500"></div><div class="aspect-image-full-size" style="--aspect-ratio:528/500;"><img class="tweet-image" src="" data-dominant-color="A6A6A6" width="528" height="500"></div><div class="aspect-image-full-size" style="--aspect-ratio:690/269;"><img class="tweet-image" src="" data-dominant-color="EDEDED" width="690" height="269"></div><div class="aspect-image-full-size" style="--aspect-ratio:690/274;"><img class="tweet-image" src="" data-dominant-color="3C3C42" width="690" height="274"></div></span>
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<p class="quoted-title">meow 喵<span>@weremeow</span></p>


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<a href="" class="timestamp" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">6:18 AM - 15 Dec 2023</a>

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<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="14px" height="16px" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M462.3 62.6C407.5 15.9 326 24.3 275.7 76.2L256 96.5l-19.7-20.3C186.1 24.3 104.5 15.9 49.7 62.6c-62.8 53.6-66.1 149.8-9.9 207.9l193.5 199.8c12.5 12.9 32.8 12.9 45.3 0l193.5-199.8c56.3-58.1 53-154.3-9.8-207.9z"></path></svg>

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<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/c1FWKCppoWIX8XQkWzWh2kxkpHD.jpeg?dl=1" title="image" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="image" data-base62-sha1="c1FWKCppoWIX8XQkWzWh2kxkpHD" width="527" height="500" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="A6A6A6"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">image</span><span class="informations">596×565 26.5 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<p>You can refer to this post for an extensive outline on long term tokenomics and design. Even tho some details have changed (see initial supply below),</p>
<h2><a name="p-948-token-minting-ritual-4" class="anchor" href="#p-948-token-minting-ritual-4"></a>Token Minting Ritual</h2>
<p>As mentioned in the Jupuary post, one of the most crucial things to get right is the token mining and accountability process.</p>
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<h4><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">meow 喵</a></h4>
<div class="twitter-screen-name"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@weremeow</a></div>

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<span class="tweet-description">Jupuary Kickoff: Let's launch JUP together!

Long essay ahead, no TLDR. If you can trade you can read*

The month of Jupuary will be a month of learning. We will learn how to launch JUP together as a community, learn how to improve the infra for high stress events, and be a great…<a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">…</a><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a><div class="aspect-image-full-size" style="--aspect-ratio:528/500;"><img class="tweet-image" src="" data-dominant-color="A6A6A6" width="528" height="500"></div></span>

<div class="date">
<a href="" class="timestamp" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">10:12 AM - 2 Jan 2024</a>

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<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="14px" height="16px" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M462.3 62.6C407.5 15.9 326 24.3 275.7 76.2L256 96.5l-19.7-20.3C186.1 24.3 104.5 15.9 49.7 62.6c-62.8 53.6-66.1 149.8-9.9 207.9l193.5 199.8c12.5 12.9 32.8 12.9 45.3 0l193.5-199.8c56.3-58.1 53-154.3-9.8-207.9z"></path></svg>

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<p>One of the most crucial aspects of DeFi is abusing tokens that are not circulating and using it for profit or voting or getting hacked due to poor security. As an incredibly important resource, it is absolutely crucial that the entire minting is documented as clearly as possible and unreleased tokens are not abused.</p>
<p>As such, we have engaged 3 of the most prominent leaders in Solana - Mert from Helius, Nico from Neodyme and Stepan from Squads to be cosigners of the cold wallets, where 75% of the tokens will live. We will transfer one team seat to a professional custodian whose job it is to only step in the case of emergencies.</p>
<p>Therefore, it is imposible for the team to use tokens without explicit publicity.</p>
<p>We documented the entire process minting and token transfer process <a href="">here</a></p>
<h2><a name="p-948-cold-wallet-release-conditions-5" class="anchor" href="#p-948-cold-wallet-release-conditions-5"></a>Cold Wallet Release Conditions</h2>
<p>These cosigners will make sure that any transfer or activity out of the cold wallets will either be part of the roadmap or have been communicated at least 6 months in advance. In addition, they will ensure these are non-voting accounts as well.</p>
<p>Currently, the only items on the roadmap are:</p>
<li>20% for the team (nothing for first year, start vesting feb 2025 for 2 years)</li>
<li>5% for Mercurial stakeholders (start vesting feb 2025, schedule TBD)</li>
<li>10% for Jupuary (every year)</li>
<p>Up to know, we did not raise money or sell JUP otc, so there is nothing else on the roadmap.</p>
<p>Any other release for the cold wallet (for example a major strategic investor) will have to be communicated at least 6 months ahead of time. In addition, co-signers can refuse to sign if they consider any usage of funds as abuse and a betrayal of the community.</p>
<h2><a name="p-948-team-commitment-6" class="anchor" href="#p-948-team-commitment-6"></a>Team Commitment</h2>
<p>The team has worked relentlessly on Jupiter for years, and remain 10000% committed to working with the community to make Jupiter the global financial marketplace that we know it can become.</p>
<p>Therefore, team vesting will only begin AFTER the second Jupuary, meaning full alignment in making sure the next 2 years are as successful as preceding ones.</p>
<h2><a name="p-948-h-135b-initial-circulating-7" class="anchor" href="#p-948-h-135b-initial-circulating-7"></a>1.35B Initial Circulating</h2>
<p>Instead of 1.7B as originally communicated, 1.35B will be the initial maximum circulation supply,</p>
<li>1B for the airdrop*</li>
<li>250M for the launchpool (Instead of 500M)</li>
<li>50M for loans to CEX market makers</li>
<li>50M for any immediate needs</li>
<p>For the airdrop, we have a buffer of 33M JUP that is not part of this drop, which includes withholdings for compromised wallets, massive number of appeals and edge cases that we could not get to in time before Jupuary.</p>
<h2><a name="p-948-ongoing-circulating-8" class="anchor" href="#p-948-ongoing-circulating-8"></a>Ongoing Circulating</h2>
<p>Out of the wallets in the team/community multi-sigs:</p>
<li>0.1B will be allocated as LFG launchpad fees, which will be sent out after the handover, of which 75% will be held for the JUP DAO (yes, we eat our own dogfood)</li>
<li>0.55B will be in the <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">team hot wallet</a> for any liquidity needs throughout the next few years.</li>
<li>0.5B will be in the <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">community hot wallet</a>, for both community initiatives and DAO ownership</li>
<p>Any tokens leaving hot wallets will be communicated ahead of time.</p>
<p><em>The easiest way to understand circulating supply is basically what is NOT in these 4 wallets.</em></p>
<h2><a name="p-948-industry-leading-accountability-9" class="anchor" href="#p-948-industry-leading-accountability-9"></a>Industry Leading Accountability</h2>
<p>All cold and hot wallets are listed extremely clearly in the forum post linked above, so every single token going in and out can be scrutinized and questioned.</p>
<p>Again, we took massive amounts of care to make sure that every single step of the minting and token transfers into the cold wallets are clear accounted for.</p>
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<a href="">$JUP Minting and Accountability</a><a class="badge-category__wrapper " href="/c/jupiter-dao/jup-launch/9"><span data-category-id="9" style="--category-badge-color: #3AB54A; --category-badge-text-color: #FFFFFF; --parent-category-badge-color: #F1592A;" data-parent-category-id="10" data-drop-close="true" class="badge-category --has-parent"><span class="badge-category__name">$JUP</span></span></a>
<a name="jupiter-research-jup-minting-and-accountability-1" class="anchor" href="#jupiter-research-jup-minting-and-accountability-1"></a>Jupiter Research: $JUP Minting and Accountability
Jupiter embodies a set of Ethos and Values, with $JUP serving as an incredibly valuable resource used to fuel the growth of Solana DeFi, Jupiter, and bring forth the decentralized meta.
Therefore, maintaining the highest levels of accountability and transparency is crucial to us. This research post will outline everything you need to know about the $JUP token and how it is managed.
<a name="jup-token-supply-2" class="anchor" href="#jup-token-supply-2"></a>$JUP Token Supply
$JUP Mint: <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbK…</a>

<p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/63Ru6vQNK7FA2t0xPhbL546pABM.png?dl=1" title="Jup Mint Flow" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="Jup Mint Flow" data-base62-sha1="63Ru6vQNK7FA2t0xPhbL546pABM" width="690" height="490" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="1A252C"><div class="meta"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">Jup Mint Flow</span><span class="informations">2306×1640 174 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg></div></a></div></p>
<h2><a name="p-948-h-10-years-and-beyond-10" class="anchor" href="#p-948-h-10-years-and-beyond-10"></a>10 Years And Beyond</h2>
<p>We expect Jupiter to be around for decades, and we believe that consistent token distributions are an incredibly powerful way to rally community, however it’s also incredibly distracting for the team and potentially poisoning the community, because we want people to use the product because they love it and not because of points.</p>
<p>Therefore to respect both those dynamics, we propose to do a Jupuary 31 every year without fail where a significant portion of tokens will be distributed to users, with the cutoff on Nov 2, with a solid 3 months focused on engaging the community, executing on major initiatives - and the rest of the 9 months focused exclusively on product and platform growth.</p>
<p>Even though the token mint authority has been burnt in order to guarantee the validity of the current mint, there will be a transition to an inflationary token when the set of tokens run out, and the DAO is sufficiently mature and robust to manage that power.</p>
<h2><a name="p-948-monies-are-memes-11" class="anchor" href="#p-948-monies-are-memes-11"></a>Monies Are Memes</h2>
<p>Last but not least, we believe that <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">all monies are memes</a>.</p>
<p>Gold is a meme<br>
Bitcoin is a meme<br>
JUP aspires to be as great a meme as these OG memes</p>


WEN Post Launch Analysis

<p>WEN was a fantastic test for our overall LFG concept, stress test across the entire network, a real world test of our bot mitigation measures and our operational competence. We did not too bad on some fronts, learned a lot on others and had one big fuck up.</p>
<h2><a name="p-834-recapping-key-lfg-concepts-1" class="anchor" href="#p-834-recapping-key-lfg-concepts-1"></a>Recapping Key LFG Concepts</h2>
<p>As covered in past posts, we feel like most launchpad mechanisms, including token gated models and isolated pools have the very high potential of hurting the most enthusiastic participants while benefitting other participants, leaving projects off to an bad start.</p>
<p>In addition, we believe well done airdrops to be extraordinarily good mechanisms for targeting audience and rewarding users, but it adds an extremely complicated dynamic to the usual concept of token launches. Tt is very important to understand that the heavy sell pressure from airdrops is IMPOSSIBLE to predict, the only way to go is to allow the buy/sell dynamics to happen at the exact same time.</p>
<p>But essentially if a token has enough buy pressure to push through but the early sell only pool liquidity and early dumpers, it looks likely that it will be able to sustain the price as it goes along, vs the extremely dramatic fomo driven Mount Everest price action we often see in launchpads. Unlike isolated price pools, this is open market, so it is likely an organic reflection of true buy/sell interest.</p>
<p>Therefore the main LFG concepts are:</p>
<li>open market environment</li>
<li>sufficient sell liquidity at every step of the way</li>
<li>avoiding isolated pools or fomo driven fake pumps</li>
<li>design of custom liquidity curves</li>
<li>mass distribution of tokens to intended audiences</li>
<h2><a name="p-834-how-did-wen-do-2" class="anchor" href="#p-834-how-did-wen-do-2"></a>How did WEN do?</h2>
<p>In this regard, we believed WEN did pretty well. While many enthusiasts were not able to get the tokens they wanted, but those that did had sufficient time to think about it, got it at a price they wanted and no one got moon trapped. Some botters gained the cheapest part of the price curve and exited early on, the amount they had relative to the total available liquidity was not big enough to affect price action significantly.</p>
<p>It was also able to help WEN scale the number of holders via a voluntary mechanism - aka if you wanted to be part of the community you can hold it, otherwise you could sell it immediately thanks to the abundance of liquidity.</p>
<p>The other key concept we were testing was the price curve design tool developed to help teams go from a super intuitive price curve into a full liquidity distribution loading for DLMM and way for projects to see how much usdc will be in the pool at various price points. While we worked the math insanely hard, it was good to see it playing out really well in actual test, increasing our confidence that it worked well.</p>
<p>See the tool: <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">LFG Curve Design</a></p>
<p>Lastly, the launch pool served its purpose of being a bootstrap and backstop liquidity pool, allowing buyers to provide liquidity early on (yeh, these are bots), while in the case of a massive withdrawal over next few days, the pool will act as a backstop. It looks like the token is doing fine, so we will be withdrawing the USDC liquidity and sending it over to</p>
<p>All in all, I believe the launch, despite major issues with allow regular users to get access to the cheaper tokens, resulted in a project with very wide holders (&gt; 300K holders), abundance of buy/sell liquidity across the whole process and no artificially generated fomo buy created an good launch IMO.</p>
<p>Let us go into detail on some issues below, some of which I am pretty unhappy with, and no it is not bots.</p>
<h2><a name="p-834-scaling-3" class="anchor" href="#p-834-scaling-3"></a>Scaling</h2>
<p>We designed this launch to be as intensive a test as possible, with an even bigger number of recipients than jup. also it is focused on new users compared to jup (older users), so there is a reasonable chance that it will have more recipients than the actual launch.</p>
<p>Solana network performed well, handling network was business as usual, with above average fees for all txns, with the biggest effect is slow confirmations, failed txns. But overall, the liveness was very good, increasing our confidence that Solana has improved substantially from the past.</p>
<p><a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">0xMert Tweet</a></p>
<p>Across the ecosystem, there were a number of teams experiencing errors due to their systems being stressed out but we believe this to be a <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">fantastic chance for all of us to learn and collaborate</a>.</p>
<p>Special thanks to <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@vidor_solflare</a> for being hyper awesome and pointing on a few key issues, and <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@0xMert_</a> and <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@brianlong</a> and <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@buffalu__</a> for providing a lot of scaling analysis and clarity on the bot issues (below)</p>
<h2><a name="p-834-bot-mitigation-features-4" class="anchor" href="#p-834-bot-mitigation-features-4"></a>Bot Mitigation Features</h2>
<p>Basically, the 3 key things we had to help mitigate the sniping bot advantage worked, but they did not worked as well as we wanted them to.</p>
<p><strong>1. Throttling max tokens per swap</strong></p>
<p>We had a mechanism for allowing only a maximum number of swap in the starting new minutes. However, the number was too high initially, in addition, it was in effect for too short, (only 2 minutes). The main constraint here for making this smaller and longer is basically the user experience - while bots can pack swaps and bundle, the user essentially can only have one swap.</p>
<p><strong>2. Steep price curve</strong></p>
<p>Working with the Ovols team, we designed the following price curve. We believed that 1M was a reasonable starting point for price discovery given that that most coins were WAY below that and we did not want to overassume. Also, it was a conclusion between us and the ovols team that given this was still experimental, we should aim to have a smaller amount in the poo.</p>
<p>See the exact configuration here:<br>
<a href=";i=0.000001&amp;m=0.00003&amp;a=200000&amp;bps=100" class="onebox" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">;i=0.000001&amp;m=0.00003&amp;a=200000&amp;bps=100</a></p>
<p>With a low price and relatively steep curve, you can see that 5% of the pool starting from 1M FDMC to 5M FDMC was available, while the rest was available for 10M FDMC - 30M FMDC. So one could argue that the first 5-10% of the pool was “free money”, while the rest definitely detailed a good amount of risk.</p>
<p>Snipers and spammers who essentially flooded the network was able to secure much of the first amount of liquidity. There are 2 reasons why these could happen today, mostly because the Solana network has 2 issues right now:</p>
<p><strong>1. spammers have low fees</strong><br>
<a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<p><strong>2. higher fees does no guarantee inclusion</strong><br>
<a href="" class="inline-onebox" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">Solana Fees in Theory and Practice</a></p>
<p>Given these constraints, we will be looking at very drastic updates for upcoming launches, though each comes wth pretty interesting tradeoffs, and there’s probably not a one size fits all solution.</p>
<p>First and foremost, you canont really have genuine open market price discovery with sufficient liquidity throughout the entire curve. Secondly, the team runs the real risk of sell demand from airdrops overwhelming stable liquidity built up.</p>
<p>The other possibility is to throttle even more aggressively, but you get into a cat and mouse game with spam, jito bundles, etc. In addition, the more aggressive the throttling, the more it becomes an isolated pool, breaking the whole point of it being a open market play.</p>
<p>In summary, both approaches will likely be needed to solve this problem. There is no right answer, but thankfully, we will have many chances to figure this out.</p>
<p><strong>3. Having users be able to execute bots as well</strong></p>
<p>Via DCA/LO and other bots available, (and high slippage swaps) retail users were able to secure a fair amount of liquidity available, particularly in the 10-30M FDV. That said, most users did not get the orders they wanted for several reasons, namely orders greatly exceeded the amount of available liquidity, and blockspace was limited and due to suboptimal UI many users set limit orders to be too low.</p>
<p>In particular, our DCA / LO keepers are not optimised for this use case, but rather with a lot important protections for users. We will be optimising a number of things in order to make it work better for this use case.</p>
<p>Despite this, I stand by my statement that we should not hate on bots and bot operators. We need to both mitigate them harder while also empowering users with more tools.</p>
<h2><a name="p-834-transacting-on-site-5" class="anchor" href="#p-834-transacting-on-site-5"></a>Transacting On Site</h2>
<p>Transactions on site was pretty soon, except for some wallets not functioning well and for users not being able to execute transactions due to blockspace limitations.</p>
<p>On our end, we appeared to have an 2 UI error on LOs.</p>
<li>We had a frontend error causing active LOs not to load</li>
<li>Canceling LOs not using priority fees</li>
<p>Those will be fixed in the coming launch. For general UX, the most glaring mistake was encouraging users to set an initial LO price that was too low, causing most users not to be able to secure any at all.</p>
<h2><a name="p-834-massive-operational-fail-6" class="anchor" href="#p-834-massive-operational-fail-6"></a>Massive Operational Fail</h2>
<p>The biggest operational fail here is that after the loading of the airdrop merkle trees, there was 100 tokens left in an account used by the engineer loading the airdrop. He had the idea of loading it into a newly created DLMM pool that had been created for us by the Meteora team as a post launch market making vault to rebalance the active price point, However that 100 tokens, once deposited, were sniped and posted into a raydium pool for fun and profit.</p>
<p>That created a massive panic internally, but we decided to go ahead given the very very small number of tokens affected. There was no ethical problem here, just incredible dumbness. So there’s no firing or anything like that, but he and some else got a fuck ton of MEOWWWWSSSSSS and cat smacks for one entire hour straight and they will be eating a lot of cat shit for the rest of the year.</p>
<p>We already have very tight operational things in place, including creating the special “operator” role in DLMM where the hot operator can load the launch pool, but all LP withdraws into a cold pool.</p>
<p>However, we missed this scenario of having a small amount of tokens being in hot accounts. Moving forward, the exact amount of tokens will be calculated and released for loading, not 1 token will leave a multisig with no</p>
<p>I take responsibility for this for not being through enough, and I am incredibly thankful that we learnt this lesson in a lower stakes beta context, for the understanding of the ovols team, and for the low number of tokens involved.</p>
<h2><a name="p-834-summary-7" class="anchor" href="#p-834-summary-7"></a>Summary</h2>
<p>This fulfilled our goals of being the first beta launch for LFG. It validated certain key conceptual ideas, but exposing serious holes across the ecosystem, our bot mitigation measure, and severe operational gaps.</p>
<p>We will secure the gaps, fix the bugs and work with the ecosystem to make sure all the gaps are fixed.</p>
<p>Lastly, I am very sorry that the DCA / LOs are not filled appropriately for most users - we will be working really hard to optimise it for this for the JUP launch, and we will have updates</p>
<p>WEN was a seriously, seriously fantastic lesson for us, and I am very glad i did it.</p>
<p><strong>Edit: Part 2:</strong></p>
<p>Handover took a while to execute (first time is always clumsy, i dunno about yours), so sorry about that. But slow could be good too, depends.</p>
<p>Here’s what went down:</p>
<li>We received 1% of WEN tokens as part of LFG Launchpad (0.75% will be kept for the DAO)</li>
<li>The launchpool proceeds (3.86M) were withdrawn from the launch pool and handed over to the <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@wenwencoin</a> team minus the loan with interest.</li>
<li>We set up a CPMM pool with a riskless loan of 250K with WEN tokens. Riskless meaning if the price have a massive retreat, we will absorb the loan. The interest on the loan was 10%.</li>
<li>The LP tokens from the CPMM pool was handed over to the <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@wenwencoin</a> team as well, so net we made 25K from interest from the loan, while the 250K is included in the LP tokens. Here’s what will go down next:</li>
<li>the <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">@wenwencoin</a> has indicated they will take half the proceeds and WEN from the treasury to increase liquidity depth into a regular MM pool, and it will stay there for the time being depending on market needs</li>
<li>The hype was all about the burn, but this handover process needs to be much more clear ahead of time so not to cause market panic or overly fud. Will take notes for JUP. -</li>
<li>10% feels too much, needs to figure it out. Guess it depends on time.</li>
<li>Fees earned from LPing Launchpool will belong to Jupiter, but this could be revisited</li>
<li>We are still figuring out how best to distribute the LFG tokens to the DAO / DAO voters, but we expect that process to be completed soon as well.</li>


Jupiter LFG Launchpad Beta

<p>The LFG Launchpad is our attempt as building an end to end support system for onchain launches, giving projects the best chances of success and protecting users while giving them sufficient choice and information.</p>
<p>We focus on the sufficiency of liquidity, not generating overt amounts of hype to the disadvantage of early buyers, and giving bots or bot users some early advantage (so they can also seed liquidity for sellers from the very first block) but not overtly so.</p>
<h1><a name="p-49-overview-1" class="anchor" href="#p-49-overview-1"></a>Overview</h1>
<p>We have long been dissatisfied with a whole range of economical and technical issues we have observed with other token launches, and here we list our the main ones:</p>
<h2><a name="p-49-general-launchpad-problems-2" class="anchor" href="#p-49-general-launchpad-problems-2"></a>General Launchpad Problems:</h2>
<li>Token-Gated Launchpads: Probably the worst long term incentive alignment. Unfair allocations of very low priced tokens to a privileged group of crypto users has no interest in the launched project except for the hour 1 pump. Retail who are not part of the initial group becomes exit liquidity. Privileged users leave right after, rarely becoming helpful for project</li>
<li>Uncapped Onchain IDOs: Attracts USDC funding without providing for buyer-remorse and secondary market support. Early hype for the project and the token during the launchpad process does not transition to an active secondary market.</li>
<li>Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools: Price starts high and comes down over-time, designed to penalize and demonize bots but ends up penalizing early supporters and discouraging additional buyers.</li>
<li>Deploying a token onto an CPMM: Projects have to put up USDC for the same amount of tokens they want to sell, have to decide on an initial price and the xyk curve is flat very early on and rises dramatically. Therefore, these pools often have very low liquidity, and bots are able to immediately eat up most of the early supply, and even slight later users have to buy at a dramatically higher price.</li>
<h2><a name="p-49-for-projects-launching-tokens-3" class="anchor" href="#p-49-for-projects-launching-tokens-3"></a>For projects launching tokens:</h2>
<li>They do not expose themselves to a new community of actual users and supporters</li>
<li>The risk of having a price be settled in an isolated pool and having it potentially drop right as it hits the market provides a very bad starting point</li>
<li>Most of the projects coming up also have a form of airdrop or a way to reward early users and adopters. The dynamics of that with the above, most significantly the isolated pools is very hard to predict or understand.</li>
<li>Token launches are often hard, complex and difficult to manage, with issues like infra</li>
<h2><a name="p-49-for-users-4" class="anchor" href="#p-49-for-users-4"></a>For users:</h2>
<li>Buys at a much higher price than early participants</li>
<li>Lack of backstop protection where teams get all the capital and users have no way to sell back</li>
<li>Gets hyped and have to ape in very early on</li>
<li>No liquidity if they wish to dump their airdrops asap</li>
<li>Rekted by high gas cost due to drastically increased gas requirements at the moment, or having no visibility at all into what the requirements are at all.</li>
<h1><a name="p-49-design-goals-5" class="anchor" href="#p-49-design-goals-5"></a>Design Goals:</h1>
<p>With these problems in mind, we designed the Jupiter launchpad with these ideas in mind:</p>
<li>Full Jupiter community rallying for you, the team providing operational expertise and full support staff to answer any technical issues.</li>
<li>LFG Price discovery: Everyone (airdrop recipients, bots, traders) starts at once, no complicated isolated pool mechanisms. The open market should be where discovery happens.</li>
<li>Launch pool that acts as both liquidity bootstrap immediately as well as backstop. 100% customizable for projects needs, locks team LP for days and mitigate bot advantage via a range of mechanisms.</li>
<li>Integration with full network of bots so you can choose your fav bot to use it with</li>
<li>Fully transparent on-chain market making, completely zero shennigans.</li>
<h1><a name="p-49-components-6" class="anchor" href="#p-49-components-6"></a>Components</h1>
<p>Here are the components:</p>
<h2><a name="p-49-airdrop-mechanism-for-millions-7" class="anchor" href="#p-49-airdrop-mechanism-for-millions-7"></a>Airdrop Mechanism For Millions</h2>
<p>Building off Jito’s excellent library for airdrops, we added key features to allow it to scale to millions while claim can only be enabled at a given slot.</p>
<li>Slot to start opening addresses at a given starting slot</li>
<li>Reduce hot accounts for Solana in hot events like airdrop. Because if there are like hundred thousand ppl claiming at the same time on the same merkle tree, there would have a significant percentage of txs will not go through</li>
<li>Reduce the length of proof for merkle tree. Length of proof depends of number of nodes: log2(num_of_addresses), so if number of addresses increases more, transaction size for a claiming transaction will blow up the Solana’s limit.</li>
<li>Even we do sharding, but we still maintain the single source of truth, anyone can retrieve or verify merkle root from the single list of addresses and the number of addresses for each merkle tree</li>
<h2><a name="p-49-launchpool-that-acts-as-both-bootstrap-and-backstop-liquidity-for-users-8" class="anchor" href="#p-49-launchpool-that-acts-as-both-bootstrap-and-backstop-liquidity-for-users-8"></a>Launchpool that acts as both bootstrap and backstop liquidity for users</h2>
<p>Jupiter Launchpad uses a Meteora DLMM pool that:</p>
<li>Allow single side deposit: Unlike other clmms or amms, DLMM allow user to add liquidity by only 1 token, So for token launch, token team can decide on any price curve and deposit tokens on each bin for purchase</li>
<li>Locked LP for days after token sale to maintain the backstop for tokens. Unlike other token sale platform, user can only buy, but cannot exit until the token sale done, for DLMM, the price range the team add liquidity will become the backstop for user, user can sell back the price range, token team can only get fee after that</li>
<li>Limit the amount a bot can buy in 1 transaction: that due to the nature of DLMM, a swap transaction can only cross 280 bins, that limit the number of tokens a wallet can buy in one transaction. That would prevent a single bot that can buy all tokens in pool</li>
<li>Activate by slot: for other amm, when LP add liquidity, there will have users/bot (who can snip the pool) arbitrage to buy tokens at the cheapest price. It would make difficult for token project to coordinate about time launch, and buffer time for everyone to prepare in a race. On DLMM, we do to activate trading by slot, that is transparent and fair for everyone</li>
<li>Reduce complexity for seedings liquidity. Normally, token team will need to do multisig to manage positions and create proposal to seed liquidity in a DEX platform. On DLMM, an external operator can do that on behalf of multisig, but operator can only withdraw fund to multisig. By this design, we remove the complication at the beginning, but still the maintain the security that team can easily verify after the operator done his/her job.</li>
<h2><a name="p-49-highly-intuitive-tool-to-design-the-liquidity-pool-exactly-the-way-you-want-9" class="anchor" href="#p-49-highly-intuitive-tool-to-design-the-liquidity-pool-exactly-the-way-you-want-9"></a>Highly intuitive tool to design the liquidity pool exactly the way you want</h2>
<p>Unlike other liquidity curves the point here is NOT price discovery or equilibrium, but rather liquidity bootstrapping and backstopping. Along with every project’s extremely different needs and context, a custom price curve tool is needed.</p>
<p>Enter The LFG Price Curve design, maths, paper and website is being.</p>
<p><a href="" class="onebox" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<p>This tool here to help project teams design the price curves they want, which will then automatically tell them the amount raised at different price points, executes the mathematical translation into DLMM bins etc.</p>
<p>For example, you can have a low starting price to incentive bots and early buyers, but the curve steeps strongly upwards with only a small number of tokens available for early takers before a more gentle slope occurs. This incentivizes early aggressive price action while leaving most tokens for users.</p>
<p>Alternatively, less hyped project can certainly opt for a more gentle slope with a higher starting price, which will allow everyone to acquire the tokens gradually over time without much price advantage for early buyers.</p>
<h2><a name="p-49-launch-specific-ux-for-users-10" class="anchor" href="#p-49-launch-specific-ux-for-users-10"></a>Launch Specific UX For Users</h2>
<p>We have also put in a lot of work to make a launch specific UX work.</p>
<li>Special network reporting to see the on-chain chaos</li>
<li>Full trading features but focused on the pre-ordering process</li>
<li>Ability to set limit orders and DCA to buy the tokens ahead of time</li>
<li>Automated gas but max gas protection to help users get their txns through but not pay too much gas.</li>
<h2><a name="p-49-infrastructure-scaling-11" class="anchor" href="#p-49-infrastructure-scaling-11"></a>Infrastructure Scaling</h2>
<p>We have worked with top tier RPC providers Triton and Helius to provide highly scaled up RPC support for launches, as well as enterprise level support from related infra companies like Cloudflare, Vercel and GCP.</p>
<p>In addition, we have cached as much of the requirements of the launch page as possible into the backend, allowing the frontend to only use the bare minimum of RPC calls.</p>
<h2><a name="p-49-ecosystem-support-12" class="anchor" href="#p-49-ecosystem-support-12"></a>Ecosystem Support</h2>
<p>Jupiter launchpad will be supported by all the major bots on Solana on day 1, while we are partnering with Meteora and Kamino to ensure you have a highly profitable place to market market your tokens and airdrops the moment you get them.</p>
<h1><a name="p-49-summary-13" class="anchor" href="#p-49-summary-13"></a>Summary</h1>
<p>We are trying to build the onchain launchpad we want - one that satisfies our needs of airdropping to large numbers of people, gather sufficient liquidity, but also places the needs of users in utmost respect and not leveraging hype or broken incentives.</p>
<p>There is quite a lot here, and I am sure we are missing out a lot of details, so please let us know how we can do better!</p>
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<img loading="lazy" alt="" width="24" height="24" src="" class="avatar"> meow:</div>

DAO Processes

Draft of the J4J plans

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">No time for an essay, so here’s the quick and dirty draft of the J4J plans:<br><br>1. JUP Proposal<br>- Propose 30% reduction in JUP total supply<br>- Team will voluntarily cut 30% from their assigned allocation <br>- Corresponding 30% reduction in Jupuary emissions <br>- Possible because we don’t…<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">June 19, 2024</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

DAO Processes

Wrapping Up The Community Airdrop Consultation

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Wrapping Up The Community Airdrop Consultation<br><br>Hey all, wanted to share the main changes that we are making to the community airdrop after the last few days of very intense debates. We will also share important clarifications and explain some of the hotly debated decisions…<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">November 21, 2023</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>



<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">JUP CAT PPP<br><br>Jupiter aims to build the everything exchange, push the giant unified market and help to accelerate the decentralized meta. JUP is the crucial resource and alignment mechanism at the heart of it all.<br><br>Whether from a product, adoption, or community point of view, we…<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">July 31, 2024</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

DAO Processes

Grow The Pie Update#2

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&quot;Grow The Pie&quot; Update 2: Jupiter Start<br><br>At Breakpoint, we presented 3 major initiatives to grow the Solana Pie: <a href=";src=ctag&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">$JUP</a>, Jupiter Start, and Jupiter Labs. Today, after extensive discussions with the ecosystem, we are delighted to elaborate more about Jupiter Start.<br><br>For a long time,…</p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">November 30, 2023</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

The Ethos


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">PVP - PPP<br><br>One of the most important things for me is to shift crypto from a PVP into a PPP mindset.<br><br>The difference:<br>- PPP (Player pump player) communities wants the last person in to win<br>- PVP (Player vs player) communities wants the last person in to be their exit<br><br>PPP are by…</p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">June 7, 2024</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

DAO Processes

Grow The Pie Update#1

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Grow The Pie Update #1: Community Airdrop <br><br>Hey Jups, here’s the breakdown for the first round of the community airdrop, along with a detailed rationale about how we arrived at it.<br><br>Warning: This is a long post for patient geeks only. If you are only interested in knowing your…<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">November 15, 2023</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Finance power wars

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Finance power wars. And those who controls the strings of finance decides which wars to fight and support.<br><br>The extreme centralization of finance, especially the power of very very few decision makers to print money allows them to direct constant funds to extreme levels of…</p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">April 14, 2024</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

DAO Processes

Jupuary Kickoff: Let's launch JUP together!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Jupuary Kickoff: Let&#39;s launch JUP together!<br><br>Long essay ahead, no TLDR. If you can trade you can read*<br><br>The month of Jupuary will be a month of learning. We will learn how to launch JUP together as a community, learn how to improve the infra for high stress events, and be a great…<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">January 2, 2024</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

DAO Processes

Jupiter LFG Launchpad Beta!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Jupiter LFG Launchpad Beta!<br><br>Delighted to share our very beta LFG Launchpad, the first and only system whose goal is to infuse projects with love 💕 from a genuine Jupiter DAO and community, sets them up with long term success and protects their buyers from hype, fomo and rugs.…<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">January 22, 2024</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Do you FOllow the DAO?

For the latest updates and information, follow the DAO on X.

FOllow Jup DAO


<blockquote class="reddit-embed-bq" style="height:auto" data-embed-height="auto"><a href="">COMMUNITY AMA - Snoofi x Jupiter</a><br> by<a href="">u/Opacksx</a> in<a href="">jupiterexchange</a></blockquote><script async="" src="" charset="UTF-8"></script>


J4J Draft

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">No time for an essay, so here’s the quick and dirty draft of the J4J plans:<br><br>1. JUP Proposal<br>- Propose 30% reduction in JUP total supply<br>- Team will voluntarily cut 30% from their assigned allocation <br>- Corresponding 30% reduction in Jupuary emissions <br>- Possible because we don’t… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">June 19, 2024</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Community Airdrop

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Wrapping Up The Community Airdrop Consultation<br><br>Hey all, wanted to share the main changes that we are making to the community airdrop after the last few days of very intense debates. We will also share important clarifications and explain some of the hotly debated decisions… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">November 21, 2023</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Jupuary Kickoff

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Jupuary Kickoff: Let&#39;s launch JUP together!<br><br>Long essay ahead, no TLDR. If you can trade you can read*<br><br>The month of Jupuary will be a month of learning. We will learn how to launch JUP together as a community, learn how to improve the infra for high stress events, and be a great… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">January 2, 2024</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Grow The Pie #2

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&quot;Grow The Pie&quot; Update 2: Jupiter Start<br><br>At Breakpoint, we presented 3 major initiatives to grow the Solana Pie: <a href=";src=ctag&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">$JUP</a>, Jupiter Start, and Jupiter Labs. Today, after extensive discussions with the ecosystem, we are delighted to elaborate more about Jupiter Start.<br><br>For a long time,…</p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">November 30, 2023</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Grow The Pie #1

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Grow The Pie Update #1: Community Airdrop <br><br>Hey Jups, here’s the breakdown for the first round of the community airdrop, along with a detailed rationale about how we arrived at it.<br><br>Warning: This is a long post for patient geeks only. If you are only interested in knowing your… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">November 15, 2023</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>



<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">JUP CAT PPP<br><br>Jupiter aims to build the everything exchange, push the giant unified market and help to accelerate the decentralized meta. JUP is the crucial resource and alignment mechanism at the heart of it all.<br><br>Whether from a product, adoption, or community point of view, we… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">July 31, 2024</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>



<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">PVP - PPP<br><br>One of the most important things for me is to shift crypto from a PVP into a PPP mindset.<br><br>The difference:<br>- PPP (Player pump player) communities wants the last person in to win<br>- PVP (Player vs player) communities wants the last person in to be their exit<br><br>PPP are by…</p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">June 7, 2024</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Finance power wars

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Finance power wars. And those who controls the strings of finance decides which wars to fight and support.<br><br>The extreme centralization of finance, especially the power of very very few decision makers to print money allows them to direct constant funds to extreme levels of…</p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">April 14, 2024</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


LFG Launchpad Beta

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Jupiter LFG Launchpad Beta!<br><br>Delighted to share our very beta LFG Launchpad, the first and only system whose goal is to infuse projects with love 💕 from a genuine Jupiter DAO and community, sets them up with long term success and protects their buyers from hype, fomo and rugs.… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; meow 喵 (@weremeow) <a href="">January 22, 2024</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
